Uchiha Sasuke led people to the rooftop of the Hokage Building, and the Samsara Eye instantly opened a time and space tunnel.

The other Kages jumped into the tunnel without hesitation, which surprised the viewers of Naruto World.

Because many of them couldn't believe that the Kages of other ninja villages in the future would actually unite to save the Kage of a certain village.

This is simply impossible now.

The current Kage wishes that the Kage from other villages would die.

Naruto world.

Cloud Hidden Village, inside Raikage's office.

The fourth generation Raikage Ai looked at the video in front of him with a sullen face and remained silent.

Iwagakure Village, inside the Tsuchikage's office.

The Sandaime Tsuchikage, Onoki, held his waist with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Kirigakure Village, inside the Mizukage's office.

Terumi Mei frowned and glanced back and forth between the video screen and Chojuro.

Sand Hidden Village, inside the Kazekage's office.

After losing the Kazekage, Chiyo was temporarily in charge of Sunagakure Village. She looked at the scene in front of her with a look of disbelief.

The future...

Has peace in the ninja world really been achieved?

At this moment, the shadows and ninjas in each ninja village looked at this unimaginable scene with complicated emotions.

Let go of hatred?

How can this be! ?

in the picture.

The camera went to another place.

It's blood red here.

The scarlet sky made anyone watching the video feel a little uncomfortable.

Because this dim space does give people a very uncomfortable and depressing feeling.

In the frame of the camera, there is a withered trunk of a giant tree.


Otsutsuki Momoshiki placed a hand on the belly of Uzumaki Naruto in front of him, and continued to draw the Kyuubi's chakra from it.

[The progress is too slow]

Otsutsuki Momoshi frowned, he was a little dissatisfied with the current progress.

Because Uzumaki Naruto and Kyuubi openly announced their relationship without the obstruction of the seal, Otsutsuki Momoshiki encountered strong resistance from Kyuubi when extracting Kyuubi's chakra.

Uzumaki Naruto was full of weakness. He raised his head and looked at Otsutsuki Momoshi in front of him.

[Sorry...you have to know...we ninjas...will never give in so easily]

Otsutsuki Momoshiki frowned, and the next second, he looked up at the sky!

Uh-huh! !

There, several figures landed quickly! !

It's the Kage who came to rescue Uzumaki Naruto! !

【Let’s go! 】

Gaara chuckled coldly, suddenly adjusted his body shape in the air, and threw out several sand cannons from his hands to hit Otsutsuki Momoshiki and Otsutsuki Kinshiki.

Chojuro raised his two swords and struck at the tree trunk where Uzumaki Naruto was imprisoned!

boom! ! !

I saw a flash of blue light, and the tree trunk that imprisoned Uzumaki Naruto was easily cut off.

Boruto Uzumaki leaped to Naruto's side and cut open the vines binding his limbs with a kunai.

Uchiha Sasuke followed closely, picked up Naruto and dropped him to an open space.




Uzumaki Naruto was rescued by Uchiha Sasuke and others with lightning speed.

This made Momoshiki Otsutsuki in the sky very angry.

Almost subconsciously, Otsutsuki Momoshiki wanted to catch Naruto back, but in front of him, Gaara condensed into a sand table, and his whole body fell on it.

Behind Otsutsuki Momoshiki, the Fifth Raikage Darui also raised his sword and looked at him menacingly.

On the other side, the leg shadow Kurotsuchi and the water shadow Chojuro also faced off against Otsutsuki Kinshiki.

【Don't think you can get rid of us】

Listening to Gaara's words, Otsutsuki Momoshiki was full of impatience, raised his left hand and said coldly.

【Inferior creatures! 】

boom! ! !

A violent explosion drowned Gaara and Darui!

This was something Gaara and the others didn't expect.

They also realized that they seemed to have misjudged each other's strength.

There was such a powerful explosion in the blink of an eye, Otsutsuki Momoshiki... it's not easy!

