The same goes for Xiaofang, who is only a quarter Saiyan!

The smile on Sun Wukong's face became extremely pleased.

These are his descendants, and these are the people he wants to protect as he continues to grow stronger!

However, it is impossible for Baby to watch Sun Wukong's strength return to its peak.

At this time, he also calmed down and immediately flew out from the bottomless crack in the ground, looking at Sun Wukong and the other Saiyans with a ferocious expression.

"Don't even think about it!!!"

Baby roared angrily, and he would never allow his hope of victory to be broken like this.

Super electric light cannon! ! ! !

Almost instantly, Baby's hands condensed his strongest qigong wave, and the next second he was ready to launch it to kill all the saboteurs that hindered his great plan in one fell swoop!

"Ugh!!! Poof!!!!"


At this moment, Baby's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and the super electro-optical cannon in his hand also dissipated.

what happened! ?

Sun Wukong and others were stunned. They all thought that their battle plan was going to fail.

"Master Wukong!!! I'm here to buy you time!!!"

A sound came from Baby's belly, and this sound made Sun Wukong and others smile with surprise on their faces.

It's Orb! ! !

It's Uub who was swallowed by Baby before to buy time for Sun Wukong! !

At this time, the time for him to turn into chocolate has passed, and he is still in Baby's body, but...

This gave Orb a very big opportunity.

Because Baby couldn't attack him from within his own body, but he could attack Baby without restraint! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

Baby's abdomen suddenly inflated like a balloon. This was Uub's unbridled attack on his internal organs!

Uub, who has trained with Sun Wukong, is already very powerful. Not to mention that after successfully merging with Buu in the previous battle with Baby, he can already be called the most powerful person on earth. !

Facing Orb's attack, Baby seemed helpless. He could only wail in pain and try his best to endure the unspeakable pain.


Baby was angry. It was obvious that Baby was a little furious about Uub's unbridled attack in his body!

boom! ! !

Powerful Qi burst out from Baby's body, and at this moment, the internal organs in his body actually began to squeeze Uub.


Uub, who was in Baby's body, obviously didn't expect that Baby could actually do such a thing, and he could no longer attack unscrupulously.

Faced with this powerful oppression, Orb devoted all his energy to resisting this oppression.

However, even so, Uub's resistance still angered Baby. He no longer cared about Sun Wukong and others, but tried his best to expel Uub from his body.

But Uub will not go as Baby wishes. He also knows that what Sun Wukong needs most now is time, and he must buy time for him.

Therefore, faced with the peristalsis and rejection of Baby's intestinal muscles, Uub tried his best to resist.

This made Baby even more uncomfortable. I believe many people have experienced that feeling of wanting to vomit but not being able to vomit.

right! It’s this uncomfortable feeling!

At this time, Bebe was in an extremely irritable mood, and his anger towards Orb became even more intense! !

"Get out of here!!!"

Baby yelled with a ferocious expression. He was already getting impatient, because the momentum of Sun Wukong not far away was getting stronger and stronger!

It was so powerful that it even made him panic!


Facing Baby's rage, Orb took his time and continued to resist tenaciously.

"Don't even think about it!!! I will buy time for Master Wukong!!!"

This force was too powerful. Uub, who had struggled to resist it, now looked ferocious and his eyes were bloodshot.

The appearance of bulging veins all over his body made many children watching the video cry.

Mother! !

This man looks so scary! !


Uub's strength is still too weak for the current Baby...

The ferocious contest soon decided the winner, and with Uub's wail, Baby spat Uub out of his mouth like a mouthful of phlegm.

he~~~tui! ! !

boom! ! !

Orb fell heavily to the ground, making a small crater in the ground.


Uub struggled to get up. He looked at Sun Wukong and others not far away, with an expression of unwillingness on his face.

He still didn't seem to buy them enough time.

But at this time, Baby no longer had the obstacle of Uub, and his eyes were once again on Sun Wukong.

He knew very well that at this time, he would never be able to let Sun Wukong recover his strength! ! !

Super electric light cannon! ! ! !

Without the slightest hesitation, Bebe directly concentrated the super electric light cannon and shot towards Sun Wukong and others! ! !

This blow hit accurately! ! !

Rumble, rumble! ! ! !

The terrifying light waves mixed with crackling lightning directly hit the open space where Sun Wukong and others were standing.

Smoke and dust billowing! ! !

The whole ground began to shake violently! !

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, and countless thunder and lightning swept down! ! !

Boom! !

Boom! !

This is an attack as terrifying as an atomic bomb explosion! !

The terrible explosion overturned and destroyed everything around him at this moment! !

Is it about to end? ?

At this moment, everyone suddenly had such an idea in their hearts!

In the picture, the smoke and dust gradually dispersed.

Baby's face was filled with excitement, and he panted heavily as he looked at the place where he attacked.

That is an extremely ferocious and huge pothole!

Sun Wuhan, Sun Wutian, and Trunks all fell into coma and lay in the ruins...


Baby sensed something was wrong!

Why does it seem like someone is missing from the pothole! ?

It's Sun Wukong! ! ! !

Baby's inner alarm rang loudly, and he quickly raised his head!

There is an extremely terrible air there! !

Sure enough, when Baby raised his head, Sun Wukong was holding his granddaughter Xiaofang, who had lost consciousness and fell into a coma, with a cold face, staring at Baby with sharp eyes like knives.


Sun Wukong slowly landed on the ground and said coldly:

"Let us decide the final winner!".

Chapter 137 Sun Wukong! This man deserves all my efforts (please customize)

Baby looked at Sun Wukong with a smile in front of him in horror.

"No!!! Impossible!!! You should be dead already!!!"

Baby's whole body began to tremble uncontrollably, and he knew very well what this meant!

However, his heart was immediately filled with anger!

"You!!! Sun Wukong!!! You actually ruined my joy!!!"

"You deserve to die!!!"

Sun Wukong placed his comatose granddaughter Xiaofang in the arms of Satan, his grandfather, and looked at Baby quietly.

Buzz! !

There was a low cry from nowhere, and Sun Wukong's whole body began to glow with scarlet light.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely hot breath ignited from Sun Wukong's body! !

At this moment, the picture began to become a little distorted!

Has this terrifying aura actually reached the point where it can distort space? ? ?

Seeing this scene, everyone watching the video had a look of shock on their faces.

The world of One Punch Man.

"This...this is!?"

Saitama's face changed in a rare way. His perception ability, which had been strengthened countless times, instantly sensed the dangerous aura emanating from Sun Wukong!

This shocked Saitama!

Because, he felt that if Sun Wukong was in this state, if he fought with him, he would definitely be the one who died.

However, the expression on Saitama's face soon turned into an extremely fierce fighting spirit.

He is not afraid of death. He has no rivals on earth, and his heart longs for the kind of strong person that he may not be able to match at all!

He wants to fight it! !

Let's have a vigorous battle with the same mentality as Boros, without fear of death! ! !

Strong fighting spirit burst out from Saitama's body.

Saitama, who burst out with fighting spirit, didn't care about the situation around him at all, which was a pain to others in the Hero Association meeting room.

Originally, in the video, the powerful aura erupted by Sun Wukong had already oppressed them to the point of being breathless. However, as soon as they took a breath, Saitama felt another powerful sense of oppression.

At this moment, all the S-class heroes felt like meat buns, being silently destroyed by the aura erupted by Monkey King and Saitama.

Bang Gu was the most helpless. His seat was very close to Saitama, so he naturally received the strongest impact.

Even at his age, he was hit by two powerful auras. No matter how strong his body was, he still couldn't resist.

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