Saying that, Uzumaki Naruto looked at the Ten-Tails in front of him and showed a ferocious smile: "Come on!! Sakura! Sasuke!!"

Sakura (fantastically confident): "Okay!"

Sasuke (with an indifferent expression): "Yeah!"

In the video, Ino turned his head and was moved by this familiar scene. Although Shikamaru was unhappy, Sasuke wanted to help everyone, so he couldn't say anything. Choji was also moved, and all his classmates from that year were here. , this long-lost reunion made him very excited.

The tooth on the other side had a dissatisfied look on his face, he was the man who wanted to be Hokage! ! ! Shino still had no sense of presence, while Hinata glanced shyly at Naruto's handsome posture while echoing Kiba's bold words.

"Yoshi!! Come on!!!"

Uzumaki Naruto shouted energetically, but was stopped by Senju Hashirama the next second.

Because, in the picture, the ten tails once again condensed the previous oversized tailed beast jade.

"He wants to destroy the barrier!"

A jounin's pupils shrank suddenly and he shouted loudly.

However, apart from the panic on the faces of the ninja coalition, the four Hokage looked particularly relaxed and not in a hurry!

At this moment, everyone was waiting nervously, and they were also very curious in their hearts whether the Ten-Tails' attack could break through the barrier.

Terrible coercion came from the Ten-Tails, and everyone couldn't help but shudder, including those who were watching the video and were not very strong.

The next second, in the video screen, the Ten-Tailed Beast Jade was launched! !

Boom! ! ! !

The tailed beast jade swept onto the plane of the barrier with a terrifying momentum! !

The powerful impact actually distorted the plane of the barrier, but soon, the impact of the tailed beast jade slowly dissipated, and then exploded! ! !

Rumble, rumble! ! !

The terrifying explosion instantly flooded the entire barrier. The entire barrier was impacted by this terrifying chakra energy, constantly expanding and distorting into various strange shapes.

However, this barrier seems to have extremely strong toughness. No matter how distorted its surface is, the shock wave generated by the explosion cannot break out of the barrier at all! !

boom! ! ! !

Then, this terrifying energy moved up along the surface of the barrier and poured out directly through the hole more than a thousand meters above! !


Safe and sound! ! !

But even so, the terrifying energy oppression in the sky still oppressed every ninja present.

They also saw with their own eyes the true power of the Ten-Tailed Beast Jade!

If this kind of attack really hits the Ninja Alliance, it will definitely have only one end...

The group is destroyed! ! !

However, this terrible attack was resisted by the joint defense of the four Hokages, which made them feel a sense of pride.

This is the strong man in their ninja world! ! !

So what if he is stronger than the Ten-Tails! ! Still unable to break through the barrier! !

"Haha, it's not over yet!! Immortal Technique·Mingshen Gate·Head Cap!!"

Senju Hashirama watched the attack end. In order to prevent the Ten-Tails from being attacked by the Tailed Beast Tama again when the ninja coalition rushed into the barrier, he did not hesitate to summon a Myojin Gate again and attack the Ten-Tails' head. Got the seal! !

After everything was over, looking at the suppressed Ten-Tails...

The corner of Senju Hashirama's mouth raised. The next second, he opened the barrier out of distraction and rushed in first!

Following him are all the ninjas of the Ninja Alliance! ! !

This is……

They fight side by side with Naruto! ! !

As the ninja coalition counterattacked, the Ten-Tails also felt threatened.

On its body, split objects appeared from all around its body! !

Boom boom boom! ! !

One after another, strange-looking split objects landed on the ground and launched an attack on the counterattacking ninjas! !

For a moment, ninjutsu was everywhere on the battlefield! ! !

Various escape techniques exploded all over the battlefield instantly! !

The camera turned and appeared in front of Naruto and the other three.

Everyone in the world looked at the pink-haired girl next to Naruto, with an inexplicable smile on her face, as if she was in a state of extreme happiness, which made those who watched the video puzzled.

And the girl's behavior in the next second seemed to prove what she said before, and she suddenly punched a split body in the chest.


boom! ! !

A situation that no one expected happened to Sakura.

Boom! ! !

A huge fist mark appeared on the chest of the split body, and then it flew straight out as if it had been hit by a car, knocking over a group of split bodies.

Then Sakura jumped up with a ferocious face, and a diamond-shaped mark appeared on her forehead at some point! !


With Sakura yelling angrily!

Sakura fell to the ground and punched the ground! !

Immediately afterwards...

Click! !

A crisp sound came out!

Then came...

Rumble, rumble! ! !

