The discussion on the forum is still going on. Even though it is already late at night in many worlds, the people involved in the discussion are still not sleepy at all.

After all, after watching such a shocking video, they felt like a raging fire was burning in their hearts, and there was no thought of sleeping.

Just when everyone was extremely excited, a sudden piece of news made their mood like a bonfire suddenly add a handful of dry wood, making the fire burn even more vigorously.

[The UP you are following has been updated with new videos! 】

[Shocking famous battle scene: Battle of the Holy Grail, Grail of Heaven, Darkened Saber]

As soon as the news came out, everyone was shocked!

The forum naturally exploded.

Luffy: "Oh my god!!! Updated the video again!? Doesn't this up owner don't need to rest??"

Xia Dou: "Stupid people are still shocked, but smart people have already clicked on the video and started watching."

Bai Xiaochun: "Okay, don't say anything, I've lost my coins."

Natsu: "Watching the video! Holy Grail War? What is this?"

At this moment, countless people in the world clicked into the newly updated video, and the beginning of the video was filled with darkness.

[The Holy Grail is a miraculous relic originating from the legend of Christ (a cup of wishes that can grant any wish). In Christian circles, there are also many legends about travelers who searched for the Holy Grail. Then when the Holy Grail appears and is judged to be "real" by the Holy Church, a battle for it will naturally break out. The battle to pursue the Holy Grail as a holy relic is the Holy Grail War in a broad sense. 】

[Originally, "Séance Ceremony and Summoning of Heroic Spirits" is a decisive battle magic used to save the world of primates. Seven heroic spirits standing at the top of seven attributes - Grand Servants will appear and hinder the development of the world of primates. to destroy the great disaster. The summoning system that humans downgraded this magic for their own convenience is the Holy Grail War. 】

A very long and immediately understandable sentence appeared in the video, which also made everyone clear what kind of existence the Holy Grail War is.

At the same time, the existence of the Holy Grail has also triggered discussions in the world.

Sengoku: "The Holy it something that can grant any wish? This is really a fascinating divine object."

Edogawa Conan: "Oh, this kind of thing can theoretically realize any wish, but anyone with a brain can imagine that due to the conservation of matter, being able to realize a wish will inevitably come at a huge price."

Xia Dou: "Who doesn't know that huge opportunities also come with huge risks? This kind of thing, at first glance, is not something that normal people can touch."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "But... the existence of this kind of thing is also a kind of temptation for everyone. Not tempted? It must be impossible."

Bai Yuekui: "Desire... is the bad root of human beings. This thing is just amplified desire."

Keisha: "Ah, childish war."

Although the introduction of the Holy Grail triggered many discussions on the forum, almost everyone chose to watch it patiently.

They didn't think that this kind of Holy Grail battle would be as shocking as the previous videos, but the novel 'god object' like the Holy Grail was what made them interested in watching it.

The video picture gradually started to get brighter.

In the video screen, an old man who did not look like a good person appeared in the screen.

"here we go!"

The first sentence at the beginning was uttered by this old man, and then he turned into a black mist and dissipated in this world.


boom! ! !

A terrible coercion instantly came from the video!

No one knows where this coercion comes from, because the video picture at this time is still full of black fog left after the old man disappeared.

boom! !

Another terrifying pressure!

Everyone was surprised to find that the black mist seemed to carry a strong aura of death. Anywhere it filled, the flowers and plants withered instantly...

The ground, which was originally filled with flowers and leaves, instantly became dead silent.

boom! ! !

At this time, another terrifying pressure broke out!

At this moment, the camera instantly shifted to a lake, and in the center of the lake was a black ball.

Everyone clearly felt that the pressure was transmitted from the black ball!

next moment!

The air was filled with dark mist, and all the surrounding vegetation was dead. The black ball suddenly burst out with red and black ribbons.

It blooms slowly like a bud!

And in the center of the ribbon is a blond girl.

But at this time, her face was expressionless, and the indifferent aura of keeping strangers away was released from her body.

The next second, the blond girl raised her right hand high, and a black-red sword appeared in her hand!


Grabbing the big sword, the blonde girl put her hand down, and the tip of the big sword lightly hit the ground.

Buzz! !

Tear! !

With her as the center, streaks of scarlet current began to spread around! !

Buzz! ! !

boom! ! !

The entire lake exploded amid the surprised expressions on the faces of everyone watching the video! ! !

