Both sides suffer! ! ! .

Chapter 132 Rewards issued by Wanjie Video Network (please customize)

Naruto world.

The land of bliss.

"What an amazing fight."

Madara Uchiha crossed his arms, looked at the scene on the video screen in front of him with half-squinted eyes, and sighed.

The final blow between Baby and Sun Wukong caused both of them to lose, and he couldn't help but recall the battle between himself and his best friend Senju Hashirama.

The same lose-lose situation, the same fatal blow.


He finally took away Senju Hashirama's cells and survived for decades to complete what he considered to be an extremely 'great' plan.

Now, although Uchiha Madara has not been resurrected yet, his horizons have already been opened, and he has even begun to doubt the 'Eye of the Moon' plan that Black Zetsu mentioned.

He always felt that there seemed to be something wrong.

"That's all, keep reading."

Uchiha Madara quietly looked at the progress bar of the video in front of him, which was still one-tenth of the way. He immediately put aside the scattered thoughts in his mind and stared directly at the screen.

The fighting skills in the picture have also greatly improved for him.


He also has an award from Wanjie Video Network!

Fate world.

"What a funny guy."

Gilgamesh looked at the scene in the video, and his words did not hide his admiration for Sun Wukong and Baby's fighting spirit.

As the fifth king of Uruk, a city-state in the early dynasty of Sumer in ancient Mesopotamia, Gilgamesh was extremely proud and his vision was naturally very critical.

But in the video, when Saitama, Saints, Saiyans and even Ultraman appeared, he never stopped being shocked.

Gilgamesh is extremely confident in his own strength, and he also admires the strong.

Although he was reluctant to admit it, Gilgamesh knew that with his own strength, there was no way he could take advantage of these existences.

This also made him appreciate the strong men in this series of videos even more!

The strength of Exploding Star is still too far away for him...

"I wonder what kind of exciting battles I will witness next? Can it still be of this level?"

Gilgamesh's eyes flashed with something strange. He didn't think that besides this kind of existence, there would be so many guys who could reach the explosive star level.

Pirate world.

Naval Headquarters.

Garp didn't care at all about the outcome in the video, he just turned his nose and said carelessly: "Oh? It seems that the final result is a lose-lose situation, right?"

Warring States nodded in disbelief: "Both sides will suffer losses? But this is already shocking enough."

Regarding Sengoku's words, other senior naval officials also agreed with him.

The fighting power that was unleashed in the final battle between Sun Wukong and Bebe just now was too astonishing. Can they achieve such terrifying power even if their physical strength is exhausted?

The strength of these two prosperous people is probably beyond their imagination.

"I really don't know how these guys practice. The Saiyan bloodline... is really terrifying."

He sighed. She didn't know if it was her imagination. In the video, she observed that the strength of the two Saiyans seemed to have a slight increase after being injured. Although it was very weak, He It feels like that might not be an illusion.

Therefore, for the Saiyan bloodline, Crane's eyes unconsciously revealed a trace of envy and greed.

Who wouldn't want to have such a terrifying bloodline?

And back to the picture.

The golden giant ape transformed by Baby and Son Goku in the fourth stage of Super Saiyan fell to the ground, both of them seemed to have fallen into a coma from exhaustion.

Is this the end of this battle?

This is the thought that comes to everyone's mind.

"No!!! It's not over yet!! Master Baby will not lose so easily!!"

At this time, in the control center of the tower, Bulma had a ferocious look on her face. She had been completely controlled by Baby. Naturally, she would not be willing to watch Baby and Sun Wukong lose both sides like this.

I saw Bulma in the picture, suddenly coming to the console. After pointing at the console and performing a series of operations that most people could not understand, a violent loud noise came from the tower! !

At this moment, the camera suddenly cut back to the exterior scene, allowing everyone to see the scene outside!

All the radars on the tower were pointed at Baby's huge body.

At this time, it started to rain, and countless lightning flashed in the dark clouds, as if indicating that the final battle was coming.

At the same time, everyone watching the video saw a small video appear in the lower right corner.

It was a person they had never seen before, holding a small bottle in his hand and constantly spraying it on those controlled by Babe.

As the red smoke rises, those being controlled seem to be gradually getting out of control.

On the main screen, Bulma in the control room gritted his teeth and looked at the radars when everything was ready, and shouted!

"Boores light!!! Launch!!!"

The radars emitted turquoise lights that gathered in the sky! !

Finally, a reflection fell on Baby!


The unconscious Baby was shrouded in Boers' light, and his body began to tremble subconsciously.

