Powerful armor! !

Boruto Uzumaki and Uchiha Sarana were both stunned, staring blankly at the terrifying power gathered by their father.

This is the first time they see their father exert his powerful power! !

This is a shocking scene that they will never forget!

Rumble, rumble! ! !

Violent explosions still sounded in Konoha Arena.

Chapter 197: The sphere that destroys the world, this is just the beginning! (Please customize)

The black energy ball that destroyed the world slowly fell downwards with Otsutsuki Momo's movements.

The terrifying ball, carrying a strong aura of death, was overwhelmingly oppressing all the living people around it.

Below, Uchiha Sarana was already kneeling on the ground in despair, her pupils narrowed, feeling the terrible oppression, and her whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

Uzumaki Boruto was also overwhelmed by this terrible sense of oppression and could not even lift his head, looking at his father's thick back in horror.



The Susanoo outer armor on the head of the Nine Tails also began to break into pieces.

Uzumaki Naruto was silent...

He looked at the huge thing in the sky and knew very well how terrible damage it would cause to the entire Konoha Village if it fell.

Immediately, Uzumaki Naruto's eyes flashed with determination, and he turned his head to look at Uchiha Sasuke.

[Sasuke, I leave the children to you. 】

Uchiha Sasuke turned his head slightly, and his eyes met Uzumaki Naruto's firm eyes.

An old partner for many years, he naturally understood what Naruto meant immediately, nodded, and retreated in front of Boruto Uzumaki and Sarana Uchiha.


Uchiha Sarana's eyes widened and she looked at her father.

Uchiha Sasuke said nothing, and Susanoo's energy instantly covered the three of them.

When Uzumaki Naruto saw this, a reassuring smile appeared on his face.


At this moment, Uzumaki Naruto suddenly clasped his hands together, with a wanton laugh on his face, and shouted! !

【Nine Lamas! ! You haven't fought for so long, don't let your figure get out of shape! ! 】


The camera suddenly switched to the Kyuubi in Naruto's body.

Kyuubi's face also showed an extremely confident smile, he also clasped his hands together and laughed!

【how come! ! I've been waiting for a day for a long time! ! 】

Hearing Kyuubi's answer, Uzumaki Naruto laughed, and then let out an angry roar! ! !

Nine-tailed mode·Complete tailed beast! ! !

Come on stage! ! !

Rumble, rumble! ! !

Uzumaki Naruto's chakra burst out without any scruples at this moment, and the nine-tailed head solidified instantly, and then, the nine-tailed body grew out from under the nine-tailed head!

Immediately afterwards...

Limbs|! !

Rumble, rumble! ! !

The heaven-destroying orb fell at this moment! !

And below, Kyuubi's entire body has also been sculpted! !

【drink! ! ! ! ! 】

Naruto roared and controlled the Nine-Tails to raise his hands to resist the falling ball! !

The clones protecting civilians all around also exploded the Nine-Tails chakra at this moment! !

The tail turned into a nine-tail and slowly wrapped the entire ball inside! !

Uh-huh! ! !

A tailed beast jade slowly condensed from Kyuubi's mouth.

But the next moment, he was controlled by Naruto and swallowed into his belly and turned into chakra.

This scene was also seen by Uzumaki Boruto and Uchiha Sarana, and Uzumaki Boruto suddenly became anxious.

[Why doesn’t Father fight back! ? 】

Uchiha Sasuke turned his head and glanced at him. He already knew what Uzumaki Naruto wanted to do, and responded with a calm look in his eyes.

[With an attack like this, it is very simple for Naruto to bounce away, but after he bounces away, the area around here will be destroyed! 】

Uzumaki Boruto was stunned. He stared blankly at Uzumaki Naruto who was like a god protecting all the villagers who could not leave in time. This was his father!

And his father is still working hard to protect the villagers...

He actually...

He actually wanted to withstand this terrible blow! !

Boruto Uzumaki widened his eyes and looked at his father who was under great pressure. At this moment, he suddenly felt that his father's back was so majestic.

And the next moment...

The ball exploded! !

Uh-huh! ! !

A dazzling white light bloomed from the black ball, and then...

It was a violent explosion! ! !

Boom, boom, boom! ! ! ! !

Uzumaki Boruto stared blankly at the coming explosion.

At this moment, it seemed as if he and Uzumaki Naruto were the only two people left in the world.

In the picture, before Uzumaki Naruto suffered all the damage, he turned his head slightly and looked at his son.

The corner of the mouth is slightly raised~

【dad! ! ! ! 】

boom! ! ! !

With Uzumaki Boruto's loud shout, the screen instantly turned into a white light! !

But soon...

The terrifying aura was revealed from this white light! !

After many strong men in the world felt this terrifying aura, their expressions changed invariably, and they became very alert!

Naruto world.

Poof! ! !

Uzumaki Nagato's eyes widened. The terrible impact shocked his already weak body again, and a mouthful of black blood spurted out from his mouth.


Konan looked at Nagato who was vomiting blood with a look of horror. She wanted to go to him immediately, but she couldn't move at this time.


An inexplicable majestic pressure swept over her body, pressing her firmly in place, unable to move!

"I'm fine..."

Nagato said extremely weakly, he also felt the pressure, but at this moment, he instantly activated the heretic demon to resist this terrible pressure.

Therefore, his situation is even better than Xiaonan's.

At least Xiaonan knelt down, but he didn't!

A trace of fear and confusion flashed in Nagato's eyes.

There will be such a terrifying strong man in the future...

His strength...

Can it really bring peace to the ninja world? ?

At this moment, Nagato's heart was shaken again.

Countless people in all the worlds were shocked by this sudden pressure, and every one of them looked miserable.

After all, this happens several times a day, who can bear it?

Isn’t this?

Many strong men look a little weak...

But the video footage doesn't end there.

The good news is that the pressure caused by this video comes suddenly and goes away quickly. Many people have not even felt it carefully, and this terrible pressure has already dissipated.

The bad news is...

Everyone knows that the real highlight is yet to come, so...

I will definitely do this once or twice before the end of this video!

This made many people feel a twinge of pain, but they couldn't bear to watch it, so the strong men could only bite the bullet and continue watching.

in the video screen.

A picture slowly appeared in the darkness.

This time the perspective seems to be shot through someone's eyes? ?


The scene was like a person opening his eyes and seeing the ceiling.

"I am..."

The owner of these eyes was Uzumaki Boruto. He opened his eyes wide and looked around with confusion.


Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice.

That was his sister, Uzumaki Himawari.

Then the mother she called...

No, it’s his mother! ?

Uh-huh! !

Thinking of this, Uzumaki Boruto instantly lifted the quilt and walked towards the direction where his sister's voice came from.


"Hinata, how are you?"

Soon, the voices of Sakura and Himawari Uzumaki were heard again, and Boruto Uzumaki also ran to the bed where Hinata Hinata was.


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