Hercules attacks King Arthur!


A stream of white gas spurted out from Hercules' nostrils, and Hercules rushed directly towards King Arthur!

I saw Hercules rushing straight towards King Arthur, who was exuding an uncomfortable black aura, like a rocket.

He held the unmarked ax sword high in his hand and was about to strike at King Arthur's body.


No one thought that Hercules, who was as fast as a rocket, was like a baseball hitting at high speed in the eyes of King Arthur.

She waved the big sword in her hand and hit Hercules on the cheek with ease!

boom! !

The terrible riot spread to all directions, and the huge energy instantly set off a violent storm, destroying the already messy surroundings again!

And Hercules was ruthlessly knocked away dozens of meters by King Arthur and fell into the swamp.

Naturally, Hercules would not lose his offensive ability because of such an attack. He easily stabilized his body in the air and roared at King Arthur again.

Roar! ! ! !

The next moment, he made a move to attack again.

And it was also at this time that a sudden change occurred! !

The black and red ribbons in the swamp wrapped around Hercules' body one after another!

Seeing this scene, Illya, who was watching the battle on the sidelines, panicked and shouted to Hercules to run away.

However, Heracles was already entangled, and it would be impossible to break free for a while.

Uh-huh! ! !

The ribbon ruthlessly pulled Hercules towards the blackened King Arthur, and the consequences of being controlled during the battle were clear to everyone who watched the video.

They also anticipated what would happen to Hercules.

Of course, the ending was just like what the strong men in the world thought. After Hercules was dragged towards the blackened King Arthur, the other party just knocked his body away with a sword.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh.

In their opinion, the victory was decided at this time. Although the battle was not as shocking as they expected, they could still see the strength of the blond girl.

very powerful!


Just when everyone was thinking about what would happen next, what happened in the picture was something none of them expected.

Buzz! ! !

A low cry! !

Roar! ! ! !

A beastly roar! ! !

Everyone looked at the scene in the video in astonishment, their eyes filled with disbelief!


In the picture, a man with scarlet eyes stood up again! !


resurrection! ! ! .

Chapter 144 The blackened stupid king! The direction of the sword! The King's Sword Intent (please customize)

Naruto world

Sound Ninja Village.

Orochimaru's eyes widened, his eyes showing endless greed and madness.

He never expected that something like this that interested him would appear in the video.

"Is this...resurrection?"

Orochimaru's hoarse voice came from his throat, his eyes full of madness.

In terms of what the Hokage scientist is most interested in, it is naturally the forbidden arts of resurrection and immortality.

Therefore, although the previous videos shocked him greatly, the video that really made him feel extremely interested was this one.

"Resurrection...what is the principle?"

Orochimaru's face was filled with a strong desire for knowledge. He really wanted to know how Hercules did it.

However, Orochimaru could only think about it, after all, he had no way to ask.

In desperation, Orochimaru could only concentrate on watching the scene again and again.


boom! ! !

"What the hell is the principle of resurrection!!"

Pirate world.

On the Straw Hat crew's ship.

Luffy's eyes widened and he looked at the resurrected Hercules in the video with a horrified look on his face, shouting: "Wow wow wow!!! Resurrected!!"

Zoro looked at Luffy with shame on his face and roared loudly: "What are you yelling about here, Luffy!!! Isn't it just resurrection! What's so weird about it!! Isn't there a skeleton on our ship?" !!”

Brooke looked at Sauron with an innocent face. He didn't want to turn into a skeleton...

Luffy looked at Zoro with an aggrieved look on his face and said, "But...but look! This is resurrection!! It's different from a skeleton, okay!!"

Sauron cursed: "Skeletons are obviously more terrifying than resurrections, right?!"

Brooke: ...offended.

Returning to the video screen, Hercules stood up again with a ferocious face, exhaling hot breath from his mouth, as if he was now a steamer.

Roar! ! !

Hercules let out a huge roar again, grabbed his sword and ax with one hand and rushed towards the blackened King Da Mao again.

Facing Hercules, the blackened Dumao King did not panic at all. He raised the black sword with both hands and calmly used his ultimate move as a flat A to charge up.

next moment……

The attacks of Hercules and the blackened idiot king collided...

Buzz! ! !

Almost instantly, Hercules was thrown away by the blackened stupid king. Not only that, the blackened stupid king's attack did not stop because Hercules was repelled.

I saw the dark sword light from the black-red long sword, and its power was not reduced at all, rushing towards Elis behind Hercules! !

boom! ! !

A figure suddenly rushed out of the screen, picked up the frightened Elis, and quickly jumped towards the bottom of the stone steps.

Soon enough, after the red-haired young man fished Elis away, the dark sword energy directly above them passed by their heads! !

boom! ! !

A violent explosion sounded at this moment.

Strong wind! !

Rocks! !

At this moment, they were formed together in the explosion.


Shirou cried out in pain as his body was scratched by the rocks, and the pain instantly stung his nerves.

The camera immediately zoomed out at this time, showing a panoramic view.

Under the panoramic view, everyone watching the battle in the world was a little surprised.

People in the high-level martial arts world watched the explosion like a nuclear explosion in the video with interest, while the low-level martial arts world was once again shocked and numb.

They couldn't understand why this seemingly ordinary sword could produce such a terrifying effect.

Pirate world.

Mihawk looked at the blackened King Dumao in the video with burning eyes. Every move she made was watched deeply by Mihawk.

Every sword strike surprised Mihawk. He actually felt the strong sword intent from every sword swing and every shot of the blackened Daimao King.

This kind of sword spirit was different from any swordsman he had ever seen. It had a courageous and self-centered aura.

"King Arthur...is worthy of being a king. The king's sword power is really eye-opening."

Mihawk said with admiration. After saying that, he hugged his black knife and closed his eyes quietly.

The power of perception was fully released at this moment, and Mihawk's whole person entered a mysterious and mysterious state.

He perceived a new artistic conception from King Daimao's sword intention. At this moment, Mihawk no longer thought about the content of the video, but carefully considered the opponent's sword intention. He wanted to digest it.


His sword will become stronger! !

In the video at this time, the earth-shattering explosion finally slowly subsided, and the picture revealed after the smoke and dust dissipated was surprising and somewhat expected.

Because many powerful people in the world have seen that the strength of the blackened idiot king is far stronger than that of Hercules, a demigod-level existence.

And the picture in the video is exactly the same.

In the dark swamp, Heracles was breathing heavily, and the white mist seemed to burn the air around him.

Dozens of black and red ribbons were tightly wrapped around his body, constantly tightening, restricting his body movements.


Hercules' face was filled with anger. His dark red muscles suddenly swelled and burst several black and red ribbons! !

Immediately afterwards, everyone who watched the video was surprised. Hercules used only brute force to tear off the black and red ribbon that shot out of the black swamp.


Hercules roared angrily, and struck down the sword and ax in his hand.

Tear it apart!

There was a sound of breaking, and the black and red ribbons were cut in two.

boom! ! !

Almost as soon as the ribbon broke, Hercules' figure disappeared on the spot, leaving only two huge footprints that were slowly filled in by the surrounding black swamp.

boom! ! !

Ping! ! !

In the endless darkness, a brilliant spark suddenly burst out!

boom! !

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound that broke through the air, and then everyone saw that in the picture, the blackened stupid hairy king retreated directly from the darkness!


The beast-like roar of Hercules sounded again, and almost everyone watched intently. Hercules rushed out of the darkness, brandishing his sword and ax, and slashed at the blackened idiot king.


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