With that said, the Jade Emperor's eyes fell on the super divine water again, still reluctant to let go.

In his opinion, this kind of divine thing should have been enjoyed by gods like them, but the result... What a pity, what a pity!

Return to the video screen.

Kaioshin came behind Sun Wukong, and Sun Wuhan and the others were preparing to fight to buy time for Sun Wukong and the others to leave.

At this moment, Sun Wukong spoke.

"Stop! You can't beat me!"

Sun Wukong's words stunned Sun Wutian and Trunks, who were about to merge together.

"But as long as we integrate, we can all attack together..."

Sun Wutian looked at his father and said something, but Sun Wukong slowly walked in front of everyone, looked at Baby who was getting closer and closer, and smiled helplessly:

"Even if you fuse and become Gotenks, and then gather everyone's strength to attack together, the hope of defeating that guy is still slim..."

At this time, Babi, who was already a little impatient with Sun Wukong and others, shouted: "Have you discussed it yet!? No matter who of you comes! I can tear you into pieces!!!"


A strong momentum erupted from Baby's body, causing a violent turbulence all around! !

"Dad! What should we do then!?"

Seeing Baby's appearance, Sun Wuhan looked at Sun Wukong again, with an anxious look on his face.

Because of Sun Wukong's words, Sun Wuhan was a little confused and desperate at this time.

Sun Wukong glanced at Sun Wuhan, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said:

"No...for now, there is another way...".

Chapter 135: Super Saiyan IV at full state (please customize)

After hearing Sun Wukong's words, everyone cheered up and quickly looked at Sun Wukong, wanting to know what method Sun Wukong was talking about.

And Sun Wukong didn't show off. He walked to the front of the team, looked directly at Baby quietly, and said: "Give me all the power you have to become a Super Saiyan. This will definitely... enable me to become a Super Saiyan." The fourth stage of Super Saiyan at full energy."

After hearing Sun Wukong's words, whether it was Gohan Goten, Trunks, or Kaioshin, all had extremely surprised expressions on their faces.

Xiaofang looked at Sun Wukong even more worriedly.


"There is only one way now."

Sun Wukong turned his back to everyone, looked seriously at Baby, who was gradually becoming irritable, and said.

"As long as I can transform into the fourth stage of Super Saiyan at full energy, I will never lose to him."

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, at this moment, Xiaofang, who had witnessed the fourth stage of the Super Saiyan beating Baby, suddenly said with great joy:

"That's right!!! I can testify! Grandpa's strength in the fourth stage of Super Saiyan at its peak is simply amazing!!"

And it was not only Sun Wuhan and others who heard this plan, but Baby also heard Sun Wukong's words.

However, after hearing Sun Wukong's words, his face instantly became extremely embarrassed.

He recalled the previous situation when he was ravaged by Sun Wukong like a toy, and it was immediately clear that he could never let Sun Wukong's plan succeed!

"Your idea is great!!! But are you sure you can succeed!?"

Baby suddenly spoke!

This time, he was not as arrogant and arrogant as before. Instead, in front of everyone's surprised eyes, he opened his big mouth and launched an attack on Sun Wukong and others! !


A look of astonishment appeared on Kaioshin's face, he shouted loudly, and flew towards a safe location in the distance while holding the super divine water.

Seeing this, Sun Wuhan and others quickly helped Sun Wukong fly into the sky.

However, Beibi's sudden and unusual behavior completely convinced Sun Wufan and others of Xiaofang's previous words.

In the fourth stage of Super Saiyan at its peak, Baby is absolutely unbeatable.


boom! !

boom! ! !

Countless attacks were shot out from Baby's mouth, constantly chasing Son Gohan and others who were deftly dodging in the sky. Seeing Son Sora and other Saiyans flying farther and farther away, the expression on Baby's face became more and more intense. He became nervous and quickly chased after him.

Spirit Cage World

"Hahahahaha!! This big monkey is panicking!" Xia Dou looked at Beibi who was chasing Sun Wuhan and others in great embarrassment. He suddenly felt very happy and said with gloating.

