How is this going? ?

Could it be that……

Everyone looked at the indifferent Xiao Meiyan in the picture in surprise!

is her! ! ? ?

The world of Detective Conan.

Edogawa Conan's eyes widened, full of confusion and doubts. He looked at Haibara Ai, with a puzzled look on his face, and asked:

"Hey... Haiyuan, are you watching the video??"

Hui Yuan Ai glanced at Conan with disdain and said, "Mr. Detective, are you blind? I'm sitting next to you. I'm not watching the video. What am I doing?"

Edogawa Conan laughed twice and continued to ask: "Do you think the two people in the video are magical girls??"

A trace of doubt flashed in Haibara Ai's eyes, and she looked at Edogawa Conan in confusion. She was not sure what Edogawa Conan wanted to express.

The corners of Conan's mouth twitched crazily and he roared loudly: "Look, is this really a magical girl!!!"

"Look!! Look what they are doing!! They are having a gunfight!! A gunfight!!!"

"Aren't magical girls supposed to fly in the sky on broomsticks and use all kinds of magic!!!"

"Whose magical girl fights with a gun!! This style of painting is completely broken!!!"

After realizing it, Haiyuan Ai looked at the video again and nodded silently...


It does make sense…

Who the hell can a serious magical girl use a gun? .

Chapter 156 The battle of magical girls, this is not magic! (Please customize)

The question of why magical girls use guns has also caused considerable controversy in the world where magical girls have been recorded.

There are even people on the video barrage who keep refreshing the screen with one barrage.

Magical girls who use guns are heretics!

However, no matter how hard these people couldn't accept it, they still continued to watch the video patiently.

After all, it’s really pretty…

In the video, Tomoe Mami kept firing in the air, looking very at ease, and kept saying to Xiaomi Homura:

"We are both anticipating each other's moves! But, under the same conditions, can you beat me??"

Naturally, Xiaomi Homura would not admit defeat. She kept changing various postures in the air to avoid Tomoe Mami's attacks, and tried hard to find opportunities to launch a counterattack against Tomoe Mami.

"If we compete with perseverance...I won't lose!"

The surrounding buildings were riddled with holes under the attacks of Akatsuki Homura and Tomoe Mami. Countless bullet holes and traces of explosions were attached to these buildings, making them look shaky.

At this time, everyone could see that Tomoe Mami still had more combat experience than Akatsuki Homura.

She seemed to have found some flaws exposed by Xiao Meiyan in the air, and the golden ribbon in her hand was wrapped around the surrounding buildings, constantly closing the distance between Tomoe Mami and Xiao Meiyan.


Xiao Meiyan's pupils suddenly shrank, and Tomoe Mami moved very quickly. In her eyes, Tomoe Mami appeared directly above her in almost the blink of an eye.

And the barrel of the gun in Tomoe Mami's hand was already pointed at Xiaomi Homura's head.


One shot!

Magic bullets roared out of the barrel! !


Xiao Meiyan narrowly dodged the shot!


Xiao Meiyan raised her hand and shot back a bullet.

The same thing was easily avoided by Tomoe Asami.

Poof! !

Tomoe Asami's gun barrel collided with Akatsuki Homura's pistol, and both of them pulled the trigger at the same time!

And then avoid...

Bang bang bang! ! !

The two men moved faster and faster, and the magic bullets in their hands shot out of the barrel as if they did not use magic power.

But these bullets failed to hit the opponent, and could only hit the surrounding buildings, and then the magic exploded...

Repeat this...

However, in all the worlds, almost everyone watched this spear-fighting performance with great interest.

After all, this is two beauties fighting. After all, one of the greatest pleasures of some men is to watch women fight, and what attracts them the most is the fight between two beauties!


At this moment, the scene suddenly changed!

Xiaomei Yan suddenly kicked Tomoe Mami's gun barrel!

There was a hint of panic on Tomoe Mami's face, and the powerful force made her lean back involuntarily.

At this moment, Xiao Meiyan's eyes lit up, this was an opportunity! ! 1


The next second, Xiao Meiyan's face became solemn, she had hit a trick...

When Tomoe Asami leaned back in the air, two gun barrels appeared beside her thighs and were pointed at Xiaomi Homura.


Xiao Meiyan did not hesitate and jumped towards the bottomless ground behind her!

boom! ! !

Almost instantly, two magic bullets flew past Xiao Meiyan's hair and bombarded a building in the distance...

Rumble, rumble! ! !

The poor building had already suffered a lot of damage before, but Tomoe Mami's two magic bullets seemed to be the last straw that broke the way for it to maintain its appearance!

At this moment, it could no longer hold on and began to collapse in pieces.

But Asami Tomoe didn't pay attention. She quickly adjusted her body shape and chased after Xiaomi Homura.

Bang bang bang bang! !

Bursts of gunshots kept ringing in the air...

Tomoe Mami and Akatsuki Homura's spear fighting skills are amazing.

But their battle made many people in the world twitch their mouths crazily.

This is not magic at all! ! !

But even though they complained in their hearts, they continued to watch.

After all, the battle between two beauties is really good to watch.

boom! ! !

Tomoe Mami and Akatsuki Homura both landed. It seemed that when they landed, their force-relieving skills made many people in the world brighten their eyes.

This kind of landing technique, which is as light as a feather, doesn't seem to be anything special. However, most of the people watching the video are people with some strength, and they all know very well... This is an extremely high impact on their body's strength. Something that can only be done by mastering it.

These two magical girls seem to have the best control over their bodies!

At this moment, the video screen changed again!

Buzz! ! !

A low moan!

One after another, Shi Zizhu suddenly appeared all around, surrounding Tomoe Mami and Akatsuki Homura.


That's not a time-stopping prism! !

The eyes of the powerful men in the world lit up and they instantly recognized what it was!

"That's the attack they fired from the weapons in their hands when they were fighting in the air!"

A barrage slowly passed by, attracting the recognition of all the powerful people in the world.

The result was also within their expectations!

Those bullets will end in the next second, time-stop! !

Bang bang bang bang! ! !

Boom, boom, boom! ! ! !

boom! !

boom! ! !

Crackling! ! !

The surrounding buildings were almost instantly submerged by these magic bullets, turning into ruins where magic exploded.



The surrounding magic explosions did not affect the concentration of Tomoe Mami and Xiaomi Homura. Both of them were breathing heavily and staring directly at each other.

Now we are not only fighting with combat experience, but more importantly, we need to compete with the physical strength of both sides...


See who can be more cruel to yourself!

"Look, it's endless."

A helpless smile appeared on Tomoe Mami's face. Although she seemed to be breathing heavily, in fact, her consumption was not too great.

Xiao Meiyan did not speak, but threw the pistol aside and looked at Tomoe Asami calmly.

A flash of surprise flashed in Tomoe Mami's eyes, after all, Xiaomi Homura's behavior seemed to be telling her.

I don't play anymore, I give up! !


In the next second, Tomoe Mami's pupils suddenly shrank! !

Xiao Meiyan suddenly reached out to the shield on her left hand.

As a purple light lit up, a pistol appeared in Xiao Meiyan's hand! !

But this time, Xiao Meiyan's actions surprised everyone! ! !


In the video, Xiao Meiyan looked at Tomoe Mami with a calm face, and raised the hand that grabbed the pistol...

Slowly aimed at his head! ! !

she! ! ! !

He actually wanted to commit suicide! ! ! .

Chapter 157 Time Stop! Beibei is a witch! ? (Please customize)

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