"I don't know...this floating island suddenly appeared."

Jiang Dao answered with a wry smile and said: "Pan Sen and Chen Xiaoyue and I have already been there, but we were attacked just as we approached... Now Pan Sen is seriously injured and unconscious. Because of my better physical skills, I avoided most of them. The attack only caused minor injuries..."

"What about Chen Xiaoyue?"

Chen Shu asked after hearing Jiang Dao's words.

"Chen Xiaoyue...was snatched away by that floating iceberg."


Chen Shu was stunned. Since Jiang Dao said this, it meant that the floating ice island was actually a living creature? ?

"So... we really have no choice. Pan Sen and I can't get to the floating island at all. We can only come to Mr. Chen for help and help Haicheng."

Chen Shu sighed. After all, he still lived in Haicheng. Such living creatures were also a hidden danger in the sky above Haicheng. He did not want his life to be interfered with by such an unknown thing.

"I know, I'll go up and take a look now."

Chen Shu said and hung up the phone.

"Although I want to go up and take a look,... let's finish the video first."

Chen Shu opened the Wanjie Video Network, turned on his hand speed at full speed, quickly finished the video and chose to release it at a scheduled time.

"The next step...is to redeem your abilities. Otherwise, I really don't know what will happen."

Thinking in his mind, Chen Shu opened the Wanjie Mall of Wanjie Video Network.

Chapter 151: The War of Magic·The Story of Rebellion (please customize)

As the name suggests, Wanjie Mall can be found in all Wanjie malls, but it requires Wanjie Points to redeem them. As for the introduction of Wanjie Points (see Chapter 63 for details).

And Chen Shu has already completed the article called [Dear Administrator Mr. Chen Shu, hello, Wanjie Mall will be opened after you publish ten videos and the total number of clicks reaches 100 million. ] task.

Therefore, Wanjie Mall was opened.

After Chen Shu opened the Wanjie Mall, his eyes were shocked by the dazzling array of products in front of him.

There are various categories, such as technology, magic, cultivation, etc. If you want to choose a certain category, just click in and see the products you can redeem.

Chen Shu took a look at his Wanjie Points. There were not many, just over one million, but this could also allow him to exchange for some good things in Wanjie Mall.

"My current attack method is still too monotonous. If I just rely on thunder... let's exchange for some sword skills first."

Chen Shu thought about it and clicked on the cultivation category. Then, he saw a dazzling array of skills and immortal energy.

"Well, it would be nice if you could recommend something that is best for me based on my current situation."

Chen Shu sighed. He looked at such a huge number of products in front of him. When will he be able to choose from them?

However, the next moment, Chen Shu's words seemed to be heard by Wanjie Mall. A ray of light rushed out from the virtual screen and entered Chen Shu's body. Then, the ray of light quickly flowed through Chen Shu's body. Back to the virtual screen.

Then, the products in the Wanjie Mall suddenly decreased to only six items. These six items included all types, and were not limited to cultivation types.

Chen Shu's eyes lit up because he briefly browsed the items above, and everything seemed to be very suitable for him now.

[Juntian Ten Thousand Blades (ninth-grade Taoist weapon), price: 300,000 boundary points]

[Thunder Luck Jue (Heart Technique), priced at 150,000 boundary points]

[Heavenly Thunder Rune (legendary), priced at 50,000 boundary points]

[Wanli Xing (Shenfa), priced at 10,000,000 boundary points]

[Wind and Thunder Sword Technique (Sword Technique), priced at 10,000,000 boundary points]

[Elemental Elf (high-level thunder system), priced at 100,000 boundary points]

These six items include sword skills, mind skills, body skills, auxiliary elves, and primary laws. Moreover, the combined price does not exceed the one million threshold points owned by Chen Shu.

Simply, Chen Shu bought all six items. Almost instantly, a lot of knowledge poured into Chen Shu's mind.


Chen Shu shook his head. This feeling of being poured into his brain like wine was really uncomfortable. Now Chen Shu could only feel his brain swelling.

But a warm current suddenly appeared in Chen Shu's body, and continued to swim in every corner of Chen Shu's body.

Soon, the swelling and pain in my mind disappeared.

Chen Shu's eyes sparkled, and a purple lightning symbol flashed across his eyes.

This is his Heavenly Thunder Rune, which has been completely integrated into his body at this time.

A sword with a length of 1.5 meters and a dark scabbard was quietly pinned to Chen Shu's waist.

The sword in the scabbard has a blade made of tens of thousands of fragments. It has a black handle and half of the blade. There are black and red stripes on the blade, showing a pattern of thunder and lightning, which can emit scarlet light.

This is the Juntian Ten Thousand Blades refined by the ninth-grade Tribulation Immortal using all of his own cultivation!

In addition, after Chen Shu bought some elixirs such as the Bigu Pill and the Great Return Pill and a small space ring in the mall, he also bought an eighth-grade Taoist robe, which is enough to block most of the strongest people in the world. s attack.

As for why he didn't buy a ninth-grade Taoist robe, it was because he didn't have enough Myriad Realms points.

Chen Shu looked at himself armed with a satisfied smile on his face. At this time, he was wearing a Taoist robe as white as snow, with a sword on his waist. Paired with his handsome facial features, he looked as if he was free from dust. Like a fairy.

