In the fourth form of Super Saiyan, he still has a lot of physical strength at this time, but if he continues to fight the giant ape, it is absolutely impossible for his physical strength to be able to defeat this irrational gorilla!

Therefore, Sun Wukong chose to temporarily close the fight and let this crazy guy exhaust his energy first.

As a result, Sun Wukong never expected that his idea of ​​avoiding the battle seemed to be seen through. The big chimpanzee immediately got close to him, not giving Sun Wukong a chance to distance himself.

"Damn it!"

Sun Wukong cursed secretly. He didn't know why the crazy black giant ape would adopt such a shocking tactic. But the next second, before Sun Wukong could think about it, he was suddenly slapped by the huge black giant ape. The shot flew out.


Looking at Sun Wukong who fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment, the black giant ape suddenly laughed.


Sun Wukong was stunned. He suddenly realized that the situation of this black giant ape seemed different from when he turned into a giant ape! ?

He...didn't fall into madness! ! !

"Did you find it?"

The black giant ape spoke, and Baby's voice came.

"I am parasitic on Vegeta's body, so even if I become a giant ape, this powerful body is still controlled by me... I... have not been affected in any way at all!"


The sky cleared up and the rain stopped, and Baby felt like he was doing well again.

After all, now that he has transformed into a giant ape, his strength is extremely terrifying. Baby doesn't even know what he should do to lose to Sun Wukong.

And the next second, Baby was severely slapped in the face by reality.

Sun Wukong stood up and suddenly charged towards the black giant ape! !

boom! ! !

Sun Wukong's iron head instantly hit the black giant ape's abdomen!

Despite the giant ape's strong defensive power, Sun Wukong's face was extremely distorted in front of Sun Wukong's attack that slammed into Iron Head.

Immediately afterwards, such a huge body of the black giant ape was forcefully knocked away by Sun Wukong.

"Come on...Babe, let's get on with it."

Sun Wukong slowly stopped in the air, looked at the black giant ape below with a serious expression, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with a sneer.

Round three...

continue! !

The world of Fairy Tail.

Natsu, Gray and the others had their eyes widened, and their mouths were as long as they could swallow a table.

They were stunned by the scene before them.

Why can Baby Vegeta turn into a giant ape? ?


Why is it that he has become a giant ape and is not the opponent of Sun Wukong?

How much stronger has Sun Wukong become in this short period of time? ? ?

"It's so interesting... I really want to see this world..."

Natsu swallowed a sip of saliva. In the picture, the blue flames bursting out from the turtle style Qigong waves must be delicious, right? ?



Opening his mouth, Natsu spurted out a stream of fire. If there wasn't anyone else in front of Natsu at this time, a fight would have been inevitable.

"This feeling of excitement is so great!"

"This battle will probably be very fierce!"

Even Erza was very interested in the next battle between Sun Wukong and the black giant ape.

After all, you can learn a lot from just watching the battle of a strong person of this level.

"This level of destructive power has long surpassed the strongest existence in our world!"

Makarov found that if the two sides of the battle were placed in his own world, the entire world would be destroyed in less than a day.

Dragon Maid World.

"Hoho~~ Such a decent fight! Now the fight is really getting more and more passionate!!! It's so exciting!!!!"

"There are still some strong among you humans!"

Thor hugged Kangna and watched with interest the battle between Sun Wukong and the black giant ape transformed into Baby.

However, the sweat dripping down her forehead seemed to indicate that her heart was not as tough as what she said.

And this is also true. Thor knows very well that if it were him this time, the guy named Sun Wukong would probably be roasting dragon meat...

However, after all, Kangna was still there, and no matter how weak Thor felt inside, the words he spoke were still extremely strong!

He has such a tough mouth, I guess even after the dragon died, he still has a tough mouth!

In the world of fate, watching Sun Wukong and Bebe display their fighting power that refreshed the world view time and time again, Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, could not maintain his grace, and the wine glass in his hand fell to the ground without any reaction.

The demon destroys the world, and Wumei, who had already been seriously injured, was frightened and fainted by the momentum of the confrontation between Sun Wukong and Bebe.

In the world of Teliga, the ancient giants who had just awakened saw the terrifying momentum gathered by Sun Wukong and Baby. They swallowed deeply, looked at each other, and decided to stay put for the time being.

In the world of Imperial Riders, when Overhaulka saw this scene, he no longer had the idea of ​​​​annihilating the Kamen Rider. At this time, he was only thinking about how to save his life. The world is lucky enough to survive!

