Shokuhou Misaki couldn't believe it. She actually cried? ?

Shokuhou Misaki, the biggest faction leader in Tokiwadai Middle School and known as the "Queen of Tokiwadai", actually cried after just a few words? ?

"No! No!"

Shokuhou Misaki quickly reached out to wipe away her tears. Her eyes were red and she once again focused on the video she had paused.

"I want to see... what is the origin of this magical girl... actually made me cry!!"

Shokuhou Misaki puffed up her face, luckily she was alone now, otherwise she would have been so embarrassed! !

Return to the video screen and the video continues.

The darkness in the picture gradually dissipated, and what appeared was a luxurious modern city. This made many natives in the world, who had never seen a modern city, widen their eyes.

The forum also exploded.

Uzumaki Naruto: "Oh my God!! What kind of village is this? It's so beautiful!!!"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "??? Upstairs, this is a city, you call this a village?? Don't you have such a city in your world??"

Xia Dou: "Ah... What a beautiful city scenery... It's a pity that it's hard to see it again in our world."

Sun Wukong: "Oh~~The buildings in this city are much more beautiful than those in our world!"

Warring States: "It's really amazing. I wonder how defensive it is?"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Hey, hey, hey...this is not a war fortress, it has no defense capability!!"

Although the forum of Wanjie Video Network was flooding the screen at a rate of more than a dozen posts per second, almost everyone did not divert their attention from watching the video.

In the video, colorful ribbons suddenly floated across the sky, flying wildly over the seemingly deserted city.

However, when they saw the ribbon appearing in the video, the expressions of many powerful people in the world changed, because they felt a heart-stopping energy on the ribbon.

How is this going? ?

This is just a ribbon! ! !

Feeling the conditioned reflexes of their bodies, some strong men in the world showed expressions of dumbfounding and bewilderment on their faces.


They didn't feel how scary this ribbon was, but their bodies subconsciously put up a defensive posture, which really put them at risk.

And in the video...

With the ribbon hovering over the city, suddenly! ! !

boom! ! !

The sky shattered like a mirror being smashed! !

Immediately afterwards, the entire city began to become torn apart...

However, this kind of shattering is not shattering, but the city seems to have become a flat surface, and various cracks of different sizes have appeared on this flat surface.


Just then, the camera turned...

It's a stairway to the overpass...

Everyone saw that a pool of extremely white 'liquid' suddenly appeared at the entrance of the stairs. It seemed to be controlled and continued to flow downwards, leaving traces of its passage on the steps behind it.

At this moment, the pool of liquid suddenly rose into the air, and to the astonished eyes of everyone watching the video, it turned into an extremely petite dancing girl!

Immediately afterwards...




Countless dancers ran out from various places. They lined up neatly, moved gracefully, and walked quietly in a certain direction.


A weird laugh came from the video screen, followed by a piece of beautiful music.

Along with the melody of the music, these neat and elegant dancers began to dance, as if they were holding a wonderful ceremony, waiting for the arrival of a certain being.


Another burst of laughter sounded, and the surrounding environment became an extremely abstract magic house, and in the extremely abstract sky, a small figure fell from the sky!

All the strong men who watched the video could clearly see what the other party looked like.

It's an existence that looks like a doll.

It fell to the ground, swaying and falling, and then, two abstract hands appeared from nowhere and helped the doll up.

The doll seemed to have come back to its senses. It smiled at the two hands, and then looked at the dancers dancing around.

The doll smiled slightly, bowed to the dancers around it who seemed to be welcoming its arrival, and then suddenly jumped up and flew into the air!

Bang bang bang! ! !

Bang bang bang! ! !

When he jumped into the air, everyone was stunned.

Because the doll did something that none of them expected.

There was a small gap on its head, but from that small gap, it sprayed out dozens of extremely abstract bear dolls!

"What's going on? The up owner has changed his taste? Is this a cartoon for us??"

This idea slowly emerged in the minds of people like Kurosaki Ichigo who lived in modern cities and were exposed to many entertainment products.


The next moment they saw the camera following the stuffed bears.

And those stuffed bears hit a tall building not far away.

The scene that happened next made everyone's eyes widen and they were shocked.


That tall building collapsed! ! !

They were blown up by those little doll bears that seemed to have no lethality and only had the ability to act cute! !

"What the hell is this!???"

Seeing this scene, the powerful men in the world all shouted out this sentence in unison.

Did they read that correctly?

This is just a stuffed bear! ! !

But can you believe that a teddy bear can knock down such a large high-rise building? ? ?

However, this is the fact. Even if they don't want to believe it, they can only accept this reality.

At the same time, the video screen continued.

This time, the doll shot out dozens of pillow-like objects from its right hand.

The result is the same as before.

Something that seemed to have no lethality could still blow up another tall building to pieces.

And after finishing all this, the doll slowly landed on a small floating bubble in the sky and started twisting happily.

At this time, a dancing girl appeared on the bubble next to the doll.

Sudden! !


The dancer suddenly transformed into a girl with pink hair!

She was seen holding a staff in her hand and smiling sweetly at the doll in front of her.


A pink light shot into the sky from her staff.

boom! ! !

That energy exploded in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying momentum erupted, turning into countless energy rains and falling downwards! !

Madoka Magica! !

Come on stage! ! ! .

Chapter 153: Hatcher Kyubey! The ability to stop time (please customize)

In the picture, Madoka Magica turned around and jumped out of the bubble after releasing her magic.

As soon as she took action, the doll that was attacked by Madoka's magic also jumped out of the bubble in a hurry to avoid these attacks.

One person and one doll fell towards the bottom, which was a dark passage without lights.

There are also some bubbles floating on these channels.

They floated quietly. After the dolls fell, a strong wind blew them away.

The doll kept on the ground dodging the pink energy light arrows falling from above. Just as it shuttled through the dark passage, a figure appeared on the bubble next to it, constantly moving forward to force the opponent's position.

"Good job Madoka!"

A faint light shines on this figure. She looks like a boy. She has short light blue hair and a musical note hairpin on her head. Her eyes are sea blue, but she looks different. Playful and cute.

[Magical Girl Miki Sayaka]

At this time, in the video screen, below the girl, a subtitle informed everyone of her name.

Miki Sayaka kept forcing the doll's path, and on this path, another magical girl was waiting for its arrival.

At this time, as the doll continued to advance, the magical girl who had been waiting for a long time also appeared in the video screen.

【Magical Girl Sakura Kyoko】

Likewise, as she appears, a subtitle appears beneath her, informing all viewers of her name.

“It’s going great!”

Sakura Kyoko holds her weapon in her hand. This weapon is a long spear with a knobby stick added to it, a chain gun similar to a chain blade.

As soon as Sakura Kyoko finished speaking, she and Miki Sayaka launched an attack on the escaped doll one after another!

Ping! !

Ping! !

boom! !

Miki Sayaka's long sword and Sakura Kyoko's chain gun continuously attacked the doll's body, shooting bright sparks on its body.


Then, Miki Sayaka and Sakura Kyoko shouted, and stabbed directly into the doll's body with swords and spears!

boom! ! !

A violent explosion sounded! !


The video screen went black again.

Seeing this scene, everyone was a little confused. They didn't know what the beginning was talking about. And unlike the previous video, there was no simple and crude introduction or getting to the point. On the contrary, it seemed that the narrative of this new video was a bit Like a flashback?

But before they could think about it carefully, the video picture became bright again.

This time, the scene is in a cozy cabin. Judging from the layout, the owner of this cabin is a very girly girl.

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