Chapter 198: The four shadows gather together to face Otsutsuki Momoshiki! (Please customize)

The appearance of Uzumaki Boruto made her sister Uzumaki Hinata instantly find her backbone, and she cried and threw herself into her brother's arms.

"elder brother!!"

Uzumaki Boruto subconsciously rubbed Hinata's head and looked at his mother worriedly.

"Aunt Sakura, what's wrong with my mother??"

Sakura was performing medical ninjutsu on the side. She turned her head and comforted softly: "It's okay, he will get better."

"But...why would mom..."

Sakura's eyes flashed with loneliness, and she sighed: "She rushed forward."


Uzumaki Boruto's eyes widened.

"Why would she do such a stupid thing?"

Sakura was silent for a few seconds and sighed: "Because she wants to bring Naruto back."

Hearing this, Uzumaki Boruto was stunned...

He suddenly thought of Uzumaki Naruto's last smile...

"elder brother……"

Sunflower Uzumaki glanced at Boruto Uzumaki worriedly.

The picture gradually dimmed in this silence...

Naruto world.

Everyone in Kakashi's team looked at the video with strange expressions.

If they read it correctly just now...

That Naruto's child called Hinata Hinata's mother...

Doesn't that mean that Naruto's future wife will be the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan? ?

Everyone's eyes suddenly turned to Hinata Hinata.

"Hey...I...I...I, I, I..."

Hinata Hinata was also confused. It was true that she liked Naruto, but this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, the joyful thing of marrying Naruto was known in advance, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this... how could she, a yellow-flowered girl, be able to withstand this? It was true that she liked Naruto. Such an eye attack! ! !


Hinata Hinata's face suddenly turned red, and then as a puff of smoke rose from her head, she fell backwards.


Kurenai Yuhi hugged Hinata Hinata in her arms with a look of helplessness, glared at the others angrily, and cursed: "What do you mean!!"

After hearing Yuhi Kurenai's words, everyone immediately retracted their gazes and continued to look at the screen as if nothing had happened.

'I didn't expect...Naruto would actually be with Hinata in the future! ’

As Haruno Sakura hurried on, she felt inexplicably sour.

After all, Naruto has been pestering her all the time... Although she doesn't like the other person, the gap between the person who pursues her and suddenly marries someone else still makes her feel uncomfortable.

Hatake Kakashi on the other side was full of relief.

'Ah~~Naruto and Hinata have given birth to two children. Teacher, you will be very happy if you can see them! ’

On the other side, the land of bliss.

Minato and Kushina were indeed overjoyed.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!! Minato!! Look!!! Our granddaughter is too cute!!!"

Uzumaki Kushina was so excited that she grabbed Namikaze Minato's shoulders and shook her back and forth.

"Uh...Kushina, calm down..."

Namikaze Minato had a wry smile on his face, his body swaying as Kushina swayed.

"But!! That's our granddaughter! I didn't expect that we could actually see with our own eyes what our granddaughter looks like! This is so great!"

Kushina was still in excitement. Her dream was to see Naruto get married and have children, and now, she had witnessed it.

"Okay, okay... let's continue watching the video."

Minato sighed. He was originally very happy, but when Kushina shook him like this, he suddenly went numb.

Pirate world.

Luffy's eyes widened: "Ha!!! That guy Naruto has a daughter!!!"

The corner of George's mouth raised slightly: "I have to say, Naruto's daughter is quite cute!"

Poof! !

Nami didn't hesitate to punch George, who was looking vulgar, and knocked him away.

"Don't show such a lewd smile when you talk, you bastard!!!"

The Straw Hats were fooling around on the boat, but Zoro continued to watch the video with a solemn expression.

He knew very well that the highlight would definitely come next.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the previous video of the Nazuo battle, and couldn't help but swallow.


Will your battle with that Otsutsuki Momoshiki be more terrifying than before?

A drop of cold sweat slowly fell from Zoro's forehead.

He didn't dare to think about it!

The video screen slowly went from black to revealing new images.

This time, the protagonist is still Boruto Uzumaki.

He stood in front of a wall and stared blankly at the seven photo frames on the wall.

Above are photos of past Hokages.


There was a sound of footsteps.

Uchiha Sasuke walked into the Hokage's office.

When he saw Boruto Uzumaki in the Hokage's office, he also had a surprised expression on his face.


Now Boruto is wearing an orange coat.

Those were Naruto's clothes when he was a child.



But it gave him a familiar and reassuring feeling.

At this moment, whether it was an illusion or not, Uchiha Sasuke discovered that Naruto as a child seemed to be really standing in front of him.

[Uncle Sasuke...]

Boruto Uzumaki looked at it and lowered his head.

【I'm really bad...】

Sasuke listened to Uzumaki Boruto's words and spoke calmly.

[You are right to say that. During the exam, everyone was blaming you. You were deprived of your forehead protector. Now you can't call yourself a ninja. 】

Uchiha Sasuke's words were like a sharp knife, piercing into Uzumaki Boruto's heart, which made him lower his head with a lonely expression, not knowing what he was thinking about.

[In addition, you made your sister cry, your mother was injured, and your father disappeared. If your sister hadn't still loved you and your mother hadn't been worried about you, you would have been exactly the same as your father. 】

Uchiha Sasuke said and looked at Uzumaki Boruto.

[So, what are you going to do? 】

Boruto Uzumaki looked at himself in a panic in the mirror, then turned to look at Uchiha Sasuke.

[My father, how did he do it? 】

Uchiha Sasuke looked at Uzumaki Boruto calmly.

[It seems that you are not only interested in his weaknesses. You can ask Naruto yourself. I am going to save him. I can sense his chakra. 】

[In other words, dad is still alive! 】

【But I...】

[You are more defeated now than he has ever been]


[I mean, you hate losing. 】

Uchiha Sasuke's words seemed to wake up Uzumaki Boruto. The decadence on his face swept away, and a smile appeared on his face again.

【So...are you going? 】

Uchiha Sasuke asked still calmly.

[Of course...I want to save my father! 】

Uzumaki Boruto nodded.

[Have you forgotten us? 】

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the screen, and everyone watching the video was stunned for a moment.

The camera turned.

Four people appeared in the Hokage's office.

[We can't leave the Hokage alone~ This will damage the reputation of our Five Shadows]

【Let’s go together~】

[Boruto, you have grown up. This feels like the days when Naruto was around. I can feel my strength rising. 】

[But I still feel like something is missing...]

The visitors were talking in a flurry of words, and the camera revealed their true faces.

Kazekage Gaara!

Raikage Darui!

Mizukage Chojuro!

Leg shadow Kurotsuchi! !

Four Shadows Gather! ! .

Chapter 199: The rescue operation for Naruto begins! Otsutsuki Kinshiki's decisive blow! (Please customize)

[Five amazing! 】

Boruto Uzumaki stared blankly at the other four Kage from the Ninja Village in front of him, his eyes widening.

[It’s time to go, time is urgent. 】

[With my samsara eye, the number of ninjas I can send to chase them is limited. Considering our current strength, you are the strongest combat force we can take action. 】

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