Senior Bai nodded: "Is it the phrase 'for the world and for you'?"

Song Shuhang was stunned, looked at Senior Bai, and said in surprise: "Senior Bai, is it you too!?"

Senior Bai nodded: "This is the power of the law...and it is a law I have never seen before. It is very interesting. I am going to study it."

"Brother Xiao Yan, what's wrong?" Xun'er blinked her big, watery eyes. She suddenly saw Xiao Yan frozen on the spot and became very nervous.

Xiao Yan came back to his senses. After a long time, a smile appeared on his face: "It's okay...the power of the law?"

"Laws?" Xun'er was confused, but didn't ask further.

"Interesting, what is this law? It actually contains the power of the entire universe? Is it the will of the universe? Which world's will of the universe?"

The Ultra King quietly looked at Ultraman Zero, who was being beaten by Leo with a fist, while watching the latest updated video.

He didn't know if it was his imagination, but he always felt that he could feel the will of the universe in this pink-haired little girl.

But soon, the King of Ultra believed that it was not an illusion, because as the girl's energy fluctuations rose, these words were inexplicably reflected in his mind.

"It's not a bad thing."

The King of Ultra secretly thought, this kind of words left by the will of the universe does not require careful consideration. As long as you watch it a few times a day, you can get huge gains from it.

Naruto world.

Uzumaki Naruto suddenly froze on the spot, and his consciousness was instantly brought into the tailed beast's sealed space without knowing when.

"Kid, what's going on?"

Kyuubi was in the sealed cage, looking at a line of golden characters that appeared in front of him with a confused look on his face, and asked in a very unhappy tone.

However, although it was very unhappy to be disturbed by the sudden intrusion of the font, its subconscious couldn't help but want to look at it.

"For the world...and for you..."

Kyuubi watched the fonts floating in the air quietly, and a very familiar figure appeared in front of him.

Immortal of Six Paths!

"Old could it be you."

Kyuubi was stunned, looking quietly at the figure of the six-path old man in front of him. Even the sudden flash of light from the seal in front of his eyes was ignored by Kyuubi himself.

Uzumaki Naruto, on the other hand, stared blankly at the two people who suddenly appeared in front of him...

One man and one woman!

The man's blond hair is handsome and unrestrained!

The woman’s red hair is gentle and beautiful!

"You are?"

Uzumaki Naruto's eyes widened. He didn't know who the man and woman who suddenly appeared in the tailed beast space were.

But soon, Uzumaki Naruto saw the cloak on the other party.

"Could it be that!?"

Uzumaki Naruto's face suddenly became excited!

"You guys!! Are you the Yondaime Hokage?"

Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina looked at each other, and their eyes towards Naruto became extremely pitiful and loving.

"Long time no see, Naruto..."

Namikaze Minato's tone was full of tenderness and affection.

"No...should say...our first meeting, Naruto..."

All over the world, people who watched the video received such a word that contained the will and laws of the universe. Similar to the world of Naruto and the world of Pirates, there were many examples of great increases in strength.

The power of this law is really powerful!

These were also some small rewards given by Chen Shu when he made this video. After all, he knew that this video did not have battle scenes similar to Dragon Ball, One Punch Man, nor Ultraman, Saint Seiya, etc. Powerful energy.

There must be many people who can't stand it halfway through.

Therefore, he very cleverly spent some Wanjie points to provide a small reward for everyone who can persist in watching the video.

And those who quit midway, even if they learn about it from others, will never get this kind of sound of the great road again if they go to see it again.

This benefit is only given to people who watch the video for the first time.

And in the video screen at this time.

Facing the seal set by the incubator, Madoka was not afraid, waving the wand in her hand and heading towards the seal!

But at this time, the camera turned.

In the picture, a window appears.

Outside the window, ashes were falling that made people feel uncomfortable, and there was ruins outside.

Among the ruins, a figure knelt and sat in a pool of water.

She drooped her head, and in her arms, there was a person lying quietly.

pink hair…

The person in his arms was actually Madoka who was jumping around just now! ?

