Danzo stared at Namikaze Minato in the video screen, feeling extremely angry in his heart.

His plan! ! !

It was completely lost the moment Minato Namikaze appeared!

How could he not be angry? !

Sarutobi Hiruzen naturally saw Danzo's face, but he just glanced at it lightly and said softly:

"Okay Danzo, I believe you also know what will happen in Konoha next. Oh, don't do those little tricks in the future. I don't care about you, just to protect Naruto. Now that Naruto's identity has been exposed , then if you continue to make small moves..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression suddenly burst into intense murderous intent, and he looked directly at Danzo.

"I will never forgive you!!!".

Chapter 174: Gathering of all past Hokages! Four Red Sun Formation! ! (Please customize)

In the video, the fourth generation Hokage Namikaze Minato came to the rescue handsomely. The gentle expression on his face instantly made a group of women from all over the world become his fans.

At this time, the Fourth Hokage in the picture seemed to feel something, with a faint smile on his face and said softly: "Everyone, be careful, the explosion is coming."

After that, before anyone could react, the huge tailed beast jade that he had transferred to the sea using the Flying Thunder God technique exploded instantly!

The terrifying shock wave swept across and directly impacted the sea water onto the battlefield thousands of miles away!


Everyone in the Ninja Alliance was frightened by the sudden shock wave, but after all, the explosion was very far away from the battlefield. These shock waves and the seawater swept up by the shock wave could not cause them any harm.

After a brief period of confusion, the ninjas of Konoha Village looked at the Yondaime Hokage, and their whole bodies froze.

At this moment, one after another figures landed next to Minato.


The Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, landed quietly. The corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he praised: "Minato, you are still so fast!"

The second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama followed closely behind. He glanced at Minato. This was his first contact with this young junior, and he could naturally tell that the ninjutsu performed by the other party was the Flying Thunder God created by him. technique.

However, Senju Tobirama could feel that Namikaze Minato had already surpassed him in the flying thunder god technique.

In response, he couldn't help but praise: "Yondaime, your Flying Thunder God Technique is faster than mine!"

Senju Hashirama was the last to land. He looked at the Ten-Tails in the distance and raised the corners of his mouth: "Okay~ let's get started!"

The appearance of the four Hokage also made the surrounding ninjas exclaim.

"First-sama! Second-sama! And third-sama... Fourth-sama, Minato-sama too..."

At this moment, all the ninjas understood that it was the Hokages who had stopped the Ten-Tails attack just now, but the same doubts also appeared in their minds.

After all, the marks of the Jutsu of the Evil Earth Reincarnation on the four Hokage's bodies are too conspicuous. Who summoned them using the Art of the Evil Earth Reincarnation?

Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to know their inner doubts and said lightly: "It was Orochimaru who summoned us."

In this regard, he did not continue to say more.

However, the appearance of the four Hokages was a great encouragement to all the ninjas present. Even though many ninjas were not from the Leaf Village, each of these four ninjas was a famous presence in the ninja world. , Not only that, their strength is also very powerful.

This is the most reliable and powerful reinforcement for the Ninja Alliance who are now at a disadvantage!

And this time...

Uh-huh! !

In the picture, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky! ! !

boom! ! !

The figure landed on the rock wall not far away! ! !

"Haxi Mala!!! I've been waiting for you for a long time!!!"

It's Madara Uchiha! !

He looked at his best friend and rival with excitement, and the expression on his face already expressed his eagerness to fight against him!

However, Senju Hashirama glanced at the excited Uchiha Madara lightly, suddenly pointed at him and said: "I'll find you later!"


Uchiha Madara's expression froze. He never expected that his enthusiasm would be treated so coldly by Senju Hashirama.

"Because...that guy is already coming this way!!!"

Senju Hashirama then pointed in the direction of the Ten-Tails, and everyone saw through the video that the Ten-Tails was rushing towards the ninja coalition at an alarming speed!

Pirate world.

Kizaru stopped talking. He only felt that his face was burning, as if someone was slapping him repeatedly.

Not long ago, he was saying that a big guy like the Ten-Tails was slow and that he was definitely the opponent's nemesis. But with a backhand, the Ten-Tails showed off its amazing mobility.

This sprinting speed doesn't seem to be what a huge guy can do? ?

Warring States looked at Kizaru calmly and said softly: "So, don't underestimate any opponent, otherwise, it will cause some unacceptable results."

Kizaru stopped talking and looked at the Ten-Tails in the video quietly. He was very curious, what kind of strength do these four new Hokage have? ?

Could the four of them really defeat such a terrifying guy as the Ten-Tails? ?

Soon, Kizaru's thoughts emerged from the video.

I saw the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato whispering to Uzumaki Naruto: "You have a good rest first, your friends will be here soon, leave the Ten-Tails to us first."

The first Hokage also issued an order!

"Hokages!! Up!!!"

Following the words of the First Hokage, all four Hokages unleashed their most powerful chakra aura! !

As for Namikaze Minato, at the moment when his chakra exploded, a cold aura erupted from his body!