At this time, the overhaul card is really afraid that in addition to the Kamen Rider, a bald caped man or a Super Saiyan will pop out.

If they appear and pull out those Ultramans and Saints, then his Overhaul Card will definitely not be able to survive even if he has a hundred lives!

"The outside world is really scary... Sure enough, I'd better not think about destroying the Kamen Riders...".

Chapter 126 Recovery! hatred! die! Death! bomb! Super galaxy explosion (please customize)

The world of slick ghosts

Nura Rikuo: "Super Saiyan... can actually turn into a giant ape, it's really scary!"

Oikawa Hingrei: "This guy named Bebe didn't lose control like Sun Wukong? Why is that?"

Yuzhang: "These two guys are so strong!"

Dog Phoenix: "I will not lose to this group of people, team leader!"

Hanakain Xiuyuan: "What a terrible smell... I feel like my legs are getting weak!"

Earth Spider: “These two guys are countless times scarier than the scariest monsters I have ever seen!!!!

death world

Urahara store.

Urahara Kisuke: "Haha~ That guy named Baby looks very bad! You can see it too, Yoruichi!"

Yoruichi: "Well, although the guy named Bebe did not lose control after transforming into a giant ape like Sun Wukong, it can be seen that Bebe is a little bit reluctant to control the body after transforming into a giant ape."

Inoue Orihime: "But this Zifur named Bebe is actually a poor person."

Urahara Kisuke shook his head: "It's pitiful, but that doesn't mean he can do whatever he wants. No matter who sees his behavior, he will definitely resist strongly, just like Sun Wukong and others."

In the picture, Sun Wukong and the black giant ape transformed into Baby are looking at each other.

Both of them were trying their best to gather their energy, and they were constantly looking for flaws in each other.

At this time, whoever strikes first is more likely to be at a disadvantage.

After all, there is no obvious difference in the current strength between the two...

In a battle between strong men, even a small flaw will be the key factor in defeat!

At this time, the momentum between the two had reached its peak, and at the same time, Baby's body also changed!

His hair also began to slowly turn golden!

The golden giant ape form is activated! !

boom! ! !

Sun Wukong and Bebe, as if they had a telepathic connection, at this moment, both exploded the energy they had gathered in their bodies, and launched an attack on each other! !

Bebe, who transformed into a golden giant ape, was obviously stronger by a stage, and his speed was actually as fast as Son Goku in the fourth stage of Super Saiyan! ! !

Roar! ! !

A beast roar sounded, and terrifying flames spurted out from the mouth of the golden giant ape! ! !


Sun Wukong's movements are faster than him!


In a flash, Sun Wukong disappeared on the spot, came behind Baby, and kicked the opponent in the back of the head with a flying kick!

boom! ! !

The terrible force instantly kicked Baby away and fell down the cliff caused by Baby's ape transformation!

"I have so much power, but if I don't know how to use it, I will never be able to defeat me."

Sun Wukong narrowed his eyes and immediately chased Baby below!

Not far away, Sun Wukong's figure suddenly flickered, followed by a jet of fiery flames passing by Sun Wukong!

After Sun Wukong quickly dodged a few times, a happy smile immediately appeared on his face.

"good chance!!!"

He put the index and middle fingers of his right hand together and put them in front of his forehead!

"Next, we need to instantly transfer this guy to a planet without people... How about transferring it to Kaioshin Realm!"

However, the next second, Sun Wukong, who was about to initiate teleportation, changed his expression and quickly stopped his action.

Because I don’t know when, the golden giant ape transformed by Baby suddenly stretched out a hand, and a small energy bullet condensed on his finger, and was about to hit Sun Wukong’s body.


Sun Wukong's figure disappeared again, but this time there was no way to continue to move instantaneously, because the moment he avoided the attack, Baby also widened the distance between him and Sun Wukong.

Not only that, while Baby was in the air, he also took this opportunity to raise his hands and condensed an extremely terrifying black energy ball! !

complex! hatred! die! Death! bomb! ! !


Sun Wukong's forward strength was exhausted, and his remaining strength could not be adjusted immediately. Faced with the extremely fast revenge death bullet, Sun Wukong was completely unable to make any dodge.

Although he caught the black energy ball, he was still pushed into the bottomless cliff by the powerful thrust.

Boom! ! !

After a few seconds, the energy of the black energy ball exploded!

A violent explosion occurred from the cliff, and the aftermath of the energy instantly destroyed all the surrounding rock walls! !

Groups of underground magma flew out from below with the explosion, splashing everywhere!

Baby's combat IQ is actually constantly growing! ?

This is an extremely terrible thing!

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