The red and black ribbons were wrapped around the blonde girl's body, and the red and black sword in her hand seemed to have received some terrible power, instantly emitting a scarlet light.


I saw her gently swinging her right hand, and the red and black sword instantly became a hundred meters long!

Along with the terrifying fluctuations, a crescent-shaped arc light spread out!


Uh-huh! !

The terrible hurricane swept across at this moment!

The surrounding trees were ruthlessly destroyed by the hurricane almost instantly!

The next moment, on the distant building, a huge scarlet black gold sword struck directly on it, destroying everything around it! !

This scene really dumbfounded a lot of people in the world.

They didn't originally have high expectations for the battle in this video. They wanted to see what the Holy Grail, which could grant all wishes, was.


They never expected that the video would start with extremely shocking destruction!

Moreover, in addition to people from a series of high martial arts worlds such as Saitama, Sun Wukong, and Saint Seiya, many current strong men from worlds such as Naruto, Pirates, and Fairy Tail have felt an aura that makes their scalps numb. .

An extremely powerful and terrifying aura! ! !

That is……

The smell of death! !

But at this time, the video picture... had an amazing change! ! .

Chapter 143 The Holy Grail World! Artoria Pendragon (please customize)

Roar! !

At this moment, a roar like a wild beast came from nowhere, and everyone was shocked and wanted to take a closer look at the specific situation in the video.


There was only a sky full of black-red light spreading all around.

The camera slowly stretched, showing the entire scene in front of him.

Within a radius of ten miles, it became a dark swamp.

No one expected that the blond girl in front of them, exuding black and red light, would actually change the environment of the entire area with one blow.

Seeing the scene in the video, many powerful people watching the video were stunned for a moment, because they didn't know if it was their own illusion. It seemed that there was a red light rushing towards the blond girl just in the distance, but He was quickly repelled by the black-red sword rising into the sky.

But this idea was quickly rejected. After all, they didn't think anyone would be so stupid as to carry out such a powerful attack on the blond girl.

boom! !

The camera slowly zoomed in, and everyone was stunned when they saw the picture.

Because what the camera showed this time was not the blond girl, but a man who was over 2 meters tall, with shoulder-length black kelp-shaped hair, a red pupil in his right eye, black whites, and a golden left eye.

His dark skin was bare-chested, his hands were tied with wrist guards, and his muscles were very strong. The lower body is wearing a war skirt and the feet are bare. Holding a huge ax sword.

A light screen appeared directly below him, introducing everyone to the origin of this tall and mighty guy.

[Berserker: Hercules]

When they saw the introduction on the light screen, many people in the world were shocked.

Saint Seiya World.

Virgo Gold Saint Shaka stared blankly at the text in the video screen, his face full of disbelief.

He knew very well who Hercules was. After all, although they, the Saints, existed in this world, they were also a world with a civilized society.

And with civilization, there are naturally legends. For example, Greek mythology records information about Hercules.

The Hercules in ancient Greek mythology!

This is God! !

Actually appeared in the video?


A trace of doubt flashed in Shaka's eyes. The Hercules in the video... seemed like he could beat him? ? ?

The world of Detective Conan.

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched crazily, and Hui Yuan Ai beside him looked at Hercules in the picture with a calm face.

"That's too ridiculous... Hercules even appeared... How can something in this myth really exist?"

Conan complained with an 'I don't believe this is true' look on his face.

Haibara Ai looked at Conan speechlessly. She didn't quite understand why Edogawa Conan's ability to reshape his outlook on life was even worse than her, a scientist who believed in science.

She has long accepted the multiverse and the settings of various magical abilities.

Even if Zeus appears now, she won't have any surprises.


It seemed that the great detective next to him still couldn't accept it.

Moreover, he has a very tough mouth!

I asked him how he did the aura that burst out from the video, and he even said that it was magic or a trick.

This made Hui Yuan Ai a little helpless.

Therefore, she simply ignored this guy and looked at the scene in the video with burning eyes.

She knew very well that after Hercules showed up, there would definitely be a fierce war with the blond girl!

Haibara Ai's feeling was correct, because the next moment, everyone who watched the video saw that after Hercules slowly placed Illya in a safe place, his eyes stared straight down. blonde girl.

At this time, everyone also saw the light curtain on the blonde girl.

[saber (swordsman): Artoria Pendragon (King Arthur)]

While everyone was still stunned, the video picture changed.

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