Bebe was in a panic. He tried to fight back several times, but still did not cause any effective damage to Sun Wukong.

Almost every punch and kick thrown by Baby was easily dodged by Sun Wukong.

However, every time Sun Wukong's reactionary attacks were made, Bebe ate them all without missing a beat!

Soon, Baby's face was covered with scars and blood! !

At this moment, Sun Wukong's speed suddenly increased! ! !

boom! !

The piercing hand knife directly hit Baby's carotid artery and smashed him to the ground! !

Boom! ! !

Baby was blasted directly through the ruins on the ground by this powerful force, and was hit on the second floor underground.

Sun Wukong stood quietly in the air, looking down at Baby below, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, it felt like having power, it was great!


Sun Wukong's figure fell on the ground and slowly walked towards Baby...

In the pirate world, the strong men who saw this scene opened their mouths.

"Are you kidding? Is this still the same Sun Wukong as before?"

"No... no way, why is the change in strength so terrifying? Can anyone really make such a huge leap in strength in such a short period of time!?"

"This Son Goku... no, the Super Saiyan bloodline is really terrifying!!"

In the new world, Kaido, one of the four emperors, looked at the scene in front of him and fell into deep thought.

Charlotte Lingling, who was also the Four Emperors, saw her heart beat faster and faster after seeing the powerful strength displayed by Sun Wukong. She opened her mouth in shock and sat on the chair sluggishly.

Also in the new world, in a certain casino.

A blind person was constantly observing Sun Wukong's every move after he became stronger through the pictures in his mind, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"Sun Wukong...Super Saiyan is such an interesting race. He was clearly a child before, but now..."

"The body has changed back to that of an adult, and it's still so powerful!!!"

"Perhaps there is also a transformation beyond Super Saiyan 4.".

Chapter 124 The most handsome transformation of Super Saiyan (please customize)

Naval Headquarters.

Everyone in the navy who was originally in great shock was attracted by what He said.

"Is this... really possible?"

Warring States frowned. After hearing He's proposal, he was also heartbroken.

"I don't know if it's possible, but it's feasible, isn't it? After all, Marshal, you entered that place, shouldn't you make good use of the function of that thing?"

Crane shook his head, then continued.

Hearing this, Warring States' eyes narrowed and he nodded: "I know, I will give it a try when this video ends."

Kapu raised his horn slightly and said carelessly: "I didn't expect you, He, to be able to come up with such a method. Yes, why didn't I think of it before? Forum forum... You can definitely suggest exchanging cultivation methods. !”

Warring States praised: "If it succeeds, it will not be a problem for us to improve our strength according to the training methods of those strong people!"

Soon, they paused watching the video and continued to discuss.

Naruto world.

Uchiha Sasuke clenched his teeth, and he was staring at Sun Wukong in the video.

He never thought why after Sun Wukong's body returned to an adult, although his appearance changed a little, his strength was completely different from before.

How could a person become so powerful in such a short period of time?

Uchiha Sasuke clenched his fists so hard that his nails seemed to be embedded into the flesh of his palms.

Nameless jealousy burned in Uchiha Sasuke's heart.

And Uzumaki Naruto beside him didn't have so many other thoughts.

Uzumaki Naruto's eyes were shining brightly. He was amazed by the terrifying strength displayed by Sun Wukong. The jealous Uzumaki Naruto suddenly shouted excitedly:

"Come on!!! Sun Wukong!! Defeat that bastard Baby!!"

Jiraiya and Tsunade were shocked by the images in the video, but were quickly awakened by Uzumaki Naruto's voice.

A ' # ' appeared on Tsunade's forehead, and she knocked out the whirring Uzumaki Naruto with a backhand punch.


Tsunade let out a deep breath.

It is quite now!

At the same time, return to the video screen.

Baby struggled to stand up and looked at Sun Wukong in front of him with a look of reluctance. The guy who just a moment ago was still extremely weak and was being ravaged by him at will, now the two poles were reversed and he was being ravaged at will.

How could Baby, who wanted to control the entire universe, accept this?

His eyes fell on a tall tower in the distance, which was his only hope of transforming into a giant ape!

Because there is a woman inside the tower...

