Because he is from Earth!

These earthlings...

They are all his compatriots! !

Baby flew in front of Sun Wukong and looked into Sun Wukong's eyes quietly: "Then, let's have a formal battle now."

When Sun Wukong heard this, he slightly raised the corner of his mouth, assumed a fighting posture, and responded: "Ah~ I also hope that there will be a real result between us. I want to show you the strength of the fourth stage of Super Saiyan. How awesome is it!"

As soon as Sun Wukong finished speaking, Baby in front of him took the lead in launching an attack without any sense of martial ethics.

I saw it suddenly opened its mouth and aimed at Sun Wukong with a huge roar! !

Roar! ! ! !

The terrifying sound waves impacted the surrounding air with vast power! !

The entire air exploded instantly, and an extremely terrifying air wave burst out and rushed towards Sun Wukong.


Sun Wukong, whose body was already a little unruly, never expected that Baby would cheat without respecting martial ethics! Come and sneak attack an old man like him who is nearly fifty years old.

Almost instantly, the air wave hit him, sending Sun Wukong flying away.

Boom! ! !

Sun Wukong directly smashed through a huge stone pillar, and fell to the ground completely uncontrollably. He was carried by the inertia and rolled dozens of circles on the ground before finally stopping reluctantly.

Baby, on the other hand, looked at the extremely embarrassed Sun Wukong with a sneer, and slowly walked towards him.

He regained his strength and now seemed extremely confident.

Moreover, Baby also discovered something was wrong with Sun Wukong.

"Aren't you going to attack? Don't you want to decide the winner faster?"

Baby grinned. He felt that Sun Wukong's energy had dropped a lot, and he immediately realized that the Sun Wukong in front of him was actually just showing off.

Sun Wukong, on the other hand, gritted his teeth. Maybe it was his imagination, but Baby's anger seemed to be stronger than before.

Feeling Sun Wukong's embarrassment, Baby smiled ferociously: "Then, I'm going to attack!"

As he spoke, Bebe suddenly swung a punch and hit Sun Wukong with great accuracy!

"Sure enough!! This guy doesn't have much power anymore!"

Seeing Sun Wukong who was knocked away by him and embedded in the stone wall in the distance, Baby showed an excited smile on his face.

He knew that Sun Wukong would definitely die now! ! !

Immediately afterwards, in the video, there was a personal show of killing Monkey King by Baby! ! !

Countless fire bombs were fired from Baby's mouth and landed directly on Sun Wukong in the distance.

Rumble, rumble! !

Rumble, rumble! !

Rumble, rumble! !

Sun Wukong's body was like a small boat in the sea, being blown away over and over again by the air waves generated by the explosion.

Until finally, the explosion stopped, and Sun Wukong fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"As expected, you have no strength at all... However, what I have to do will not change... that is!!! Kill you!!!"

Baby said, and suddenly punched the ground, smashing Sun Wukong into the ground.

puff! ! !

A mouthful of blood spat out from Sun Wukong's mouth.

This time he...

I really can’t resist! !

"go to hell!!!"


boom! ! !

Just then! ! !

When Baby was about to give Sun Wukong the final blow, waves of qigong suddenly hit Baby! !




Uh-huh! !

Four figures descended on Sun Wukong and quickly took him away from Baby!

"You... you..."

Sun Wukong struggled to open his eyes, and when he saw the person holding him, there was a look of shock on his face.

Sun Wutian!

Son Gohan!


And his granddaughter Xiaofang! ?

"Sorry, Dad, we're late."

Sun Wuhan placed Sun Wukong on a flat ground with an extremely guilty expression on his face.

Immediately afterwards...

Their eyes looked coldly at Baby in the distance! !

Saiyan! !

Assemble! ! .

Chapter 134 Journey to the West! Jade Emperor (please customize)

"Gohan, Goten...Trunks, you guys?"

Sun Wukong stared blankly at the four people standing in front of him. He was a little confused now.

Because, from Sun Wukong's point of view, Gohan, Goten and Trunks should all have been controlled by Baby.

But, why would they stand in front of him at this time?

