This is two people worse than the previous Metkai! !

"You're right! But I don't end with withering! I will also turn into nutrients for new green leaves. When the green leaves sprout and the new year arrives, it will be the climax of youth and the hottest burning time!!!"

After Metkai kicked Six-Path Madara away, he responded to his previous words.

This is the will of fire in him! !

Immediately afterwards, Metkai moved again! !

"So fast!!" Kizaru's eyes were focused and his expression was ugly. He was frightened.

"It's finally time for a real battle!! Let me see the true strength of this Metkai!!"

"Metkay...Metkay!! There is such a number one figure in all the worlds!! It seems that everyone cannot be underestimated!"

When Metkai took action again, the strong men in the world also became excited.

Immediately afterwards...

One foot! !

Metkai punched the seemingly unharmed Six Paths Madara!

The huge fist wind directly compresses the air, forming a sunset image that is even more terrifying than the day tiger! !

It looked like a thick linear air cannon!

Its power was quickly demonstrated in the video!

Boom! ! !

The powerful air cannon hit Liudao Madara's body and directly enveloped him.


In the video screen, Liu Daoban's eyes widened, and the white horn on his head suddenly broke off! !

he got hurt! !

This scene shocked all the powerful men in the world.

"What a terrifying fist!! If it had been me, I would have been seriously injured on the spot!"

"What kind of move is this? Speed ​​and strength can be so perfectly combined!"

"This should be the limit that the human body can reach, right? The Eight Gate Armor Formation... is really a terrifying move."

"Upstairs, have you forgotten the previous Sun Wukong??"

"Crawl away! I'm talking about humans! Are Saiyans humans?!"

"Why are Saiyans not considered human beings!!"

"You want to be stubborn with me!! Come and fight with me, you bastard!!"

In the forum, there are people posting whatever information, and in this video, Metkai's attack is still going on.

With just one punch, the terrifying power directly suppressed Six Paths Madara to the ground.

Just when everyone thought that Metkay would continue to attack, Metkay suddenly stopped.

This made everyone in the world stunned.

Immediately, they understood the reason!

“Is it too much of a burden on the body??”

"It would be very difficult for Metkai to handle this situation..."

Just when they felt sorry, Metkai moved again! !

"One foot!!!".

Chapter 183, Six Spots: Physical Technique! Our class would like to call you the strongest! ! ! (Please customize)

Naruto world.

What Metkay said earlier affected many people.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath of cigarette with a look of emotion on his face.

He already knew in the last video that his future self died for unknown reasons.

For this reason, he was also worried about the future of Konoha.

But now, after seeing the growth of Metkai, Hatake Kakashi, Naruto and other Konoha ninjas, his worries have long since dissipated.

After hearing Metkai's speech, he felt even more relieved.

These young people have truly understood Konoha's will of fire, and even made the will of fire deeper!

With their presence, Sarutobi Hiruzen was particularly free and easy about his own death in the future.

After all, with these seeds of the future in the village, Konoha, a big tree, will not collapse, but will grow stronger.

"In order for Konoha to be more stable, I, an old man, have to do something to make their growth path smoother."

A trace of fierceness flashed in Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes. He thought of Danzo's words before, and he also thought of the old antiques in the Elder Council in his mind.

This time, he chose not to compromise, after all...

He is the ninjutsu doctor who once shocked the ninja world! !

even more……

The Sandaime Hokage of Konoha! !

"Danzo...your hands are stretched too long!"

On the other side, Danzo, who had returned to the Root Organization, looked at Metkai in the video with a gloomy face.

He really didn't expect that this stupid young man like Metkai would have such terrifying strength. At the same time, he knew even more clearly that he would probably not have an easy time in the coming days.

After all, the stronger these younger generations are, the more restricted their actions will be in all aspects.


"That guy Sarutobi should take action now."

Danzo's face was gloomy, and he kept thinking about countermeasures...

But he's not Hokage...

On the other side, Xiao Li burst into tears with excitement. He looked at Metkai with admiration.

"Teacher Kai!! I understand!! I will remember your teachings in my heart!! This is the best youth!!! Wuwuwuwu!! I will definitely work hard!!"

Metkai looked at himself on the screen with emotion on his face.

My future self has set an excellent example for my disciples!

When he heard Xiao Li's words, he raised the corners of his mouth, showing his white teeth, and gave a thumbs up: "Yoshi!! Li!! I believe you!! Your youth is the best!!!"

"Yes!! Teacher Kai!!!"

And people from all over the ninja world kept expressing their feelings.

That's Madara Uchiha! !

This Konoha ninja named Metkai was able to beat him like this. This is already an extremely powerful existence!

For a time, the ninja world was in turmoil. All the ninja villages compiled Metkai's information and placed it on the desks of the Kage in each village.

This is a very formidable opponent!

In the video screen at this time.

The battle is still going on.

Metkai's previous attack was interrupted, but this time, a solemn and determined expression appeared on his face.

This expression made everyone stunned.


What does he want to do! ?

As soon as this idea arose in the minds of the powerful men in the world, Metkai had already started taking action.

This time, he launched another attack, and this time the attack was continuous! !

"One foot!!!"

Seeing this scene, the strong men from all over the world showed excited smiles on their faces.

“Two enough!!!”

boom! !

The powerful wind pressure once again suppressed Liu Dao Madara! !

"Three legs!!!"

The terrifying power of the fist style is astonishing, and it is even more powerful than before! !


Boom! ! !

With this move, most of the powerful men in the world were stunned. They couldn't see clearly what the opponent was doing! !

In their eyes, they could only hear the words "Sizu", and then the attack fell on Liu Dao Madara! !


This speed! !

So scary! ! !

"So powerful!!!"

" this the so-called Eight Gate Armor Formation!! This Metkai!! This Metkai!!"

"Oh my god! I can't even see his moves clearly! How can this Metkai be so powerful!! In this way...he really has a chance to win!!"

"Look, Six Paths Madara can't even move under the opponent's attack!! It's so powerful!!"

When the powerful men in the world saw this scene, they all recognized Metkai's strength in their hearts. Many people even became fans of Metkai, sincerely admiring this 'hard-working genius'!

And in the picture.

After Sizu hit the six spots, Metkai's expression suddenly changed.

A crisp sound of fracture came from the video screen.

The load on his body from these four moves has reached its limit!

When this sound came out, people from all over the world were in a cold sweat at Metkai's state.

"I haven't burned out my youth yet!!! Wu Zu!!!"

At this time, Metkai suddenly roared, overcoming the pain in his body and launched another attack on Six Paths Madara! !

boom! ! !

Everyone could clearly see that although the Six Paths Madara used the black ball of unknown composition to defend itself, with the joint cooperation of Kakashi Hatake, Minato Namikaze, Gaara and others, they were still able to defeat him. Metkai got the chance to attack Six Paths Madara! !

And this opportunity!

Metkai got it! !

Click! ! !

The attack really fell on Liu Dao Madara! !

All five hits! ! !

This scene aroused the emotions of everyone watching the video! !

Even strong men like Sun Wukong wish they could enter the video and have a good fight! !

They also really want to... really want to see the power of this eight-door armor formation! !

"This kick! I can definitely defeat this Uchiha Madara!"

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