These balls all explode at the same time! !

The terrifying momentum also exploded at this moment! !

boom! ! ! ! .

Chapter 149 The power of darkness penetrates all realms! The popularity of Ultraman Zero (please customize)

Boom! ! ! !

A scalp-numbing explosion instantly flooded the entire screen...

Almost everyone in the world who watched the video felt this extremely shocking and powerful momentum! !

And this has also resulted in some tragedies.

After all, not everyone is strong enough to compete with the terrifying momentum erupted by Heidi's full-force attack in the video.

Just like the world of Detective Conan...

Caught off guard, Edogawa Conan was thrown away by the momentum from the video and hit the wall directly.

Not far away, Haibara Ai and Dr. Ali, who had been prepared for it, looked at the beaten Edogawa Conan with happy expressions on their faces, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiao's a good thing you pulled me away in advance. Otherwise, if this happened to me at such a young age, I would definitely be dead."

Dr. A Li looked at Haibara Ai next to him with a look of joy and gratitude. When the video screen showed Hei Dai holding the Dark Oath Sword high, Haibara Ai immediately pulled Dr. A Li and ran aside.

Dr. Ali, who was originally puzzled, now understood the reason for Haibara Ai's behavior at that time.

"It's okay... because I discovered that this kind of impact, called momentum in the novel, seems to only impact everything directly in front of the virtual screen, but I'm not sure if we will be fine after we avoid it, so... it seems to fit my mind to see it clearly conjecture."

Haibara Ai looked at the dizzy Edogawa Conan who was struck by the shock, and raised the corners of her mouth slightly. Sometimes when she saw this famous detective deflated, she still felt an inexplicable joy in her heart, although she didn't know why.

Edogawa Conan got up with a face of pain. Although he hit the wall, it seemed that he hit it hard, but the moment he hit it, he felt a soft force dragging him down. He was just a little dizzy from the head-on impact of that momentum.

There were no injuries on the body.

This strange phenomenon is as if the Bankai Video Network knew that Edogawa Conan was a rookie, so it was born as a protection mechanism?

Edogawa Conan pondered for a while, but he really couldn't analyze such unscientific things using scientific theories...


Haiyuan Ai, what's going on with you! ! !

Why are you doing experiments on me? ! !

Edogawa Conan looked at Haibara Ai not far away with a look of sorrow and anger. Although he was dizzy and confused by Haibara Ai's words just now, he could still hear them clearly! ! !

There is no one like you! asshole! ! !

Hui Yuan Ai waved her hand: "You opened this screen, and it will follow you wherever you go, so... you know, you can only do the experiment~"

Edogawa Conan:......

Thank you so much! ! !

Back in the picture, the explosion all over the sky has disappeared...

All that was left was a mess and a blond woman covered in black and red armor standing in the center of the explosion.

The tip of the Dark Oath Sword in her hand tapped the ground gently, and there were more and more cracks on the mask on her face.


A crisp sound sounded.

Heidai raised her head. The mask on her face was overwhelmed and shattered into particles with rich dark power.

A breeze gently slapped Heidi's delicate face, and the golden hair tail swayed randomly in the wind.


Everyone in the world was watching the video attentively, inexplicably expecting something in their hearts.


For a long time, until Heidi left the place, nothing they expected happened again, which made them feel a little dull in their hearts.


Suddenly, a voice filled with surprise and confusion came from the video screen.

As soon as the camera turned, a red-haired boy blocked the girl behind him, and his eyes were fixed on the blackened Dumbao King who appeared in front of him.

Heidai glanced at Emiya Shirou quietly, his face was unmoved, and his eyes did not show any emotion towards Shirou Emiya's appearance.

At this time, Heidai no longer recognized Shirou Emiya at all.

When she came to Shirou Emiya, she just took a look at Illya. After all, this was that adult's goal.


Heidai just glanced at Illya hiding behind Shirou Emiya, then turned and left.

Her mission was just to deal with Hercules and capture Illya, which she handed back to Hassan.

Heidai slowly jumped into the dark swamp, the Dark Oath Sword in his hand emitting a faint white light.


Emiya Shirou looked at Heidai who was leaving. He didn't know why the other person became like this, which was a bit difficult for Emiya Shirou to accept.

However, in the face of Emiya Shirou's call, Heidi did not react at all. She turned her head and took another look at the previous battlefield. After confirming that Hercules had not been resurrected again, countless black and red ribbons emerged from the dark swamp. He rushed out and wrapped Heidi into a cocoon...

Then swallowed into the swamp!

Wanjie Video Network Forum.

Luffy: "Huh? Didn't that Hercules come back to life again??"

Ainz Ooal Gown: "It seems that Hercules can be resurrected a number of times... Sure enough, this resurrection technique cannot be used without limit, otherwise it would be too buggy. However, the blond girl exuded I have benefited a lot from its power.”

Sean Wolft: "But the strength of this Hercules is still amazing. Even if he lost in the hands of King Arthur in the end, he is still a very respectable opponent."

Sakamoto: "Interesting...resurrection..."

Diavolo: "That girl is really powerful. It would be great if I could summon her too."

Ultraman Zero: "That girl... exudes a very strong dark power. Is she another person corrupted by the dark power?"

