In the picture, Sun Wukong's muscles suddenly began to swell, and veins popped out on his body! !

Suddenly, Sun Wukong's eyes turned extremely red, and he suddenly stood up in a posture that ordinary people could not do.

At this moment, Sun Wukong also let out his angry roar! ! !

His body instantly burst out with extremely terrifying energy! !

Even more terrifying than the previous third stage of Super Saiyan! !

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

Everyone who watched the video was shocked! ! !

Along with Sun Wukong's cry of pain, his appearance began to change at this moment!

Countless gravels flew towards the sky along with the energy he exuded! !

Countless lightning appeared around Sun Wukong and surrounded him! !


Sun Wukong clenched his fists, and his teeth actually began to grow full, becoming like wild beasts! ?


Not far away, Baby looked at the scene that suddenly broke out in front of him with a look of astonishment.

This was beyond his expectation.

In the picture, Sun Wukong's appearance gradually changed, and the terrifying aura actually filled the surroundings!

Boom! ! !

The earth shook! !

Under Sun Wukong's terrifying aura, the ground shook obviously.

Boom! !

The lightning flowing around Sun Wukong was bombarding the surroundings irregularly, and the surrounding environment was also extensively destroyed by the terrible thunder and lightning.

The earth is tearing apart, and the clouds in the sky seem to be split in two with a knife!

Time seemed to disappear in this moment!

boom! ! !

There was a violent explosion!

Sun Wukong's face appeared in the video, and everyone was shocked by his appearance.

Alien world!

“It’s a bit too exaggerated!!”

Zhang Chulan looked at the huge black ape in the picture, and his voice couldn't help but tremble when he spoke! !

" awesome. Who is this Sun Wukong? He actually transformed into a giant ape!?"

Sister Baoer couldn't think of any other adjectives for the scene in front of her.

In this regard, she could only make this extremely ordinary sigh!

Xu Si sat quietly aside and lit another cigarette in his hand.

At his feet were dozens of burnt cigarette butts.

Obviously, Xu Si was in a trance by the shocking scene in front of him, although he knew that the Monkey King in the video was not from the same world as him.

But Xu Si couldn't help but start to panic in his heart.

Naruto world.

“What an exaggeration!!”

Naruto Uzumaki's eyes widened, and he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

The Nine Lamas also felt this momentum, and they were afraid! ?

"Damn this really a human being?"

Uchiha Sasuke's eyes were filled with shock and jealousy.

This one can transform into a giant ape, so it must be a monster!

In the pure land world.

Uchiha Madara opened his eyes and looked at the black giant ape in the video screen, with drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

This kind of guy...

If I rely on my now strengthened strength, can I control it with the Evermark Mangekyō Sharingan?

Although he was extremely proud in his heart that he could do it, he knew very well that as soon as he took control, he would be killed by the backlash caused by the giant ape's struggle!

Pirate world!

Enelu, who had reached the top, collapsed on the ground.

Every video shocked him again and again. He already thought that his mental endurance was already very strong.

But seeing this black giant ape with an extremely terrifying sense of oppression, Enelu realized that he was still too naive.

What on earth is this monster...?

Enelu's current state looks extremely funny.

The whole person was so lost that he couldn't tell that he was the arrogant man who claimed to be a 'god'.

Inside the Navy Headquarters.

Warring States and Garp looked at the scene in the video in front of them expressionlessly.

Transforming into a giant ape is actually not a big shock to them. After all, many owners of animal fruits can also transform into various animals.

However, their eyes were still dull and numb at this time.

Because the sense of oppression and impact this giant ape brought to them was too powerful.

And seeing the existence of such terrifying strength, their hearts were completely numb.

How many strong people are there in this world? ?

They don't know, but they know that based on their strength, they cannot be called strong enough to have a place.

In front of them, there was a gap like a natural chasm in front of them, which made Garp and others completely lose the idea of ​​considering whether they could become such a powerful person.

Crane's body was trembling slightly. She tried hard to calm down and looked at the black giant ape in the picture carefully.

This kind of monster...

Maybe he can really beat Babe!

The scene continues!

Sun Wukong's body was still undergoing changes, and his black hair suddenly turned golden at this moment!

The golden giant ape appears! !

Baby was also shocked at this moment. The Vegeta he possessed naturally had all of Vegeta's memories.

He knew very well that this was called the process of ape transformation.

However, what he was very confused about was, shouldn't ape transformation only appear when the moon is full?

but why……

However, there was not that much time for Baby to think. Sun Wukong, who transformed into a golden giant ape, had completely lost his mind at this time.

Now, he started to destroy completely by relying on his own body instinct! !

At this moment, countless buildings turned into ruins under the feet of the golden giant ape.

This made Baby, who had finally rebuilt his 'home', see it with tears in his eyes! ! !

"Asshole!!! I am no longer the Zivr person I used to be!! I will never be defeated by a stupid monkey like you like before!!"

Saying that, Baby immediately raised his hands!

Countless energy was condensed in his hands.

The energy bomb begins to gather! ! !


The next second, this strong energy was sensed by Sun Wukong who lost his mind.

He picked up a huge stone with his backhand and threw it towards Baby!

boom! ! !

Baby quickly dodged and the energy bomb was forced to dissipate.


Baby looked unhappy and wanted to fight back, but the huge palm of the golden giant ape appeared in front of him! !

boom! ! !

Baby couldn't dodge and was instantly slapped away! !

Boom! ! ! !

Baby's whole body fell into the ruins of a house.

"Ahem... After turning into a giant ape, your strength has indeed become much stronger... but... you are just a stinky monkey with no brute strength!!"

Baby struggled to stand up, flew into the air, stared at Sun Wukong below with a cold face, and cursed angrily.

The irrational Sun Wukong did not talk nonsense to Baby. Suddenly, its huge body disappeared from the place!

Suddenly, the golden giant ape appeared behind Baby, clasped his hands together, and directly hammered Baby into the ground! !

Boom! ! !

Baby smashed through the ground in an instant, and his whole body lay in the ground, unable to move at all.

one strike! !

This caused the originally extremely powerful Baby to temporarily lose his fighting ability! ?

After transforming into an ape, Sun Wukong is so terrifyingly powerful! ! !

The golden giant ape did not even look at the defeated general who was easily defeated by him, and continued to wreak havoc on the surroundings.

Just when everyone thought that the golden giant ape would continue its irrational destruction, a figure appeared in front of the golden giant ape!

It’s Sun Wukong’s granddaughter, Xiaofang! !

The irrational golden giant ape did not hesitate at all, and launched an attack on his own granddaughter in full view of everyone! !

["What!? Son Goku is crazy! Isn't that his granddaughter!?" In the Fairy Tail Guild, Natsu stood up and shouted in shock. 】

["It's useless!! Sun Wukong has completely lost his mind and disowned his relatives!!" Looking at Xiaofang who didn't dodge at all, Garp from the Pirate World frowned unbearably and said. 】

["Although this state is powerful, but...if you can't control it, you will inevitably do something that you will regret..." Ultraman Zero sighed helplessly while watching the video. Wasn't he like this before? 】

However, at this moment, everyone was stunned...

They stared blankly at the golden giant ape in the picture who suddenly stopped attacking.

And that palm was only about one meter away from Xiaofang, as if it was about to beat her into a pulp in the next second!

The golden giant ape trembled crazily...

I don’t know if it was Sun Wukong’s subconscious mind or something, but it suddenly jumped high and landed on a high mountain! !

Roar! ! ! ! !

This is the angry roar of the golden giant ape! !

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