Everyone who watched the video was stunned, what is going on?

Could it be Xiao Meiyan's dream?

In the picture, Xiao Meiyan looked down at Madoka, who seemed to be dead in her arms. She raised her head with despair on her face. At the same time, she held the pistol in her hand and pointed forward.

And in front, a vague figure kneeling there appeared without knowing when. It sat there quietly, and its appearance could not be clearly seen.

Like nothingness.

However, the people in the world who watched the video couldn't help but become silent, because they recognized the void figure.

Isn't this Xiao Meiyan who raised her gun and prepared to shoot?

Just when Xiao Meiyan was trembling and wanted to shoot the person in front of her, a voice suddenly appeared.

"No! Homura!!"

Hearing this voice, Xiao Meiyan's body suddenly trembled.

"Didn't I tell you not to isolate yourself??"

As the sound appeared, the scene suddenly turned into chaos.

And in the chaos, the window was still opening slowly with this voice.

Xiao Meiyan's empty body slowly raised her head, looking at the slowly opening window in front of her with confused eyes.


Her voice seemed a little frightened and guilty, and after her call, Madoka's voice came from the window again.

"No matter what happens, Homura will be Homura...I will never leave you alone."

As he said that, a holy and slender hand suddenly stretched out from the window and reached in the direction of Xiao Meiyan.

However, when everyone who saw this scene looked directly at that arm, their hearts subconsciously stopped for half a beat.

Oh my god...

They couldn't believe their eyes.

What kind of arm did they see?

In their eyes, that arm exuded a faint and holy areola, as if it were the hand of a god.


This arm is full of scars...

This is an extremely holy and scarred arm!

The owner of this arm...

What kind of suffering did he suffer to make his arm look like this! ?

This scene and this idea appeared in the minds of everyone who watched the video.

It makes people feel distressed...but also makes people feel extremely frightened...

This is……

God’s wounded hand of relief! !

Even though it is full of scars, it will still lend a helping hand to those it cares about! !

"So!! Never give up!"

At this time, the screen began to play the scenes that Xiaomi Homura and Madoka had experienced.

Until the end, Madoka died in her arms, tears slipped from the corners of Xiao Meiyan's eyes, and fell on Madoka's cheeks that still had a gentle smile even in death.


Xiao Meiyan's voice was full of tears. She looked up at the scarred hand stretched out in front of her.

"I'm so useless..."

"Rather than let me betray my thoughts and never want to see you again."

"Yes!! I am willing to bear all the sins!! No matter what I become, I will definitely be able to accept it happily!!!"

"As long as you by my side..."

Saying that, Xiao Meiyan's hand was tightly held by Madoka.

The magic power belonging to Madoka instantly poured into Xiao Meiyan's body! !

Snapped! ! !

Xiao Meiyan's body suddenly broke out of the void and chaos, and the evil power wrapped around her seemed to be torn apart easily by Madoka like a thin film at this moment!

"Come on, Homura."

There was still that gentle smile on Madoka's face, that smile that could heal people's hearts.

"Together we will……"

Madoka grabbed Xiao Meiyan's hand, and the powerful magic power of the two people merged together and bloomed instantly! !

boom! ! !

In the sky, a withered cherry blossom tree suddenly appeared, and then, it seemed to be nourished by the magic power of Akatsuki Homura and Madoka!

This moment! !

boom! ! !

Countless cherry blossoms grew from the cherry blossom trees, and countless pieces of cherry blossoms composed of magic began to dance in this small Mitakihara barrier, constantly repairing the ruins.

"Homura...are you scared?"

Madoka looked at Xiao Meiyan with a faint smile on her face.

"It doesn't really doesn't matter. I will never hesitate again..."

With Madoka's words, powerful magic power shot up through the cherry blossom trees above! ! !

Rumble, rumble! ! !

This magical power seemed to be causing a catastrophe, rushing towards the seal set by the incubator above!

Rumble, rumble! ! !

The magic shock wave hit the seal hard.

In less than a second, this terrifying shock wave directly tore through the seal and rushed into the sky!

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