Along with Sun Wukong's roar, Sun Wukong's punch emitted a dazzling golden light and landed on Baby Vegeta.

boom! ! ! !

The terrifying energy exploded, instantly drowning Baby Vegeta.

"How about it!?"

A smile appeared on Sun Wukong's face. He firmly believed that his attack would definitely cause considerable harm to Baby Vegeta.

However, as the smoke and dust dispersed, the smile on Sun Wukong's face gradually disappeared and turned into a look of shock.

Because not only was Baby Vegeta injured, but there was a trace of confusion on his face.

He looked around his body and asked, "Is this your power? You really haven't made any progress at all!"

After hearing what Baby Vegeta said, Sun Wukong showed an unbelievable look on his face: "How is it possible... I obviously feel that I am much more powerful than my previous self..."

"Absolutely not."

Baby Vegeta looked disdainful. At this moment, he took action!


Baby Vegeta's figure suddenly appeared behind Sun Wukong, and suddenly grabbed the tail on Sun Wukong's butt!


Sun Wukong was stunned. The next second, he felt a huge force coming from behind, and he couldn't stop flying towards the sky.


Baby Vegeta grabbed Son Goku's tail that had grown back through training and swung it in the air!

Then, he threw it towards the ground!

Rumble, rumble, rumble! ! ! ! !

Sun Wukong's body fell towards the ground like a missile.

Immediately afterwards, it smashed a huge hole in the ground like a missile hitting the ground...

But this isn't the end yet! !

Baby Vegeta is so powerful!

After Sun Wukong fell to the ground, the power had not dissipated at all, causing him to fly up and fall to another place.

Rumble, rumble! ! !

Rumble, rumble! ! !

Rumble, rumble! ! !

In this way, Sun Wukong, with sparks and lightning all the way, smashed dozens of huge holes in the ground, and then he collapsed in the last hole.

Moreover, Sun Wukong didn't know when he had exited the third stage of Super Saiyan. He was lying extremely weak, with his tail hanging casually.

No more fighting power! ! !

Everyone who watched the video was shocked! ! !

When Sun Wukong bursts out that terrifying momentum, it is far more powerful than when he saw Sun Wukong enter the third stage before!


What no one expected was that even such a powerful Son Wukong would still be as powerless in front of Baby Vegeta as before.

["This Baby is really powerful!" Everyone in the Fairy Tail Guild exclaimed with emotion as they watched Baby easily defeat Sun Wukong. 】

["This Sun Wukong is already very strong in my eyes, but Bebe looks even stronger. I really don't know how to defeat such an opponent." In the world of the Halberd-Eating Spirit, everyone who saw this scene also couldn't bear it. He couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead and sighed,】

Naruto world.

Uzumaki Naruto swallowed deeply and stared blankly at Sun Wukong, who was obviously semi-conscious in the video.

"How strong is this baby..."

Jiraiya was also extremely shocked in his heart. You must know that the momentum that Sun Wukong burst out was already more powerful than he had ever seen.

As a result, he was still vulnerable in front of Baby.


What kind of monsters are the guys in this world?

Uchiha Sasuke said nothing, but he couldn't help but clenched his fists, his eyes filled with shock at Bebe's strength and desire for that kind of powerful strength.

They were all deeply shocked at this moment...

Not only them, but also Tsunade on the side was shocked by the scene in this video.

She accepted the reward from Wanjie Video Network for being on the list, and her strength is no longer what it used to be.

But Tsunade knew very well that even now, she would never be able to withstand a move in front of this baby.


What kind of monster is it! ?

The forbidden world.

Misaka Mikoto, known as the most powerful and invincible Dengeki Princess, was a little reluctant when she saw the terrifying power displayed by Bebe, but she was still extremely shocked and said:

"This kind of monster... is no longer a strength that humans can achieve."

"Onee-sama is right."

Kuroko Shirai, who was following Misaka Mikoto, looked at Misaka Mikoto with a look of infatuation, echoing what Misaka Mikoto said.

Pirate world.

Seeing Son Goku defeated by Baby, Luffy and Usopp burst into tears, hugging each other and crying.

"How could such a monster be defeated!!"

"Damn, this kind of guy makes people really uncomfortable, but... his strength is really terrifying!!"

"Woooooo~ Mr. Sun Wukong who fights bravely is really super handsome!"

Luffy and others looked at Sun Wukong who was not afraid of strong enemies and challenged Baby again. They had already been moved by Sun Wukong's belief in their hearts and chose to support Sun Wukong without hesitation.

However, Bebe's strength is so powerful that it makes people despair and they don't know how to defeat it.

Even a rational woman like Robin is looking forward to Sun Wukong standing up again, defeating a powerful opponent like Baby, and winning the final victory.

Although, in her heart, she thought this was absolutely impossible...

Bungou Stray Dogs World.

As the protagonist, Atsushi Nakajima has not yet joined the Armed Detective Agency.

Nakajima Atsushi, who had always been alone, looked at Sun Wukong who was also fighting alone in the picture, and sighed in his heart. Inexplicably, he had a deep resonance with Sun Wukong.

Why isn't he fighting alone?

Rebellious Lelouch world.

Lelouch looked at the defeated Sun Wukong with emotion.

Facing an impossible enemy, he still did not lose the courage to challenge... How is this spirit different from his?

He is for this country...

Sun Wukong is also for all mankind...

They are all the same kind of people.

Return to the picture.

Everyone thought that the outcome of this battle had been settled.

Even Sun Wukong himself thinks so.

Baby is so powerful...

It's simply not something he can defeat now.

Feeling his consciousness gradually blurring, he knew that his body had reached its limit...

In the red sky, a blue planet came into his eyes.

That was the planet he loved...

His hometown...

Earth! !


Sun Wukong laughed at himself in a low voice.

"It seems that I can no longer protect that planet..."

"I...the hometown where I was born is with everyone. It is a place full of happy memories..."

"It's so uncomfortable. I couldn't protect myself..."

Listening to Sun Wukong whispering to himself, everyone watching the video fell silent.

They were also deeply touched by the emotion contained in Sun Wukong's words.


How sad would you feel if you couldn't protect the people and things you cherish?

And just when everyone was silent.

The picture suddenly changed!

The newly grown tail of Sun Wukong actually started to move on its own! !

What! ?

Everyone watching had a look of surprise on their faces. It was only then that they discovered that Sun Wukong was different from before.

When did he get an extra tail! ?

At this moment, Sun Wukong's heavy eyes suddenly widened! !

Boom! !

Boom! !

Boom! !

The sound of a strong heart beating came from the video! !

The next second, everyone saw the scene on the screen, and their faces showed extremely shocked expressions! !


What's happening here! ! ! .

Chapter 121 A transformation that shocked the heavens! Super Saiyan 4 appears (please customize)

【what happened! ? Such a strong heart beating sound! ? 】

[Why did Sun Wukong’s eyes turn red! ? Why do I feel so bad when I hear this beating sound of my heart? 】

[The sound of the beating heart... is so depressing, as if something is about to rush out of the picture...]

At this moment, everyone in the world watching the video had extremely uncomfortable expressions on their faces.

It’s so depressing!

The sound of the beating heart was like a heavy hammer hitting each of their hearts.

In the picture, Sun Wukong's body also began to tremble violently, and he couldn't help but scream in pain.

It seemed as if he was suffering from severe pain at this time!

As their hearts beat faster and faster, everyone couldn't help but hold their breath and stared at the pictures in the video without blinking.

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