"Maomao, after this video, please open the forum to 20,000 people."

Chen Shu looked at the forum with a smile on his face, and his plan could already be started.


In the video, after Etarga left, Zero took Hikari and Sho to do One Heart Training.

As for Haruno Musashi, he and other members of UPG headed towards the time and space city that landed in the wilderness. They decided to rescue the seven sealed Ultramans.

As the video progressed, Etalga eagerly wanted to seal Ultraman Ginga and Ultraman Victory, and Etalga also took action! !

The ability of the magic mirror spread to the entire world through the time and space city, and all humans in this world exuded a black energy.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

"do not come!!!"

"Help!!! Help!!!"

On the street, humans covered their heads, and Etalga's voice looped in their minds like a nightmare.

"Come out, the most feared enemy of mankind!!!"

"Dark Lukiel!!!"

A dark giant with a dark body, X-shaped scarlet eyes, and parts of his body decorated with red appeared in the city! ! !

He is the Dark Demon God who is hostile to Ultraman Galaxy. He is one entity with Ultraman Galaxy. He also turned Ultra Warriors and monsters into Spark Dolls in an attempt to stop all life and time. He is The culprit behind the Spark Doll Incident! ! !

By the time the people in the city reacted, Dark Lukiel had already appeared in the city, and the terrible sense of oppression made them panic instantly!

Subconsciously, people only think of running away.

Dark Lukiel, on the other hand, quietly watched the 'ants' fleeing below.

His gaze suddenly shifted somewhere.

There, Hikari and Sho, who had returned from training, were running towards this terrifying dark road, Gil.

Compared to the people who were fleeing in all directions, the two people who were going retrograde were as bright as bright spots in the crowd.

In critical moments, there are always heroes who need to stand up and go against the trend! !

"Xiang, it's time for us to show up."

The light in the auditorium came in front of Dark Lukiel, and he said to his partner beside him.

Xiang nodded, took out the Victory transformer, showed a cool smile on his face, and said:

"Let you see the bond between us!"

With that said, the two fist bumped!

The Ultra Fusion Transformer on Auditorium Light's wrist emits a bright light! ! !

At this time, Xiang also put the Ultraman Victory Transformer on the wrist of the auditorium light! !

"Ultraman Galaxy!!!"

"Ultraman Witcliffe!!!"

Uh-huh! ! ! !

Incomparably dazzling light bloomed from the two transformers! ! !

boom! ! ! !

A huge figure appeared from behind the light in the auditorium!

It's Ultraman Galaxy! ! !

And behind Xiang, a huge figure also appeared!

It's Ultraman Victory! ! !

Two huge Ultraman shadows slowly overlap! ! !

At the same time, Guang and Xiang in the auditorium had a perfect tacit understanding and shouted loudly in unison! ! !

"Ultraman Galaxy Victory!!!!"

Uh-huh! ! !

A brand new Ultraman appears over the city!

This is the new Ultraman who combines the power of Ultraman Ginga and Ultraman Victory, and is the fusion of Auditorium Light and Sho Yishin! ! !

Not only that, Ultraman Galaxy Victory's Ultra Fusion Bracelet also received the power of eight Ultraman.

Ultraman Tiga, Ultraman Dyna, Ultraman Gaia, Ultraman Goss, Ultraman Nexus, Ultraman Max, Ultraman Mebius, Ultraman Zero ! ! !

The eight senior Ultra Warriors all contributed their own strength without hesitation in the face of the powerful enemy.

So! ! !

Only then can a brand new Ultra Debt King (crossed out) Ultra Warrior be born! ! !

After Ultraman Galaxy Victory appeared, he slowly walked towards the dark road in front of him, El.

The camera suddenly cuts to a distant view! !

People watching the video from all over the world were shocked when they saw this scene.

Because, the dark Luchiel in the close-up view was very oppressive, but no one felt that it was any different from the villains they had seen before.

But under the long shot, they discovered that Ultraman Victory, who was already very tall, actually looked so small in front of Dark Lukiel! ! !

Yes, Dark Luge El is too tall! !

This scene made people in the world not only not feel that the terrible oppression was reduced at all, but also felt even more terrible.

How to defeat such a huge enemy? ? ?

