The images in the video also confirmed their conclusion.


In the screen, Metkai's roar came out! ! .

Chapter 181, Eight Gates Dunjia! ! Death's door! ! open! ! ! ! (Please customize)

In the video, everyone looked at Metkai and suddenly roared!


Immediately afterwards, a white shock wave suddenly erupted from Metkai's hand, wrapping both Madara Uchiha and Metkai tightly!

Countless powerful people were shocked at this moment, and they could naturally see how the white shock wave was formed.

This actually works by compressing air, and then spreading the compressed air in an instant to form a powerful air cannon!


The shape of this air cannon actually looked like a white tiger breaking out of a cage. This attack method also opened their eyes.

"Day really lives up to its name!!"

The strong men from all over the world couldn't help but sigh. After all, they knew very well how high the upper limit of a ninja's physique could be, and Metkai's performance clearly broke their view of the inadequacies of a ninja's physique.

"What a powerful move."

"This is a technique that can only be used when one has a very strong control over the body!"

"The air cannon shot out by the body, Metkai's use of the body and his own power should not be underestimated!"

"But...can this kind of attack defeat Madara Uchiha?"

The world is constantly discussing, but although the power of the day tiger is indeed not to be underestimated, and the shocking effect it shows is indeed powerful.

But no one in the world thought that Madara Uchiha could be defeated with this kind of attack.

This is also true.

in the video screen.

Everyone saw that Six Paths Madara was still standing unharmed, but opposite him, Metkai had fallen to the ground. Looking at it, it seemed that he had fainted due to loss of strength.

"Sure enough, there is absolutely no way to defeat this guy named Uchiha Madara with this level of attack."

"Haha, this Six Paths Madara does have very powerful power in his body, but that's all."

Many strong men in the world had such expressions on their faces, but they also had doubts in their hearts.

If this is all the power of Metkai, then why can he be on the list with Six Paths Madara? ?

Pirate world.

Kizaru and others had some disappointment on their faces, because although Metkai's strength impressed them, it was not as shocking as the battle scenes in the previous videos.

Sengoku gently tapped the table with his index finger and chuckled: "I guess this video is to let us watch the performance of this Six Paths Madara. After all, everyone has seen before that this Uchiha Madara directly summoned meteorite."

Sengoku's words were also recognized by everyone present.

He narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Moreover, this Uchiha Madara does exude a particularly domineering charm. Although he is very arrogant, we really can't refute... After all, he looks better now than before. Even stronger!”

Kizaru looked unhappy, but he couldn't say anything. After all, with the strength shown by Uchiha Madara, he had no confidence in winning. He even felt that he might be hung up and beaten by Uchiha Madara.

The world of spiritual cages.

"Ah~~This thick-browed man fell down. Is this video for us to watch Uchiha Madara's performance?" Natsume pouted, looking at Metkai who fell on the ground in the video, and said.

Bai Yuekui frowned, thinking that things were not simple. She looked around and sighed: "Don't be so impatient. Have you forgotten the title of this video?"

Xia Dou suddenly remembered after Bai Yuokui reminded her. She looked at Bai Yuokui and said, "Ah!! What is that door of death! What is the door of death?"

"The formation of the Eight Gates Dunjia... If I remember correctly, the Eight Gates refers to the eight different angles of the Qimen Dunjia based on the eight trigrams, namely the Ximen Gate, the Shengmen Gate, the Shangmen Gate, the Dumen Gate, the Jingmen Gate, and the Death Gate , startling the door, opening the door, each of the eight doors has different meanings."

"According to the clues given in the video, the Eight Gates Dunjia should be similar to the Qimen Dunjia. Although I don't know which gate of their Eight Gates Dunjia is the shocking gate, but based on the title, it is estimated that the Gate of Death is the Eight Gates Dunjia. The last door."

"Looking at the load that the Eight-door Dunjia puts on the user's body in this video, this last one is probably a move that acquires very terrifying strength at the expense of life, right?"

Bai Yuekui's analysis was sound and well-founded. She looked directly at Metkai who seemed to have lost his ability to fight in the video, as if she wanted to see through this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

"Then boss, you mean that there will definitely be more shocking battle scenes next!?"

Bai Yuekui nodded: "That's for sure. There will definitely be a shocking battle next. After all, if you want to see the power of Uchiha Madara in the form of Six Paths Madara, you will definitely not show such a shocking scene. .”

Bai Yuekui's analysis immediately convinced Xia Dou and others. Everyone looked at Metkai in the video with great anticipation, wanting to see his next performance.

The world of super gods, the world of death, the world of one punch, and the forbidden world.

Wait, all the powerful people in the world are paying attention to the content of the video.

There were also smart people among them, and they immediately saw that Metkai would not be defeated like this. When the news gradually spread throughout the Wanjie Video Network forum, everyone who saw the news was closely Pay attention to the content of the video.