"Idiot...Based on Baby's pursuit, these Saiyans have no time and space to transfer their energy to Sun Wukong. In the end, it is only a matter of time before Baby wins."

"Unless...there are other factors."

Bai Yuekui's observation skills are still outstanding. She analyzed it almost instantly. The situation in the video picture at this time was obviously unfavorable to the Saiyan side. There were ways to break the situation, but with the strength of Sun Wuhan and others It's simply impossible.

So, if there are no other special circumstances...

The Saiyan side that cannot transfer energy to Son Goku is almost certain to lose.

"Ah!? What should we do!?"

When Xia Dou heard Bai Yuekui's words, her expression turned bitter. In her heart, she really didn't want Bebi, the ugly golden monkey, to obtain the final holy power.

Bai Yuekui, on the other hand, was not anxious at all and quietly watched the scenes in the video.

Can't say it...

Will there be a turning point?

Bai Yuekui thought to himself, and began to recall the entire video, wanting to search for it...

Where is the turning point for the Saiyans?

This is also a very effective exercise for her to see the overall situation!

The world of One Punch Man.

In a certain apartment, there was a sudden sound of glass breaking.

"What an arrogant idiot."

The evil wolf looked at Baby who was clearly panicked in the video and started to chase the Saiyans, with a look of disdain on his face.

He believed that if he were present, the first thing he would do would be to take the initiative to eliminate all these guys who were not as powerful as him to avoid future troubles.

Instead of being like Babe, who stood there stupidly and listened to them discuss countermeasures, only to take action after finding out that the countermeasures posed a great threat to himself.

Isn't this a pure injustice?

Therefore, the evil wolf despised Baby's NC behavior, and was a little helpless as to why the 'villains' he saw seemed to be missing a piece of their brains.

Not decisive at all!

This leaves the Wolf in doubtful contemplation of the bad guy business.

Is it possible...

There is no future for being a bad guy?

Only being a hero has a future?

As soon as this thought appeared in the evil wolf's mind, he immediately threw it away.

"Hmph! Absolutely impossible!"

The evil wolf snorted and looked at the picture in the video again.

In the picture, Sun Wuhan and others were fleeing in confusion under Baby's attack.

At this moment, Sun Wukong suddenly saw a huge pothole in front of him!

He quickly signaled to Sun Wuhan to lead Baby in that direction!

Sun Wuhan very obediently lured Baby to fly towards the area planned by Sun Wukong, and this was when Baby had just stepped onto the edge of the huge pothole! !

"Sun Punch!!!!!"


Sun Wukong used up the last bit of strength in his body! !

Aimed at Baby and used a sun punch! ! !

The dazzling light burst out from Sun Wukong's body instantly!

"What!!! What on earth is this!!!"

It was also the first time for Baby to face Sun Fist, and he was caught off guard by this blinding attack.

And also because of the lack of vision, behind Baby is an abyss! !

Click! !

As expected, Baby slipped and his whole body fell directly towards the abyss!


Baby covered her eyes in great pain and cried out.

"It's now!!!"

Sun Wukong shouted!

Sun Wuhan and others understood instantly, and arrived in front of Sun Wukong almost in the blink of an eye! ! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

In an instant, Son Gohan, Son Goten, and Trunks! !

The three Saiyans collectively burst out with energy and entered Super Saiyan mode! !

Super Saiyan Power! ! !

Start passing! ! !

Win or lose, it’s up to you! ! .

Chapter 136 He is too tired! The name Sun Wukong! Deeply touched everyone (please customize)

What does it feel like for Super Saiyans to explode together?

This time, everyone who watched the video could really feel what the experience was like.

Terrible aura erupted from Sun Wuhan, Sun Wutian and Trunks, and Sun Wukong's aura also increased extremely quickly.

"Grandpa! I'm here to help you too!!"

At this time, a little girl rushed out of the video screen. She fell behind Sun Wukong and tried her best to burst out her not particularly powerful momentum.

However, everyone was moved by Xiaofang who worked hard and wanted to contribute.

This child...

He is also a descendant of Saiyans! ! !

Perseverance in fighting will and indomitable fighting spirit!

This is the fighting nation Saiyans!

Even if...

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