"Dad, I'm sorry, we did so many bad things before."

Sun Wuhan spoke, he turned his head and glanced at Sun Wukong with a guilty look on his face, and said.

"Are you...are you free of control?"

When Sun Wukong heard Sun Wuhan's words, he immediately knew that his former son, Sun Wuhan, was back. He asked with a happy smile on his face.

"Yes, Dad, we were freed from Baby's control by Kaioshin-sama using super divine water."

Sun Wutian nodded, and he looked at the huge golden ape in front of him with a serious face. The powerful sense of oppression was stronger than any enemy he had ever encountered.

"Mr. Wukong, let's hold Baby down first, and you can find a way to leave first."

Trunks kept saying that he knew very well that he and others could not be Baby's opponents. The only one who could fight Baby was Sun Wukong.

However, Sun Wukong's state has now reached its limit. If he continues to fight, he will inevitably die here.


If someone is going to die, it's their duty! ! !

Naruto world.

"What...what is going on? Why was their control released!?"

At the base of Konoha Village, Danzo looked at the video in disbelief.

After seeing Baby controlling these people, he couldn't help but touch the Mangekyō Sharingan transplanted on his eyes.

This is Uchiha Shisui's Sharingan.

There is one of the most powerful illusions inside...

No god!

And it was precisely because both of them controlled others that Danzo was extremely envious of Baby's abilities.

There is no other reason for this, because after using it once, other gods have a cooling time of more than ten years before they can use it next time.

But Baby's Parasitism has no cooling time at all.

Danzo even fell into jealousy towards Babe for a time. He was jealous that Babe could possess such powerful strength and also possess such desirable abilities.

But now, he feels that his world view has been impacted.

Baby's parasitism has been lifted?

Why was it lifted! ?

Kaioshin? Super magic water?

What it is? ?

Is there such a divine thing in the world? ?

Several thoughts flashed in Danzo's mind instantly, but he was unwilling to believe the facts in front of him.

"Damn... If Sun Wukong's world has a restraining drug like Super Divine Water to deal with Baby's parasitism, then will other gods in our world also..."

Danzo was immediately startled by this idea and broke into a cold sweat.

This is his ultimate trump card!

He will never allow any factors that can overturn his ultimate trump card to appear!

"No, we have to have people search for various magical medicines in the ninja world. We must not let other gods be cracked by something like super divine water!! Absolutely not!!"

A ferocious look appeared on Danzo's face. In order to become Hokage, he would never accept anything happening beyond his control! !

Danzo's eyes fell on the video again. This time, his eyes fell on a purple-skinned young man flying from the sky behind Sun Wukong in the video.

His eyes were fixed on the bottle in the arms of the purple-skinned young man.

That is super divine water! !

It’s really something that makes people love and fear at the same time! !

Journey to the West.


The Jade Emperor looked at the super divine water in the video screen, turned his head and looked at Taishang Laojun not far away.

"Laojun, can you refine something exactly like this thing called Super Divine Water?"

Taishang Laojun looked embarrassed, and after restraining himself from looking at the Jade Emperor like an idiot, he sighed and said: "Back to Your Majesty the Jade Emperor, I need a formula for refining this magical thing called Super Divine Water. It’s hard to tell the recipe from the video.”

The Jade Emperor sighed, reluctantly looking away from the super divine water in the video screen, and continued to ask: "Then, can you refine a divine object that is almost the same as this super divine water and has similar functions?"

Taishang Laojun wanted to curse after hearing this. Is this thing just refined? What's more, I still don't know very well what the full function of this super divine water is.

At present, we only know that it seems that this troublesome control can be released. Other than that, there is no other information. How can an old man like him, who has lived for who knows how many years, refine it?

But after thinking about it, although the Jade Emperor's mind was not very good, Taishang Laojun still replied: "His Majesty the Jade Emperor, I can't do it."

If the reason is not straight, the anger will be strong!

Jade Emperor: "???"

Looking at Taishang Laojun who confidently said that he couldn't do it, the Jade Emperor's mouth twitched slightly, then waved his hands and said: "In that case, forget it, it's a pity..."

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