It was Vegeta's genius scientist wife, Bulma, whom his baby was parasitic on! !

As early as when Sun Wukong transformed into a golden giant ape and wreaked havoc, Baby immediately informed Bulma and tried to find a way to create a special ray that turned Saiyans into giant apes.

And now Baby has seen the signal device on the tower that started to rotate automatically...

It looks like it was a success! !

In response, Baby showed a confident smile on his face.

His current strength is indeed no match for Sun Wukong, but Baby is very confident that when the prince among the Saiyans transforms into a giant ape, that kind of strength will definitely be able to crush the current Sun Wukong at will! !

boom! ! !

Suddenly, Baby suddenly flew into the sky, laughing arrogantly and looking at Sun Wukong below.

Sun Wukong frowned slightly, and his figure suddenly disappeared on the spot.

The next second!

boom! ! !

The sound of a punch to the face was heard in the air!

Immediately afterwards, a figure flew not far away from the tall tower!

Boom! ! !

The person flying out is Baby!

Everyone quickly saw how hard Sun Wukong used this punch.

After all, where Baby fell, a huge hole appeared again, which was bigger than the hole that Baby had made before.

"I'm sorry Vegeta..."

Suddenly, everyone watching the video heard Sun Wukong suddenly say such a sentence.

They were stunned for a moment, and then they saw Sun Wukong in the air, with an extremely sad look on his face and a posture that was very familiar to everyone...

"Turtle! Pie! Qi! Gong! Wave!!!"

This time, what condensed in Sun Wukong's hand was not just the blue energy ball, but also a bit of gold in it.

Moreover, streaks of lightning were attached to it, and the pressure made everyone feel frightened and frightened.

Sun Wukong is going to...

Just kill Baby and the parasitized Vegeta together! ?

At this moment, this idea came to everyone's mind.

At this time, no one noticed that dozens of signaling devices on the tower had been aimed at Babi, who was struggling to get up in the pit.

next moment……

With a look of grief on his face, Sun Wukong launched the turtle Qigong wave in his hand! !

Blue-gold light shone on Sun Wukong's face.

boom! ! !

The speed of the turtle qigong wave was extremely fast, and it landed on Baby's position in almost a few seconds.

A violent explosion broke out at this moment! ! !

Boom! !

Boom! !

Blue-gold flames surged up from the ground like the previous volcanic eruption!

The rocks and the ground collapsed again!

A simple blow of the Turtle Style Qigong Wave made everyone watching the video realize that the ground in the video screen seemed to be sinking continuously...

Just the aftermath of this turtle qigong wave was already tearing the surrounding air apart instantly, and the entire space seemed to be distorted!

And just then...

Roar! ! ! !

An extremely familiar roar came from the flames, which made everyone watching the video slightly stunned.

what's the situation?

Could it be that they were hallucinating?

Just when everyone was confused, the pictures in the video once again had an unparalleled impact on their worldview! !

Roar! ! !

In the picture, another beast-like roar came from the scene! !

Then, with everyone watching, a black giant ape suddenly rushed out from the blue-gold explosion flames, leaped high and slapped the unsuspecting Sun Wukong away! ! !

How could there be a giant ape in the explosion! ?

No one can explain this, but judging from the previous incident of Sun Wukong transforming into a golden giant ape, many smart people have successively guessed who is the person who launched a crazy attack on Sun Wukong...

Baby Vegeta! !

But what shocked them the most was after they guessed it...

Even if Sun Wukong can turn into a giant ape...

Why can Baby Vegeta change? ?

He obviously doesn't have a tail! ! ! .

Chapter 125: Giant Ape VS Super Saiyan Fourth Form (please customize)

How powerful are Saiyans who transform into giant apes?

This is a surge in combat power that cannot be counted, at least it cannot be counted now...

As everyone watched the video, they seemed to be in a state of madness as the black giant ape continued to attack Sun Wukong in the sky. Every punch and kick it made caused irreparable damage to the surrounding environment. destroy.

This kind of destruction is very shocking, even more shocking than the destructive power Baby showed before.

Obviously, Bebby, who turned into a black giant ape, is more powerful!

The expression on Sun Wukong's face in the picture is still extremely serious.

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