People from all over the world looked at the three Narutos who had bitten their fingers in the video with surprised expressions!

What are they going to do? ? ?

Just when everyone was confused, the three Narutos in the video took action.


Sasuke squatted on the ground and pressed his hands on the ground, and runes appeared on the ground.

"Sweep it away and wait for the opportunity to get closer, it's easy!"


Naruto squatted on the ground, raised the corners of his mouth, and looked ahead firmly.

"Not only can he get close to enemies with one jump, this guy can also attack and fend off enemy attacks!"


Sakura squatted on the ground, her face serious, but her eyes were full of confidence.

"Even if everyone is seriously injured, I can still treat everyone at any time! Now I can definitely do it!"

The next second, the three of them shouted in unison:

"Psychic art!!!"

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

Accompanied by three huge smoke plumes!

Three huge figures slowly emerged from the smoke! ! !

Sakura, standing on top of a huge slug, was dripping with highly corrosive mucus!

Sasuke, standing on a huge gray python, this gray python looks very agile, like a dangerous killer spitting out letters waiting for an opportunity to kill with one blow!

Naruto stood on top of a huge red-skinned toad. The toad had a cigarette in its mouth. Its right hand was holding a huge long knife tightly. It looked like a swordsman!

As soon as the three psychic beasts appeared on the stage, everyone in the Naruto world was shocked! !

Naruto world.

Short book street.

Jiraiya's eyes widened and he turned his head to look at Tsunade.

Tsunade also looked at the picture in the video with a look of astonishment. She never expected that slugs would appear in the picture.

And judging from the moves used by Sakura, it is obvious that she has the shadow of Tsunade Hime.

"Tsunade, I didn't expect you to accept a disciple other than Shizune!"

Jiraiya lamented that he really didn't expect that Tsunade would change so much in the future, and Sakura, who was Tsunade's direct disciple in the video, had indeed lived up to expectations.

Tsunade looked over Sakura's body. Anyway, she had been persuaded by Jiraiya to return to the village. Then she could take a look at the girl named Haruno Sakura in the video.

It can be seen that this Haruno Sakura really suits her taste...

A direct disciple...

Tsunade murmured in her heart, but her attention soon fell on the other person, and she said: "I am more concerned about... that Uchiha Sasuke... you should have noticed his psychic beast. .”

Jiraiya nodded and said: "Yes, I saw's the psychic beast from Dragon Snake Cave...Did Uchiha Sasuke finally worship Orochimaru as his disciple?"

As he said that, Jiraiya fell into silence. He was also a little confused. Logically speaking, he accepted Uchiha Sasuke as his disciple. With his teaching ability, there was no reason for Uchiha Sasuke to abandon him and go to worship Orochimaru. It's only right that this guy is a teacher...

"Forget it, let's continue watching... I didn't expect that now we can actually see the appearance of the future Sannin with our own eyes. Actually... it's not bad."

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya who was deep in thought, quickly interrupted his thoughts, and then said with emotion.

Inexplicably, Tsunade felt a strange feeling when she saw this scene.

A bond called 'inheritance' seems to have passed through time and space, firmly connecting each other.

This feeling doesn't seem too bad.

At the same time, in the Sound Ninja Village.

Orochimaru licked his dry lips and watched with interest Uchiha Sasuke summoning the green snake in the picture.

The Sharingan in his eyes was a style Orochimaru had never seen before.

Moreover, he could feel that Uchiha Sasuke in the video screen was very powerful.


Chapter 177, video ends! Six Paths Madara appears! ! (Please customize)

In the world of Naruto.

Uchiha Sasuke has fallen into deep arrogance.

He was already shocked by his own great strength.

Now Sasuke can't wait to continue practicing immediately and reach the height of himself in the video as soon as possible.

If you have the strength of yourself in the video.

Haha... Uchiha Itachi... Revenge... Don't make it too simple! ! !

At the same time, in Konoha Village.

Hatake Kakashi, Haruno Sakura and Metkai's team had already gathered at the entrance of Konoha Village. Not only that, but a moment later, Sarutobi Asuma, Yuhi Kurenai and others also led their respective subordinates to gather at the village entrance. .

They received the order from Sarutobi Hiruzen almost immediately, and immediately went to the Danshu Street in the Land of Fire to assist Master Tsunade and Master Jiraiya in bringing Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto back safely.

At this time, Sakura was falling into isolation.

She has matured precociously, and now she understands and understands the pros and cons in many aspects.

However, although she showed good strength in the video, Sakura knew very well that she and Naruto were nothing.