Immediately, a dark golden tailed beast coat rose from his body! !

Namikaze Minato·Kyuubi Chakra Mode! ! !

At this point in the video, everyone who watched the video was once again in an uproar! !

Because they have seen the strength of this mode before, the fourth generation Hokage's aura is already strong enough, and it turns out that he also has this powerful mode! ?

At the same time, everyone in the world felt powerful momentum rising into the sky, as if they were about to rush out of the video screen!

And these auras were emanated from the four Hokages! ! !

At the same time, the top experts in the world were even more surprised to find that the powerful momentum erupted by Feng Shuimen and Senju Hashirama was actually comparable to the strength that Uchiha Madara erupted before! ?

There are actually several such strong men in this world! ?

Everyone was surprised when they thought of this.

In the video, Namikaze Minato started to take action!

He had already deployed the Flying Thunder God Kunai around him, and he put his hands on Senju Tobirama and Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the three of them disappeared on the spot.

When they reappeared, the three of them had already appeared in a corner, and the positions of the four Hokage just formed a square!

At this moment, the four Hokages quickly formed seals! !

Immediately, four voices shouted in unison! !

"Ninja Technique: Four Bottles of Wang Laoji (Four Red Sun Formation)!!!"

Uh-huh! ! !

In front of the four Hokage, four red lines shooting straight into the sky appeared. Then, the four red lines attracted each other, and a huge barrier trapped the running Ten-Tails in the barrier! !

"It's not over yet!"

Senju Hashirama sneered, he raised his head slightly, and the mark of Sage Mode appeared on his face at some point.

"Immortal Technique·Mingshen Gate!!"

With a soft cry from Senju Hashirama, ten huge torii gates fell from the sky, and the ten tails of the Ten Tails were instantly fixed to death!

This is Senju Hashirama's unique secret technique, a celestial ninjutsu specially used to suppress tailed beasts!

At this time, the camera turned, and a figure fell in front of Uzumaki Naruto!

His name is...

Sasuke Uchiha! ! !

Naruto world.

Short book street.

Jiraiya looked at Uchiha Sasuke in the video with a surprised look on his face. His clothes reminded both Jiraiya and Tsunade of a very familiar person.

Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas! ! !

"What's going on... Sasuke, this kid..."

Tsunade frowned and looked at Jiraiya.

Jiraiya also shook his head, because he himself was confused.

His disciple...how did he become Orochimaru's disciple? ? ? .

Chapter 175, Class 7 reunites! ! The battle begins! ! (Please customize)

In the video screen, Uchiha Sasuke appeared in the video, and his appearance instantly made Shikamaru and others alert.

When Uchiha Sasuke saw this scene in the video, he looked at himself in the video with surprise, as well as his classmates who were wary of him.

He was puzzled, why were they so vigilant?

But as the video continued to play, Uchiha Sasuke instantly understood the reason.

"My future self...rebelled from the village?"

Uchiha Sasuke frowned, a little unbelievable. He now roughly knew part of the truth about the night of genocide, and he was also accepted as a disciple by Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas.

With such abundant cultivation resources, there is no reason why he would defect. Could it be that something happened to him later... that's why he defected?

Uchiha Sasuke kept thinking, but now he had too few clues to deduce the truth.

He had no idea that it was because of the existence of Wanjie Video Network that his current life trajectory had changed, and the scenes in the video were just his normal life trajectory.

However, although Uchiha Sasuke didn't think about the reason, he was quickly attracted by the person in the picture who made him feel very powerful.

"With this kind of strength...Uchiha Itachi will definitely not be my opponent!"

Uchiha Sasuke's eyes were shining. Although he didn't know what his future self had experienced, his future self was already so powerful that even he now envied him.

"Can my future self be so powerful? No! I have to practice harder! Become so powerful sooner...become so powerful sooner!!!"

Uchiha Sasuke muttered to himself, and two words appeared in his eyes.

It’s called ‘Desire’!

In the picture, Uchiha Sasuke's "Hokage" declaration shocked everyone, but the battle situation at this time did not give them more opportunities to chat. Senju Hashirama had already separated the wooden clone and was preparing to lead the ninja coalition to start the attack. Counterattack against the Ten-Tails!

In the picture, Naruto stood up and came to Uchiha Sasuke's side, with a confident expression on his face.

"The one who wants to be Hokage is me!"

With that said, Naruto and Sasuke came to the front of the team, preparing to follow Senju Hashirama's clone into the barrier to fight.

Behind him, Sakura frowned slightly and followed immediately.

"As one of the three ninjas, Tsunade-sama's apprentice, I have caught up with you!"

Sakura came to Naruto and Sasuke and said solemnly. At this time, she had a mysterious confidence. After years of hard training, she felt that her strength would not be too far behind Naruto and Sasuke. .

"I am also from Team 7 and one of the Sannin's apprentices!!"

Uzumaki Naruto looked at Sakura and immediately smiled!

"Okay!!! Class 7!! Resurrection again!!!"

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