After Uzumaki Naruto saw Otsutsuki Momo's move, he showed an extremely solemn expression on his face.

Everyone could feel the huge sense of oppression from that sphere that covered the sky and the sun.

Below, Uchiha Sasuke's daughter Uchiha Sarana looked up at the horrific scene with a look of despair.


She fell to her knees.


Like Uzumaki Boruto, she had never seen her father take action and had no idea what his father's strength was.

They only know that from what others have said, their fathers are the only top experts in the ninja world.


‘Father, can they take on such a move? ’

This thought arose in the minds of Uzumaki Boruto and Uchiha Sarana.

Crackling! !

Black energy currents struck down from the huge sphere above.

The bombers were indiscriminately surrounding the Konoha Arena.

Otsutsuki Momoshiki above suddenly laughed.

He saw Uzumaki Boruto below using the shadow clone technique to protect Uchiha Sarana behind him.

"Useless effort!!"

Otsutsuki Momoshiki had just finished speaking.

The fire element under the ball suddenly turned into a flamingo and rushed towards the location of Naruto and others.

boom! ! ! !

moment! !

The flame bird landed on the ground and caused a violent explosion! !

Rumble, rumble! ! !

The ground in the central competition area of ​​Konoha Arena was shattered! ! !

The terrible heat can be felt by everyone even through the screen.


After the explosion...

The smoke has cleared!

A huge golden fox head appeared in the center of the explosion!

Nine-tailed beast outer mode·Nine-tailed head! !

Come on stage! ! ! .

Chapter 196: Naruto’s Will of Fire, the Seventh Hokage deserves the title! (Please customize)

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

Terrible explosions sounded one after another in Konoha Arena.

The exclamations of the people of Konoha also echoed continuously in the sky.

Outside the Konoha Arena, many people who had escaped and the ninjas who were preparing to support looked at the dilapidated Konoha Arena with worried faces.

This scene is all shown in the video lens one by one in the eyes of everyone watching the video.

The exclamations in Konoha Arena soon turned into a continuous shout of surprise.

"Seventh Generation Master!!"



Shouts of surprise echoed throughout the Konoha Arena. They were the people of Konoha who had not yet had time to escape.

In front of them, a golden figure spread out his hands, and golden chakra condensed on his body protected all these civilians.

Uzumaki Naruto·Kyuubi Outer Mode! !

It was Uzumaki Naruto's timely action that allowed these innocent people who should have been burned up in the raging fire to survive.

This feeling of surviving a desperate situation made them forget their previous fears.

There is no other reason.

Uzumaki Naruto, the Seventh Hokage of Konoha, stood in front of them, like a generous and steady senior, protecting them with his powerful power! ! !

At this moment, everyone felt extremely at ease.

Because they also have Lord Hokage!

Naruto world.

When the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen saw this scene, his face was even more moved.

He saw it! !

He saw the future of Konoha! ! !

He saw the strong will of fire in Uzumaki Naruto! ! !

The future of Konoha will not end like this!

The future of Konoha will be better! !

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled for the first time in a long time, it was a sign of relief.

I am glad that the future of Konoha still has outstanding juniors such as Naruto and Sasuke.

I am pleased that Konoha's will of fire is more intense and vigorous.

"Naruto... I never thought that one day I would be able to see Naruto's child... Minato, if you can also see this scene, you should feel at ease."

Sarutobi Hiruzen muttered to himself, but when he thought of his inaction in the past and the suffering Naruto had experienced, his heart was filled with guilt.

"Let's go!! Speed ​​up! We must reach Tanchu Street within today!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression became extremely serious. He had to rush to Tanshu Street as soon as possible, otherwise things would change later.

after all……

Uzumaki Naruto is still young and mentally immature, and can easily be bewitched by people with evil intentions...

He can't let Konoha have no future! !

Pirate world.

Luffy's eyes widened and he exclaimed:

"Wow!! That guy Naruto! Looks like he has become very reliable!!"

Nami also nodded in agreement. She had seen various death-seeking behaviors of Luffy and Naruto in the Bankai Video Forum.

She never expected that the guy named Uzumaki Naruto would be so reliable in the future, and...

"The future Uzumaki Naruto has a great temperament! He is so handsome."

Nami swallowed. She looked at Uzumaki Naruto's face in the video. It was less immature and more mature, a typical uncle's face.

But, why does this uncle’s face become more and more beautiful every time he looks at it?

Zoro gritted his teeth. He was shocked by the strength displayed by Uzumaki Naruto. As the only person on the ship who could enter the Bankai Video Network forum (although he only entered after the forum quota was expanded later), he also knew that Uzumaki Naruto is one of the most active people in the forum.

Nor did he expect that he would become so strong and stable in the future.

For a moment, Zoro thought about his future, and he felt confused.

"But...why isn't our world included in the video inventory?"

Chopper said doubtfully on the side.

“Is it possible that our world’s strength is too weak??”

Usopp said weakly from the side: "Otherwise, why don't any of the big names we know in the world seem to have been on the list?"

For a moment, everyone was silent.

After all, it is not impossible...

The world of One Punch Man.

Genos looked at the scene in front of him with emotion.

He no longer has the confidence to defeat Uzumaki Naruto. After all, with the strength shown by the opponent, it seems to him that only Teacher Saitama in the whole world can defeat him.

And he...

Those who practice are not enough.

Tatsumaki frowned at the mess around him and asked, "Hey, Genos, did you say that the bald man and Boros were taken away here?"

She heard that Bald Man and Boros were taken away by Wanjie Video Network, so she hurried over to check.

The metal knight on the side said: "I did detect space fluctuations before this place, but... I can't track it, the other party's ability is too powerful..."

Banggu walked forward and sighed: "Forget it, let's just believe Saitama. After all, he defeated Boros in the video. This time... it should be the same."

Tatsumaki spat: "Tch! That bald man, don't accidentally kill yourself!"

As he spoke, Tatsumaki looked up at the blue sky. Above that, a huge space battleship stayed outside the vacuum zone.

Don't die...bald man!

Back to the video.

Otsutsuki Momoshiki looked at the giant fox head below, the expression on his face became even more ferocious.

"Hahahahahaha!!! Come on!! Let's see if you can stop it!!!"

Otsutsuki Momoshiki said, waving his hands continuously.

The elemental energy surrounding the huge sphere is also constantly rushing downwards!

Water element! It turned into a series of monstrous waterfalls!

Constantly impacting the dilapidated Konoha Arena below, the strong vibrations made the people protected by Naruto's clone subconsciously panic and scream.

Earth element! It turned into huge rock thorns!

It pierced the ground of the entire Konoha Arena, and the surrounding buildings continued to collapse.

Thunder element! Transformed into huge spears!

Constantly impacting the Nine-Tails head condensed from Naruto's body directly below.

Wind element! Turn into sharp blades!

Continuously leaving huge, bottomless cracks all around! ! Even the head of the nine tails condensed by Naruto had half of its head cut off by the wind blade!

"If you can't stand it, it will be over here."

At this time, in the screen, Uchiha Sasuke was seen speaking, and came to Naruto's side and walked side by side with him.

Then, he raised his hand and a purple energy burst out from his body.

Click! ! !

Roar! ! !

The huge Nine-Tailed Head on the ground roared, and the purple Susanoo turned into armor and wrapped the Nine-Tailed Head!

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