No one knows, after all, they understand that every inch is longer and every inch is stronger, but the gap between Dark Lukiel and Ultraman Galaxy Victory is really too big! !

Just like a ravine in the sky! !

At this moment, Dark Lukiel took action! !

It looked at the extremely small Ultraman Victory in the Milky Way in front of it. I don't know if it was the illusion of the viewers. They always felt that there was a mocking smile on the face of this dark Luchiel?

And the next moment, countless meteorite-like fireballs appeared from behind the dark Luigi El, and smashed towards Ultraman Victory in the Galaxy below! !

Rumble, rumble! ! !

Rumble, rumble! ! !

Rumble, rumble! ! !

A terrible explosion sounded around Ultraman Victory in the Galaxy, and the violent explosion rolled up hot air waves.

This is like the end of the world! ! !

However, everyone who watched the video was stunned.

Because they discovered that Galaxy Victory seemed to ignore these terrible attacks, his expression remained unchanged, and his speed of action did not even change at all!

He just walked slowly towards the behemoth in front of him!

This is a terrifying enemy that embodies all human fears in the world! !

Because of this, almost everyone thinks that this must be a hard battle.


Ultraman Galaxy Victory suddenly takes action! ! !


Just listen to him let out a roar! ! !

Ultraman Ginga Victory suddenly flew up and kicked towards the terrifying Dark Luchiel! ! !

boom! ! !

I saw Ultraman Ginga Victory's attack rushing towards Dark Luchiel with an extremely terrifying momentum! ! !

Dark Lukiel subconsciously wanted to resist, and suddenly released a scarlet light from his chest towards Ultraman Victory of the Galaxy! !


Tear! ! !

Ultraman Ginga Victory's attack easily broke through Dark Lukiel's light.

Uh-huh! ! !

The next second, Galaxy Victory directly penetrated Dark Lujiel's chest! ! !

boom! ! !

Galaxy Victory landed firmly on the ground, stood up slowly, and walked straight towards the time and space city in front of him without paying any attention to the giant thing behind him.

There, his seniors are waiting for him! !

And the dark Luchiel behind him?

Haha, so unfamiliar!

People watching the video from all over the world were shocked when they saw this scene.

The camera image is still a long shot, and the scene of Galaxy Victory standing up and walking straight towards the Time and Space City, and the dark Luchiel who froze in place behind him, and a violent explosion occurred in the next second, formed an extremely clear image. Compared! ! !

one move! ! !

This is something no one expected! !

Ultraman Galaxy Victory actually defeated this terrifying looking monster with just one move! ! !

Is this dark Luigi El just an existence that is of no use? ?

No one thinks so, because the previous attacks released by Dark Lujiel have proven that he indeed has very terrifying strength! !

And the appearance of this scene can only explain...

Ultraman Galaxy Victory is so powerful! !

The video did not give the viewers any time to continue being shocked, and the screen once again cut back to a close-up view.

Ultraman Victory of the Galaxy stood quietly on the ground. He raised his head slightly and looked at the Time and Space City directly above him.

And this time! !



boom! !

Voices fell next to Ultraman Ginga Victory.

All seven Ultraman sealed by Etarga have been rescued! ! !

Ultra gangster! !

Assemble! ! !


Naruto world.

Uzumaki Naruto opened a new bucket of instant noodles, and his eyes widened when he saw this scene in the video.

Except for Ultraman Zero and Ultraman Goss, he had never seen any other Ultra Warriors before! !

"so hot!!!"

Uzumaki Naruto shouted excitedly, these Ultra Warriors were simply too handsome in Uzumaki Naruto's eyes.

"Idiot, Jiraiya-sensei asked us to assemble."

Suddenly, Uchiha Sasuke's voice came to Uzumaki Naruto's ears. He turned his head and looked, only to find that at some point, Uchiha Sasuke was already leaning against the door frame of the balcony, looking at him with a look of disgust.

"Sasuke!! Look, there are so many Ultra warriors!! They are so handsome!!"

Uzumaki Naruto didn't pay attention to Uchiha Sasuke's eyes, he was already immune to it.

The arrival of Uchiha Sasuke just satisfied Uzumaki Naruto's desire to share. He quickly adjusted the video in front of Uchiha Sasuke and shouted loudly.

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