Landslides and landslides in that area! ! ! !

Learn from Tsunade! !

Weird punch! ! !

This punch actually directly shattered the ground within a hundred meters radius. Countless split bodies were shattered by the powerful shock wave in this punch! !

And the next second, before Sakura could show her confident smile, two voices sounded from behind her! !

"Wind Release: Spiral Shuriken!!!"

"Fire Escape·Added Earth Life!!!".

Chapter 176: The new Sannin appears and the old Sannin is shocked! (Please customize)

Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke's attacks were directed towards Sakura. Before Sakura could react, these two ninjutsu were already in front of her.

Sakura's expression changed, and in the next second, two ninjutsus whizzed past her and struck directly at the two huge ten-tailed fragments that appeared behind Sakura at some point.

boom! ! !

The Rasen Shuriken exploded instantly, and then after being contaminated by the Kagi Tomei next to it, it turned into a blazing black fire, and burned the two split Ten-Tails bodies to ashes in an instant.



Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto came to Sakura's side and looked at the Ten-Tails splinters surrounding them with vigilant expressions.

At this time, other ninjas also showed their strength.

Hinata Hinata's set of guardian Baguazhang beat the split body into pieces.

Shino's insect escape still makes people feel uncomfortable.

Ya's three-headed wolf technique instantly strangled several nearby split bodies into minced meat.

The three of Shikamaru, Ino and Choji had a tacit understanding. They used a set of shadow manipulation techniques combined with the heart-to-heart technique to control the meat bullet yo-yo transformed by Chōji to instantly kill more than a dozen split bodies.

The nine people in the same class have all become outstanding ninjas who can stand alone!

Naruto world.

Seeing this scene, Sarutobi Asuma, Yuhi Kurenai, Hatake Kakashi, and Iruka, who was at home digesting that Naruto was actually the son of the Hokage, felt a sense of relief in their hearts.

In the future, they will already be the mainstay of Konoha...

But Asuma Sarutobi was even more puzzled, because he saw familiar jonins such as Hatake Kakashi and Metkai in the video, but he and Yuhi were the only ones not seen. Red figure.

Based on their strength, it is impossible for them not to go out in this kind of ninja war.

But why can't he and Hong be seen in the video?

Sarutobi Asuma was lost in thought, and at the same time, he was also thinking about another thing.

that is……

He found that Hiruzen Sarutobi was in the same state as other Hokages, which meant... Hiruzen Sarutobi was dead...

When did he die?

All sorts of doubts arose in Sarutobi Asuma's heart, but he couldn't find a clue.

In fact, there are still clues, but...

Sarutobi Asuma just didn't want to face that possibility.

Return to the video screen.

I saw nine people from Class 7, Class 8 and Class 10 all fighting bravely to kill the enemy.

Sakai, who has always been a reconnaissance aircraft in the sky, couldn't help it anymore. He was considered a member of Team 7 no matter what, and he had to fight the enemy as bravely as Naruto and the others!

With this thought in his mind, his eyes focused on the Ten-Tails body!

Uh-huh! !

At this moment, Sai immediately rushed towards the Ten-Tails' body with his 'Super Beast Pseudo-Hawk'.


How could the Ten-Tails, which seems to have left everything to its split body, ignore attacks from the air?

A sharp spike was seen shooting out from the Ten-Tails' body, directly piercing Sai's fake painting of a super beast.

Immediately afterwards, facing Sayi who was in free fall, the Ten-Tails shot a bunch of spikes at him without mercy.



A golden chakra hand wrapped around Sai before the spike hit him, and then pulled him to Naruto's side.

At this time, Naruto has entered the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode!

Sai frowned, and there was a cut on his cheek, which was scratched by the spikes shot by the Ten-Tails before.

At this time, in the battlefield, although the ninjas were fighting bravely to kill the enemy, the fact was that the Ten-Tails continued to split, resulting in more and more enemies on the field.

"Naruto! Can you distribute the Nine-Tails chakra to everyone again? Otherwise, we will not be able to solve these split bodies." Sai frowned and said.

Naruto was also very aware of the situation in front of him, but he was really powerless. After all, the Kyuubi had not recovered yet, let alone sharing the buff of the Kyuubi's chakra with others.

"This is troublesome. The distance is too far and we cannot jump over it in one go. Faced with so many obstacles from split bodies, there is no way to clear them all at once. Moreover, the medical team cannot treat everyone at any time."

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura listened to Saoi's words, and all three of them had a slight expression on their faces. Then, all three of them smiled in unison.


There was a soft sound.

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