
Xiao Meiyan suddenly let go of his hand and put Beibei down. Just when Beibei thought Xiao Meiyan was going to let it go, the next moment, Xiao Meiyan's hand directly grabbed its neck.

Beibei: ε=(′ο`*))) Alas...

Seeing Beibei's expression change from helpless to giving up the struggle, Xiao Meiyan not only showed no mercy, but also increased her strength.

Beibei: Ahhh...ahhh...

Beibei's expression changed immediately, she even foamed at the mouth, and looked like she was about to be strangled to death in the next second.

"What is your purpose!?"

Xiao Meiyan looked at Beibei with a cold face.

Beibei was confused and struggled to speak words she didn't understand.

"What's the fun in playing with us like this?"

As Xiao Meiyan said, she grabbed Beibei and jumped out of the window, constantly traveling through the city.

Soon, she came to a tall building, which was far away from Tomoe Mami's home. She was not worried about Tomoe Mami chasing her after waking up.

boom! ! !

Xiao Meiyan grabbed Beibei and pressed her directly against the wall, making a big hole in the wall.

"Let's do it quickly. What is your purpose in using such a roundabout approach?"

Beibei looked at Xiao Meiyan with an aggrieved look. He really didn't know what Xiao Meiyan was talking about.

Beibei: Xiaoyan, I am in so much pain QAQ.

At this moment, Beibei suddenly froze for a moment, feeling the magic of the magical girl...

At the same time, Xiao Meiyan's expression suddenly changed, and she lowered her head and looked down.


Xiao Meiyan looked at her ankle in shock. She didn't know when it had been tightly tied with a golden ribbon.


Suddenly, the ribbon tightened suddenly, and the unprepared Xiao Meiyan was pulled directly from the tall building.

boom! ! !

Xiao Meiyan hurriedly grabbed a pillar in the air and looked around with an ugly expression.

The surrounding buildings were wrapped with golden ribbons one after another at some point. She knew very well whose magic power was attached to those ribbons!

"I wanted to hear you finish before I figured it out..."

Suddenly, a female voice came from outside the video screen, and then the camera turned to reveal the owner of the voice.

A pair of black boots and slender legs wearing black stockings appeared in the camera...

As the camera moves up, what is revealed is a skirt that alternates between gold and black...

"But I can't just watch Beibei continue to be bullied by you..."

With these words, the full identity of the owner of the voice was revealed in the video.

It's Tomoe Asami!

She was holding a golden ribbon in her hand, and her eyes were calmly looking at Xiaomi Homura, who was holding the pillar with her lower hair.

It could be seen from her eyes that she didn't quite know why Xiao Meiyan suddenly attacked Beibei. It was clear that Beibei had not done anything harmful.

Xiao Meiyan looked at Tomoe Mami above her, her pupils suddenly shrank, as if she realized something.

"Could it be that... you have been... from the beginning..."

Before Xiao Meiyan finished speaking, Tomoe Mami interrupted her.

"Can you explain what this is?"

Tomoe Mami's eyes became extremely cold, and her voice was as cold as thousand-year-old ice!

"Did the kid do something wrong!?"

boom! ! ! !

At this moment, Xiao Meiyan and Tomoe Mami burst out the magic power in their bodies almost at the same time.

boom! ! ! !

Uh-huh! ! ! !

Along with the sound of two piercing sounds, the figures of the two people disappeared from the place! !

war! ! ! .

Chapter 155: Who the hell can a serious magical girl use a gun? (Please customize)

"You were deceived by Beibei!"

Xiao Meiyan's figure appeared behind Tomoe Mami and said in a calm tone.

"This is not the real Mitakihara. Everyone has been implanted with false memories."

After hearing Xiaomei Yan's words, Tomoe Mami showed a confused look on her face.

"Wait... Xiaomei-san, what happened to you?"

Xiao Meiyan heard Tomoe Mami's words and didn't say much. After all, her target was only Beibei.


The shield in his hand starts to rotate, and the time hourglass starts!


Beibei shouted in panic, it felt a strong murderous aura!

The next moment, Xiao Meiyan suddenly threw Beibei, and a pistol appeared in his hand. The magic bullets were shot towards Beibei's head.


Xiao Meiyan's attack failed!

Because a golden ribbon appeared on Beibei's body, rolled it up and pulled it towards Tomoe Asami.