"Set off!"

Chen Shu's eyes narrowed, and the next moment, the Juntian Wanren that he contracted with was instantly unsheathed. Chen Shu landed on Juntian Wanren, and flew towards the floating ice island in the sky with his sword.

At the same time, all the worlds...

[The up you are following has updated a new video! 】

[Inventory of Famous Battle Scenes: Magical War·Rebellious Story]

Everyone was stunned when they saw this news!

I'll rub it! ! ! ! !

The up owner has updated again! ?

Is this up really a donkey of the production team? Not tired at all? ? ?

Uzumaki Naruto: "Wow wow wow wow!!! Updated again!! This is a conscientious up owner!!"

Luffy: "Magic War?? Is it about magic? Is it the same as the first video?"

Natsu: "Magic...I wonder if the magic in this video is stronger than my dragon-slaying magic?"

Ainz Ooal Gown: "Magic? I'm very good at this! It's really exciting."

The forum of Wanjie Video Network started a new round of flooding, but more people chose to click on the video directly and start watching.

But this time, they found that the video seemed to be a little different.

"Barrage?? What is this??"

Uzumaki Naruto clicked on the video and immediately noticed a button called 'Barrage' on the lower right.

Before he could figure it out, he suddenly saw a sentence slowly crossing over the top of the video screen.

【Huh! ? Is there actually a barrage on Wanjie Video Network? First! ! ——Tempest Rimuru】

【Damn it! ! My first place was actually taken away! ! ——Xia Dou]

[Interesting, can we communicate with this barrage? ——Warring States Period]

Soon, there were more and more barrages at the beginning, but they were all slowly moving across a small area above the video, which did not affect the viewing of the video.

Uzumaki Naruto also had a look of surprise on his face, and then he became extremely excited. He quickly opened the barrage editing function and sent a barrage non-stop.

【Wa hahaha! ! Listen to me! My name is Uzumaki Naruto! ! This is the man who wants to become Hokage! ——Uzumaki Naruto]

At the same time, in the next room, Uchiha Sasuke, who was about to send a barrage, happened to see this sentence slowly floating over the top of the video.

"Damn it... I was actually beaten to the spot by this idiot Naruto!?"

Uchiha Sasuke's face froze, and his fighting spirit instantly became high. This strange desire to win dominated Uchiha Sasuke, giving him the urge to never fall behind Uzumaki Naruto!


Uchiha Sasuke looked attentively and began to edit his first barrage! .

Chapter 152 The Principle of the Circle! Puella Magi Madoka Magica (please customize)

Uchiha Sasuke was concentrating on thinking about what kind of barrage to edit, but his attention was quickly attracted by the video screen.

The video was completely dark, but a female voice came from the video.

[There is a group of people praying for hope, accepting curses, and fighting constantly. 】

[They are magical girls. 】

With the appearance of this voice, the picture also changed, and a purple light appeared in the center of the picture.

And this light seemed to have some kind of magic power to attract people's attention. Almost instantly, everyone who watched the video forgot about their thoughts of making a comment, and stared at this light with incomparable concentration.

[In exchange for capturing the miracle, their souls were given the mission of fighting. 】

[The end is salvation brought by death. 】

[Only by disappearing from this world can we be freed from the desperate cycle of cause and effect. 】

【The end will come one day. 】

[We continue to fight while waiting for the guidance of the "Principle of the Circle". 】

[In this hopeless world that only repeats sadness and hatred... I dream of meeting that nostalgic smile from the past again. 】

The female voice in the video slowly disappeared, but it gave a very strong impact to the people watching the video in all the worlds.

Naruto world.


Nagato looked at the purple light in the video screen, which slowly disappeared along with the disappearance of the female voice.

"In this hopeless world that only repeats sadness and hatred...I see...is this situation...not just our world?"

Nagato let out a long sigh. His dream was to create a perfect world where there would be no more war and pain.

He was tortured by the repetitive sadness, the hatred between villages and people.

But now, after seeing this video and hearing the voice that seemed to contain infinite sorrow, Nagato somehow felt a feeling from the bottom of his heart that "there are close friends in the sea, and we are neighbors in the world."

He looked at his withered hands. His body could no longer support him to do too many things.

However, his ideals have not wavered much, except...

Nagato's eyes flashed with a shrewd coldness. He wanted to see how the 'magical girl' in this video struggled and redeemed herself in this world of repeated sorrow and hatred...


He can learn some experiences that can change the sad world of the ninja world.

The world of A Certain Magical Index.

Shokuhou Misaki stared blankly at the darkness in the video. She didn't know why, but she felt inexplicably depressed.

"So sad...why...do you feel so sad?"

Shokuhou Misaki didn't know what was causing her inexplicable sadness, but after hearing the female voice in the video, she felt an endless sadness.

Seems like a protest against the unfairness of the world? Or are they describing the cruelty they experienced?

All in all, Shokuhou Misaki felt an endless, extremely distressing and heart-wrenching cry from these few words.


Pa da ~

Pa da ~

Shokuhou Misaki's eyes widened, and she stared blankly at the water drops on the table...

That fell from her watery eyes...

"I cried?"

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