In the world of Naruto, Metkai himself looked at himself falling to the ground in the video, but his expression was extremely dull.

Kakashi and others had serious expressions on their faces, and they were also shocked by the strength shown by Metkai.


This kind of strength is still no match for Six Paths Madara, so how strong will the opponent be?

"That Madara Uchiha is indeed very powerful. Kai can't even hurt him even if he opens the door..."

Kakashi Hatake sighed and was shocked, that was the power that he felt palpitation in his heart now, but it could not even hurt Madara Uchiha.

The difference in strength is too big.

This is simply outrageous! ! !

On the other side, Obito had a gloomy face.

"Six Paths could...did I fail?"

Return to the video screen.

Metkai stared blankly at the dim sky, seeming to be recalling something in his eyes.

The video screen also slowly dimmed, leaving only one sentence.

"Metkay!! You are a hard-working genius!!!"

"I understand...Father!"

Boom! ! ! !

Suddenly, the picture went black and white!

The majestic momentum suddenly broke out in this black and white picture! !

What sounded next was not the magnetic voice of Uchiha Madara that everyone thought.


"The blue beast of Konoha has disappeared from now on, and next will be the performance time of the scarlet beast of Konoha!!"

"Eight Doors Dunjia Formation!!!"

"The eighth door!"

"Death door!! Open!!!".

Chapter 182: The shock of the powerful men in the world! ! The power of all eight doors! ! (Please customize)

The words just fell! The video screen appears! !

Boom! ! !

Scarlet steam filled the entire screen instantly! !

In the picture, this scarlet vapor tightly wraps Metkai, and his black watermelon-shaped hair has now turned into blood red color, standing upside down like a burning flame!

An extremely terrifying and powerful aura rushed towards the face from the video screen.

Some of the powerful people in the world who were watching the video in bewilderment suddenly changed their expressions when they felt this momentum!

Pirate world.

Kizaru was yawning when that terrifying aura rushed towards him, making him turn pale with fright: "This... such a terrifying aura!!"

Warring States also tightly grasped the armrests of the chair, widened his eyes, and said in shock: "This... what kind of terrifying momentum is this!? This is what the title says, the Death Gate of the Eight Door Dunjia Formation!?"

Garp no longer had the usual indifference, his face was solemn, and his eyes were fixed on Metkai in the video screen.

His tone was full of admiration for Metkai: "You can actually cultivate your body to such an extent! This Metkai, I, Garp, approves!!"

Qingzhi didn't speak, but his pupils widened, and his heart was filled with surprise at the scene before him.

Akainu watched the video silently, but everyone could see that Akainu was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

On the other side of the sea.

The Straw Hats.

"What an amazing man with thick eyebrows!!" Luffy's eyes sparkled. He felt the aura bursting out from Metkai and his face was filled with admiration.

Zoro watched the video in silence, but the expression on his face let everyone around him know that he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

"A genius who works hard? What do you mean?"

Brooke asked tremblingly from the side.

The world of Fairy Tail.

"What a strong momentum this uncle has!!" In the Fairy Tail Guild, Natsu's eyes widened and he sighed loudly.

"Hey, hey, hey...could this guy with thick eyebrows be the protagonist of this video?" Lucy's mouth twitched crazily. Although she was frightened by Metkai's explosive momentum, she wanted the handsome and charming man more. Uchiha Madara is the protagonist of the video! !

"By the way, do you think that Metkai can defeat Uchiha Madara like this? Look carefully, in the video, Uchiha Madara still has a plain face." Erza squinted her eyes, watching this video a scene in it.

She still admired Uchiha Madara's strength in her heart. After all, there were very few such powerful beings in their world.

At this point in the video, Metkai's sudden outburst aroused the emotions of all the powerful people in the world who watched the video.

They were very curious about what kind of battle Metkai would bring them due to the disparity in strength! !

And the figure of Metkai in the video is compared with the condescending figure standing high in the sky on the opposite side.

Many people felt that this was like Metkai trying to challenge the gods with the power of a mortal.

However, Uchiha Madara still doesn't seem to care about Metkai's outburst?

Everyone is looking forward to the next battle.

After all, this kind of situation where the weak defeats the strong is also a scene that many people like to see!

Countless people are speculating.

Could it be said that the ending of this video will be that Metkai will defeat the strong with the weak, and use the eight-door armor formation to defeat the six-path madara who is as high as a god?

Just when audiences all over the world were thinking wildly, Metkai in the video...

Moved! ! !

"Is this the unique blood-colored vapor that is unique to all eight doors? But it doesn't seem to be anything special, just like the withered leaves falling in autumn."

Uchiha Madara's mocking voice came from the video.

But the next second...

boom! ! !

Metkai's figure suddenly appeared behind Uchiha Madara and kicked out the superior Uchiha Madara! !

This kick shocked everyone! !

because! !

It's so fast! !

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