Sasuke and Naruto....

Sakura really didn't expect that even Naruto could grow to such a terrifying height.

Even Naruto's status is extremely noble!

The son of the Fourth Hokage!

This is equivalent to the status of a prince!


Over the years, Sakura has heard a little bit about Naruto's experiences...

It was really unimaginable to her that the son of the Hokage could maintain an extremely optimistic attitude in life in that kind of encounter, and even become a step beyond her reach.

Thinking of this, Sakura suddenly fell into a deep inferiority complex.

At this time, after all the personnel were assembled, Kakashi, as the captain, immediately led the team towards Tanshu Street.

And along the way, Emperor Kai was still chattering to Kakashi.

"Kakashi, you are really amazing. You are able to teach such a powerful student. You are worthy of being my lifelong rival."

The nervous Metkai has not yet discovered that all three of his students are autistic.

Hinata Neji looked worried, Tenten looked sad and unable to accept knowing that Neji would sacrifice in the future, and Xiao Li was immersed in the strength shown by Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto.

The corner of Kakashi's mouth twitched slightly. He was more attentive than Emperor Kai. He keenly noticed that something was not right with the students in Emperor Kai's class, which made him a little worried.

But when he thought about this operation, on the surface it was just members of four of their classes, but in fact there were at least two teams of ANBU around, and Kakashi's heart dropped a lot.

Along the way, although Kakashi and others were in a hurry, they were still watching the video. The next second, they saw the exquisite cooperation between Sasuke and Naruto in the video! !

In the video, after receiving Naruto's instructions, Kamakichi jumped up high, brandishing a long sword in his hand, and blocked all the spikes fired by the Ten-Tails.

At the same time, Naruto condensed the wind release and spiral shuriken technique on Gamaji's head!

On the other side, the green snake under Sasuke's feet moved like a snake, frantically avoiding the attack of the split body, and quickly approaching the Ten-Tails.

Sasuke, on the other hand, activated the Susanoo. Facing the defensive wall formed by the split body, Sasuke in the Susanoo state directly used the enhanced earth life to chop the wall into countless pieces.

Immediately afterwards, Sasuke controlled Susanoo, a bow and arrow formed by black flames appeared in Susanoo's hands, and the arrow of black flames was shot towards the flower on the head of the Ten-Tails! !


Naruto roared loudly and quickly threw the Rasenshuriken!

Wind Release·Super·Big Jade Spiral Shuriken! ! !

Buzz! ! !

The Rasen Shuriken roared in the air and quickly approached the Ten-Tails, which was blocked in place by the Myojin Gate.

Sasuke's eyes were serious and he shouted in a low voice: "Naruto!!!"

Flame Release Susanoo added earth life! !

At this moment, the kagi earth life and the spiral shuriken in the air intertwined.

I don't know whether it was the natural tacit understanding between Naruto and Sasuke or the two people's sufficient understanding of each other. The moment Kaguto Ming and Rasen Shuriken intertwined, they quickly merged into one, forming a new ninjutsu!

A huge one!

Burning with blazing black flames!

Spiral shuriken! ! !

boom! ! ! !

The next moment, the Black Flame Shuriken hit the Ten-Tails' face directly, and terrifying energy burst out instantly.

Roar! ! ! !

Roar! ! ! !

Roar! ! ! !

The angry and miserable roar of the Ten-Tails sounded in the explosion, and the surrounding split bodies seemed to have been severely injured and kept wailing.

Some even disintegrated on the spot! !

boom! ! ! !

The terrifying energy aftermath swept across the entire battlefield instantly, setting off a strong wind! ! !

BOOM! ! ! !

Countless ordinary people across the world who watched the video were repelled by this sudden and terrifying momentum in the next second. They collapsed on their seats and stared blankly at the scene in the video.

Following this terrifying blow, everyone was surprised to find that the video screen gradually dimmed, and then, a big word "END" appeared on the screen.

! ! ! ?

Gone! ?

This is gone! ?

People from all over the world almost had blood spurting out of their mouths.

What's the result after this blow! ?

You should just keep playing! ! !

However, no matter how much people in the world complain, the video has already reached the end, giving people a feeling of 'if you want to know what happens next, please listen to the next episode.'

This makes many people very uncomfortable to watch.

But at this moment, before they had finished feeling uncomfortable, a sudden piece of new news confused them again.

[The up you are following has been updated with a new video. 】

Wanjie Video Network actually started to play the next video automatically.

And when people from all over the world saw the title, they were all stunned.

Meanwhile, the world of Naruto.

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