It was Tomoe Asami who took action to save Beibei.

"Beibei, run away."

Tomoe Asami looked at Xiaomi Homura with a solemn face, and she was very aware of the opponent's abilities.

Akatsuki Homura, who can stop time and hide in time, is undoubtedly a very difficult opponent, so Tomoe Mami is not sure that she will be able to distract Beibei during the battle with Akatsuki Homura.

After hearing Tomoe Mami's words, Beibei instantly turned into a ball of magic molecules and fled towards the distance without hesitation.

But at this moment, Tomoe Mami's expression changed.

An invisible magic power spreads rapidly around Xiao Meiyan with Xiao Meiyan as the center!

Time to stop! !

Tomoe Asami immediately covered herself with magic power, broke herself out of the time-stopped state, and looked at Xiaomi Homura warily.

Xiao Meiyan did a light somersault and landed on a pillar, looking directly at Tomoe Asami with extremely cold eyes.

At this moment, the magic power of the two broke out again. One side wanted to kill Beibei, the other wanted to protect Beibei. There was no room for reconciliation between the two.

Akatsuki Homura was the first to attack. The pistol in her hand was fired at Tomoe Mami, and the magic bullets were as fast as thunder.

The target of that bullet was not Tomoe Mami...

But it was Tomoe Asami's golden magic ribbon tied around her ankle.

"Do you want to protect that guy no matter what?"

Xiao Meiyan watched the bullet bounce off the ribbon, which made her frown. She didn't expect Tomoe Mami's ribbon to be so difficult to deal with. However, Xiao Meiyan was not the kind of person who would compromise. She cared about people. It's always been just Madoka.


She will not hesitate to take action against anyone who prevents her from completing something or harms Madoka, even if it is her former partner.


All she cares about is Madoka! !

Tomoe Mami raised her right hand, and the magic power attached to Beibei's molecules, causing it to break away from Akatsuki Homura and run away.

Seeing that this battle seemed to be inevitable, Tomoe Mami's face was no longer as gentle as before, and she said with a cold face:

"Don't even try to catch up."


"You have to fight me."

Seeing Tomoe Mami's extremely firm tone, Xiao Meiyan also frowned.

After all, Tomoe Asami, as a veteran magical girl, is also very powerful. If I trembled with her, then Beibei would have gone to nowhere.


It's impossible for Xiaomi Homura to give up on killing Doudou, so the battle with Tomoe Mami seems really inevitable.

At this moment, Xiao Meiyan didn't speak. She answered Tomoe Asami with her actual actions.

I saw the magic power in her body fluctuating, and she rushed towards Tomoe Mami!

Tomoe Asami didn't hesitate and immediately rushed in the direction of Akatsuki Homura.

Uh-huh! ! !

In the air, Tomoe Mami clasped her hands together, golden magic power flickering in her hands.

The next moment, Tomoe opened her hands, and dozens of magic machine guns appeared in front of Tomoe.


Da da da da da da! ! ! ! !

These dozens of magic machine guns were aimed at Xiao Meiyan and started shooting.

Not to be outdone, Xiao Meiyan flashed a purple magic power from her left shield. She also took out a terrifying-looking magic machine gun from her arsenal and aimed it at Tomoe Mami.


The camera stopped for a while again!

Everyone who watched the video was a little surprised to see that the bullets fired by both sides in the video had almost the same trajectory.

And in this case, there is only one ending...

Ping ping ping ping! ! ! !

Crackling! ! !

Sparks from bullet impacts erupted in the air.

As for Tomoe Mami and Xiaomi Homura, they were constantly flying through the air, avoiding the magic sparks that rebounded and exploded when the bullets collided.

Countless explosions exploded behind them, beside them, and even in front of them, messing up their hair and clothes.

However, both of them relied on their powerful body skills and strength to move and avoid the various explosions caused by the other's attacks while shooting each other in the air.

Uh-huh! !

Boom! ! !

All around!

The buildings in the city were blown up by these magic powers and collapsed.

Although the explosion seemed small, the aftermath of the two people's magic contained in the explosion was very terrifying.

Back and forth, the two people, constantly tilting their magic power, fought from one street to another.

But almost everyone who watched the video noticed something strange.

All their movements while fighting seemed to be moving in the direction Beibei left! ?

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