Burslight is constantly recovering and strengthening Baby's physical strength and strength!

However, no one noticed that Sun Wukong, who was lying not far away, had his tail wagging continuously with the illumination of Boors light.

The tail is helping Sun Wukong absorb the energy of Boers Light! !

"Hurry up and stand up!! Master Baby!!"

Bulma looked at Baby still lying on the ground in the console screen and shouted anxiously.

Bulma's 'wish' was soon realized, and Baby gradually woke up under the illumination of Boers' light.

"Why!? Why is my whole body filled with power?"

Baby shouted in confusion, and the muscles on his body continued to strengthen.

Soon, as the Boerce light disappeared, although Baby did not regain his previous strong physical strength, he was still able to move around again.

boom! ! !

Powerful Qi exploded on Baby's body, sending all the surrounding rubble flying away! !

Feeling the powerful power within her body, a ferocious smile appeared on Baby's face.

“I feel great now!!!”

Baby's extremely arrogant laughter echoed in the billowing smoke.

In Baby's heart, Sun Wukong has been defeated, and no one can stop him from carrying out his plan to turn everyone in the universe into Zful people.

And just then...

"Baby, are you too complacent?"

Chapter 133 The strongest combat power in the universe! All members gather (please customize)

Baby was stunned.

He turned around in disbelief, as if he wanted to confirm that the voice he heard before was an illusion.

However, when he turned around, the person in front of him filled his face with disbelief and anger.

"Sun Wukong!!!"

Seeing the extremely angry Baby, Sun Wukong sat on a huge stone with a contented look on his face, and sneered at Baby.

"Hello, you must have taken too long. I'm tired of waiting."

Looking at the energetic Sun Wukong, although Baby didn't know why the other party was in this state, he still said in reply: "You still have the energy to speak."

"I also took a good rest when you fell. I'm still looking forward to the battle with you."

The corners of Sun Wukong's mouth raised slightly, as if he hadn't had enough of the fight yet.

However, seeing the appearance of Sun Wukong in the picture, everyone watching the video couldn't help but frown.

One Punch Man.

"He's reached his limit."

Saitama suddenly spoke with a solemn look on his face.


Genos was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Sun Wukong in the video. He looked extremely comfortable, but it didn't look like he had reached his limit.

"Although his momentum is still so amazing, I can feel that in comparison with Baby, Sun Wukong has reached his limit."

Saitama said expressionlessly. He believed in his feelings very much. He could clearly feel the momentum emanating from the two of them, although they were still evenly matched.

But Saitama still felt the slightly strange fluctuations in Sun Wukong's momentum.

You must know that in the battle between strong men, there are ups and downs in momentum, which are extremely fatal 'mistakes' in the confrontation of momentum!

That's why Saitama is so determined. Even though Sun Wukong in the video looks relaxed and still has the strength to fight, in fact, he is just trying to hold on.

"If it is true as Teacher Saitama said...then...Mr. Sun Wukong, isn't it very dangerous?"

Genos was shocked, not to mention that Sun Wukong, who had reached his limit in the video, could still explode with such terrifying momentum.

Just the fact that Saitama can judge that Sun Wukong's state has reached the limit through his momentum is enough to shock Genos's outlook on life.

Back in the picture, Sun Wukong looked at Babi quietly in front of him, and at this moment, Babi suddenly launched an attack on Sun Wukong!

"go to hell!!!"

Baby roared, raised his fist and smashed it towards Sun Wukong's position.

boom! ! !

With one punch, smoke and dust flew everywhere!

A huge pothole was smashed out by Baby easily!

At this time, behind Baby, a small figure appeared there, looking at Baby seriously.

Baby noticed Sun Wukong's anger, turned around and looked at Sun Wukong.

"I was too childish just now and didn't understand the situation, but this time I will definitely kill you!!"

A ferocious smile appeared on Baby's mouth, as if Sun Wukong was already a plate of side dishes in his hands.

Hearing Baby's words, Sun Wukong laughed out loud and mocked: "Since your name is Baby, of course you can only act like a child."

However, Sun Wukong, who looked calm, was not as relaxed as he appeared on the inside.

Now, as Saitama said, he doesn't have much strength anymore. Moreover, because of Baby's attack before, every muscle in his body is extremely sore, and even his hands and feet are a bit inoperable.

However, facing Baby and the thousands of people on earth who are still waiting for him to save, even though Sun Wukong knows that his chances of winning are not great, he still will not choose to back down.

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