Back in the video, the camera suddenly shifts to darkness.


A huge eye suddenly appeared in the darkness!

It was accompanied by a trembling voice.

"Stop... stop it quickly..."


A strange arm appeared in the darkness.

"I must...I must die in this world!!!"

And this voice is extremely familiar to everyone watching the video...

It was Xiao Meiyan’s voice! !

Immediately afterwards, there was another switch, returning to the scene of the magical girls fighting.

Tomoe Asami tilted her head, as if she felt something.

In the distance, Xiao Meiyan's witch seemed to have received some guidance. Several familiars quietly appeared on the skeleton's hand, and then rushed towards the army of familiars below.

boom! ! !

The four pseudo-street kid familiars, like gods of war in the army of familiars, fought their way directly through the army. Their targets were directly aimed at Beibei and other witches (magical girls)! !

Madoka was stunned. The fighting power of these pseudo-street kids in front of her was very strong. They arrived in front of Madoka almost instantly.


Beibei suddenly appeared behind Madoka, picked her up, and avoided the attacks of the pseudo-street kids.

Immediately afterwards, Beibei's familiars rushed forward to fight, and the familiars of both sides began to fight.

Beibei, on the other hand, took Madoka and flew towards a safe place.

The camera immediately switched to the other side, where Sayaka was flying in the air, constantly killing the familiars flying in the air.

"So...don't just think about carrying it all by yourself, Homura Akatsuki!!" Sayaka said, raising her knife to face a kid from the street.


Poof! !

Countless sparks bloomed in the collision between Sayaka and the boy from the fake street.

At this moment, the boy from the fake street suddenly rushed and knocked Sayaka away.


Sayaka was also a little surprised. The force of the familiar's collision really caught Sayaka off guard.

At the same time, a giant bird-shaped familiar rushed out and swallowed Sayaka in one bite!

[The Nutcracker Witch·Ordinary familiar·Report evil! 】

However, just as Hōri swallowed Sayaka into his belly, a spear suddenly rushed out and directly stabbed Hōri into ashes.

Uh-huh! !

Sakura Kyoko supported Sayaka and slowly landed on the top of a tower.

"Tch! He actually got others involved in something inexplicable."

Sakura Kyoko's tone was full of doting and helplessness towards Sayaka.

"Hey, thanks."

Sayaka stuck out her tongue, very playfully.

Sakura Kyoko then turned downcast and sighed: "I had a very unpleasant dream. You died in the dream, but in fact the dream is reality. Now the two of us fighting side by side is a dream... Is that so? Sayaka.”

Sayaka listened to Sakura Kyoko's words, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and chuckled:

"I haven't been hurt yet. If you want to call it a dream, I originally thought that I didn't have any nostalgia. But even so, we finally accepted this mission and came back. I really still...have some memories."

"I shouldn't have left you alone."

Sayaka's words silenced Sakura Kyoko, and the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became gloomy.

At this moment, Beibei, who was passing by, answered.

"Hmph, Nagisa just wants to eat cheese again!"

After saying that, Beibei rushed away on her familiar.

"Uh...hey hey hey!!! Show me the atmosphere before answering!!"

However, it was Beibei's words that cleared away the low and sad atmosphere around her, and a smile appeared on Sakura Kyoko's face.

"Asshole!! Let's fight side by side again!! Sayaka!"

After saying that, Sakura Kyoko rushed towards the familiars swarming in front of her, and Sayaka also had a smile on her face.

"Ah~ come on!!"

boom! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! ! !

In the sky, the familiars of the Snack Witch were frantically cleaning the battlefield in the sky.

The mermaid witch below is constantly impacting the nutcracker witch!

In the middle level, Sayaka and Sakura Kyoko are killing enemies like crazy! !

On the other side, Tomoe Mami kept shuttling between the buildings, covering Madoka as she headed towards the gap in the sky.

At this moment, a huge familiar rushed out and rushed towards Madoka. It wanted to stop Madoka from saving Xiaomi Homura! !

Seeing the huge familiar in front of her, Madoka stopped and looked solemn!

"give it to me!"

Suddenly, Tomoe Mami's voice came from behind Madoka.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of a roaring train, and a train composed of desserts and guns rushed out of the distant building! !

【Shooting Finale! ! ! 】

Boom! ! !

Huge cannonballs were fired from the barrel and rushed towards the children in the pseudo-street in the distance.

The terrifying artillery fire instantly overwhelmed these children in the pseudo-street, and even Beibei, who was not far away, was accidentally affected by Sayaka's shooting finale.

"Madoka! It's now!!"

Not far away, Sayaka shouted, raised her hand, and a magical road appeared at Madoka's feet, and at the end of the road was the gap in the barrier! !

"Go!! Madoka!!"

Sakura Kyoko also roared and shot her spear in the direction of the gap!

Rumble, rumble! ! !

Wherever the spear passed, not a single blade of grass grew! ! !

The countless familiars blocking the way were all torn into pieces by the spear, and then it was nailed to the gap in the barrier with undiminished power.

"Homura!! I'm coming!!!"

Madoka looked directly at the gap and rushed towards the gap with her legs.

Her eyes were firm, she had to save Xiao Meiyan! !

Xiao Meiyan, who was outside the barrier, seemed to feel Madoka's will and shouted anxiously.

"No!! Madoka!!"

However, after hearing Xiao Meiyan's words, Madoka did not stop moving forward. She jumped up high, raised her hand, and drew the bow! !

aim! ! !

Pour all her magic into the longbow! ! !

The powerful magic arrows slowly condensed and took shape! ! !

"No!!! Madoka!!! No!!!"

Xiaomi Homura felt Madoka's magic power, which made her even more anxious.

If the barrier dissipates, she is really afraid that Madoka will disappear again, to that distant place, a place she will never see again...


Madoka's goal is to save Homura Akatsuki.


"Go for it!!"

Madoka shouted and released the bowstring in her hand! ! !

boom! ! !

A strong backward push pushed Madoka away, and Tomoe Mami quickly caught Madoka and held her in her arms.

And that bow and arrow, containing the energy of the law, directly hit the small gap in the barrier! ! !

Rumble, rumble! ! ! !

At this moment, the terrifying arrows that destroyed the world instantly turned into terrifying magic power and exploded.

boom! ! !

The strong air flow hit Tomoe Mami and others almost instantly.

Below, countless familiars were instantly wiped out by the impact of this magical aftermath.

Along with it, there are all the buildings in this city...


Shattered! !

It even turned into molecules under the impact of magic!

And in the sky, the colorful barrier began to break and shatter like glass.

"No!!! No!!! Madoka!! No!!!"

Xiaomi Homura felt that the barrier she had created began to collapse. It was easy for Madoka's powerful magic power to destroy the barrier she had set up.

But it was because of this that Xiao Meiyan felt extremely desperate when the barrier was destroyed.

"don't want……"

The barrier shattered, revealing a huge dome!

That is...

The Seal of the Incubator! ! .

Chapter 164, The power of law! The seal is lifted! ! (Please customize)

For the world... and for you...

Inexplicably, people from all over the world who watched the video couldn't help but flash this sentence in their minds.

This was not spread by a sound, but by an inexplicable force, which imprinted this sentence in their minds, which was extremely profound.

All heavens and worlds.

Song Shuhang felt the words that suddenly appeared in his mind in a daze, and he looked around blankly.

"What's wrong?" Senior Bai on the side noticed something strange and turned around to ask.

"Senior Bai, a sentence suddenly appeared in my mind..." Song Shuhang frowned. He just watched the video for a while, and this sentence appeared in his brain. What on earth was going on?

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