Xia Dou: "Lord Zero!! Eh? Corrosion by dark power? What does that mean?"

Ultraman Zero: "It's a long story. We Ultra Warriors represent the power of light. I believe you all know it very well. Where there is light, there is darkness... The power of darkness is extremely violent. Once it is captured, Corrosion will have serious consequences!

Such as losing one's mind, destroying everything wantonly, etc... Therefore, the duty of us Ultra Warriors is to fight against these dark forces..."

While Ultraman Zero was spreading knowledge in the forum, some people in the forum expressed dissatisfaction with Ultraman Zero's views! !

At this time...a message appeared on the forum, a vicious rebuttal! .

Chapter 150 Bone King and Sai Shao fight each other! The support of the Holy Angel Kesha (please customize)

In the forum, Bone King Ainz Ooal Gown expressed his denial of Ultraman Zero's words: "There is no difference between the power of darkness and the power of light. The difference lies in the person who uses the power. When a person uses it properly, even if it is The power of darkness can also be used to protect others!"

Ultraman Zero was stunned when he saw this statement from the King of Bones. He had not experienced the Battle of Belial yet, and he was training hard next to the King of Ultra at this time and could understand this sentence well. , currently in his heart, darkness is darkness and light is light.

Darkness must be evil, only light can represent justice.

But now, his words have been refuted, and Sero said that he did not want to listen to such persuasion.

"Darkness is darkness, light is light, and what represents justice is always light!" Before Ultraman Zero was ready to refute, a message refuting the Bone King suddenly appeared, which made him confused again.

And he was a little surprised when he saw the person who spoke.

Holy Angel Kesha!

In fact, when Zero made his remarks, Kesha happily gave Zero a thumbs up in her heart.

"Sure enough, Ultra Warriors have the same view as us angels. Darkness is darkness. In the face of darkness, all those infected with darkness will fall! Huh?? What does this Ainz Ooal Gown mean? Ha! Ignorance !!Let me refute you!!”

As a result, everyone's attention was no longer focused on the content of the video, but instead started a curse war between darkness and light in the forum!

And at this time...

In the video screen, as Heidi disappeared, the progress bar of the video also came to an end.

Compared with the previous videos, this video is very short and weak, but no one in the world who paid attention to Chen Shu felt any discomfort. After all, this update speed can be called a conscientious up owner. .


Naruto world.

Sound Ninja Village.

"What a pity...there is no way to see what this Holy Grail looks like."

Orochimaru licked his dry lips and said with a pity on his face. He really wanted to see what kind of divine object the so-called Holy Grail was, which could make people of the level of Heidi and Hercules Even the strong fight for it.

However, this up owner didn't seem to have any intention of letting those who watched the video witness the Holy Grail, which made Orochimaru feel a little empty in his heart.

"However, it's not bad. I got some interesting things from this video."

Orochimaru whispered, looking at the sealing scroll in his hand.

If Chen Shu saw this, he would definitely be shocked, because the seal scroll in Orochimaru's hand actually revealed some of the terrifying dark power and sword energy that had erupted from Heidi before.

"Sure enough, my research is correct. This kind of energy that has overflowed after being weakened by Wanjie Video Network can be sealed if a suitable method can be found. Next, let's start with this strange energy. Study it.”

Orochimaru's eyes showed a hint of madness. He now found that his obsession with Sharingan seemed to have reduced a lot. The various strange energies erupted in the video of the up owner of Bankai Video Network made Orochimaru even more Pill looking forward to.

The greedy look in Orochimaru's eyes lingered for a long time. He stood up with difficulty. He had suffered serious injuries in the previous battle, but...

The pain all over his body could not stop him from studying the magical energy he had collected.

Chen Shu didn't know that there had been some changes in the world of Naruto that he didn't know about. At this time, he was working hard to make a new video.

For a long time, when Chen Shu looked at the video that was about to be completed, a bright smile appeared on his face.

"It's almost done! Then hurry up and get the liver out!"

Chen Shu spoke, but the next second, a biting chill suddenly poured into his body.

"This is!?"

Chen Shu frowned, and his body reflexively erupted with purple thunder to drive away the coldness that invaded his body!

"What happened?"

Chen Shu closed the panel of Wanjie Video Network with a wave of his hand, turned around and came to the window, frowning at the scene outside.

But at this glance, Chen Shu had a look of astonishment on his face.

Outside the window, it was already freezing and snowing, and boulders were still falling from the sky.


At this moment, Chen Shu's cell phone suddenly rang. Chen Shu summoned the cell phone placed on the table with a move of his hand.

"Jiang Dao? What does this guy want to do with me?"

Although Chen Shu had doubts in his mind, he quickly connected the phone.

As soon as the call was connected, Chen Shu heard Jiang Dao say in panic: "Mr. Chen!! Haicheng needs your help!!"

After hearing Jiang Dao's words, Chen Shu had a solemn look on his face and asked repeatedly: "What happened?"

Jiang Dao answered quickly, "Mr. Chen, look at the sky!"

Chen Shu heard this and looked up.

But the next second, Chen Shu was shocked by the scene before him.

In the sky, there is a huge floating iceberg, and the boulders falling from the sky are from the floating iceberg.

"How is this going?"

Chen Shu frowned and asked repeatedly.

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