On the other side, Otsutsuki Kinshiki's strength also caught Chojuro and Kurotsuchi off guard. Even though Uchiha Sasuke came to rescue, Chojuro's chest was still cut with a huge wound by Otsutsuki Kinshiki's giant axe!

【You should worry about yourself! 】

Otsutsuki Kinshiki said coldly, he was dissatisfied with Chojuro being distracted by the explosion above.

With that said, Otsutsuki Kinshiki raised his scarlet giant ax to split Chojuro in half!

【You should be worried. 】

Chojuro was not afraid at all, he looked at Otsutsuki Kinshiki with a sneer.

after all……

Leg shadow...Tsuchikage is not an existence that can be ignored!

[You low-level...]

Otsutsuki Kinshiki was angry that the other party still had such an attitude, but before he finished speaking, the ground suddenly surged!

boom! !

In an instant, a woman rushed out from the ground and punched him in the chest.

boom! ! !

This powerful punch directly sent Otsutsuki Jinshi hammer away.

And the direction in which Otsutsuki Kinshiki flew upside down...

Uchiha Sasuke's long sword burning with black flames is quietly waiting for the other party's arrival! !

boom! ! !

One swing of the knife! ! !

Click! !

Otsutsuki Kaneshiki's giant ax was instantly shattered! !

Otsutsuki Kinshi quickly gave up his weapon and fell to the ground.

But the next second, he only heard the sound of piercing the air, and before he could react, his whole body was covered with blue spikes.

[The art of pulling out fish bones and breaking bones! 】

It's Chojuro!

He split the double-sword 鲲鲷 into two and swung out a series of sharp spikes. This is a ninjutsu that uses the upper and lower 鲲鲷 to send out several rays of light spikes and drive them into the opponent's joints to immobilize them.

Kurotsuchi followed closely and quickly formed a seal.

[Melt Escape·Lime Condensation Technique]


A thick puddle of cement wrapped Otsutsuki Kinshiki, tightly restricting his movements.

[Let’s hold him back! 】

Kurotsuchi yelled at Uchiha Sasuke.

On the other side, Otsutsuki Momoshiki, who was besieged by Uzumaki Naruto, Gaara and Darui, was also in a tough fight.

Just when Uzumaki Naruto was about to use ninjutsu, he was stopped by Uchiha Sasuke.

[You can absorb ninjutsu and then release it, right? It's the same as those toys from the technological ninja set. 】

[So we just need to use physical skills, it’s a very simple way to crack it]

Listening to the words of the four top experts who surrounded him, Otsutsuki Momoshiki looked ferocious.

Just the next second! !

Uh-huh! ! !

Scarlet weapons flew out one after another, knocking Naruto and the others back!

【drink! ! ! ! 】

It's Otsutsuki Kinshiki! !

He actually broke through Chojuro and Kurotsuchi's control! !

I saw him waving the bloody Yanyue Sword in his hand. Wave around in a circle!

this moment……

The terrifying sword light rises into the sky! ! !

boom! ! ! .

Chapter 200, Otsutsuki Kinshiki’s sacrifice! The morphological changes of Otsutsuki Momoshiki (please customize)

Boom! ! !

The astonishing sword light was slashed out from Otsutsuki's gold-style Yanyue sword at this moment!

The terrifying sword energy seemed to rush out of the screen at this moment!

The ground was constantly shaking under the raging force of this terrifying sword energy!

Click! !

next moment!

That huge dead tree was cut in half by the sword energy! !

[Hehe... Hehe... Momoshiki-sama, it seems it’s time to absorb my chakra...]

Otsutsuki Kinshiki stood under Otsutsuki Momoshiki in mid-air, his body swaying constantly, and his whole body was mottled with blood red. It seemed that breaking free from the shackles of the Earth Shadow and Mizukage had cost him a lot.

Blood continued to drip onto the ground along his wounds, like a small river.

[Just like in the past, when my guardians entrusted their power to me...don't hesitate]

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