Following a strange sound, everyone was confused by the next scene.

I saw a ray of light flashing from the dark dial!

Then the ray of light fell on the dead Kadoya Shi.

Immediately afterwards, amid the stunned expressions of all those watching, the body of the dead Kadoya Shi actually began to move.

The next moment, everyone watching the video found out!

It wasn't his body that moved...


This person is...

Playback? ? ?

Looking at the body that was constantly twisting, it finally suddenly rose into the air and landed straight behind the position where Tsukuyomi had blocked the attack.

Everyone who watched the video really confirmed their suspicions.

really! !

It's replaying! ! !


Playback! ?

! ! ! !

After realizing what important information seemed to be overlooked!

People all over the world are excited! ! !

That dial! !

You can actually go back in time! ! ? .

Chapter 220, Kamen Rider Imperial Cavalry! ! Come on stage! ! (Please customize)

The powerful men from all over the world who finally realized that they had overlooked some important information had shocked expressions on their faces.

Did they read it right? ?

Just such a small dial! ! !

You can actually go back in time! ?

That's not something else!

That's back time! ! !

What is the concept of time?

In the eyes of many people, the passage of time is irreversible, and if it is gone, it is gone...

But if one day, someone suddenly tells you that there is such a treasure that can reverse time...

That would cause a riot! ! Even a riot! ! !


No one can bear the temptation of endless time! !

And such a thing suddenly appeared in front of every viewer in the world.

Naruto world.

Sound Ninja Village.

After stopping the experiment, Orochimaru wanted to relax, so he turned on the video and watched it. The result...

He froze in place.

His eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

Did he read that correctly? ?

That is……

Going back in time? ? ?

Orochimaru's eyes grew wider and wider, and the emotion in his eyes changed from shock to eager greed! !

A dial that goes back in time! ! !

This is an artifact! ! !


boom! ! !

But the next second, Orochimaru suddenly roared and smashed a table next to him with a slap.

His eyes were full of unwillingness and anger.

Orochimaru doesn't think anyone in the ninja world knows what it means to go back in time!

Meaning His way to eternal life! !

There is another way to obtain infinite life and eternal life! ! !

But why is this artifact from another world? ! !

Isn’t there anything in our ninja world that can live forever? ! !

This was the reason why Orochimaru was angry.

The opportunity to contact eternal life is clearly right in front of us, but it seems to be separated by a layer of membrane, visible but intangible.

How could Orochimaru, who had been pursuing immortality, not be angry? ?

"Asshole!! Asshole!!!"

boom! ! !

At this moment, an extremely terrifying fight broke out in the Sound Ninja Village! !

Orochimaru! !

Crazy! ! !

Gilgamesh squinted his eyes and looked at the light curtain in front of him.

"This dial... is qualified to join my king's treasure house!"

Gilgamesh raised the corners of his mouth slightly, took a sip of red wine gracefully, and then shook his head.

"It's a pity... This thing is no longer within the scope of my ability to obtain it. It's a pity..."

It can be seen that Gilgamesh really feels very sorry.

After all, this thing can go back in time. Although he doesn't know what the cost of going back in time is, such a treasure, even if he doesn't use it, is good as another collection of the king's treasure house.


Gilgamesh felt extremely regretful at this time.

Back to the video.

Kado Yashi looked at himself standing in confusion. At the moment before his consciousness disappeared, he knew very well that he should be dead.

But why is he suddenly resurrected now?

Kado Yaji turned his head and looked at his good friend Haitong.

[In order to save you, I wasted a precious treasure of mine. 】

Hai Dong's face showed a painful expression.

The world is naturally very concerned about this. They are very curious about what kind of side effects are waiting for the opponent after using the artifact that can rewind time.

Soon, the picture they wanted to see appeared.

Haidong suddenly squatted on the ground, looking ferocious and wailing in pain.

【Doya Shi! ! rely on you! ! 】

Hai Dong twitched and smiled, and then, the black dial in his hand suddenly turned into an illusion of a huge dial, locking Hai Dong firmly, and then...

boom! ! !

An extremely ugly monster appeared in public view.

【Heterogeneous Zi-OⅡ】

A subtitle very carefully marked the identity of each viewer for all viewers.

Seeing the strange knight suddenly appearing in front of them, Shogo and Tsukuyomi were obviously very nervous.

Kado Yashi frowned and looked at the incarnation of Kaito whose consciousness seemed to have been completely swallowed by the alien dial, and turned to look at Shogo.

[Hey, Zhuangwu, give me back the Imperial Cavalry dial I gave you before. 】

Shougo was stunned. He didn't know why Kado Yashi suddenly asked him for the Imperial Cavalry dial, but he still subconsciously threw the dial over.

Then, something happened that shocked Zhuangwu for a hundred years!

After Kadoyaji married the dial, the Imperial Knight dial suddenly turned into the Kamen Rider Imperial Knight's pink transformation belt! ! !

【How is this going! ? 】

Zhuangwu asked with his eyes widened.

[Just in case, half of my power is stored in the dial given to you. 】

Kadayaji looked like he had everything under control and casually took out a card from his belt.

Then, the card is inserted!

【Transformation! 】

Along with Kado Yashi's extremely calm voice, many phantoms appeared around him! !


Phantom coincidence! !

A flash of light! !

Kamen Rider Imperial Rider! !

Come on stage! ! !

This seemed ordinary, but it was a masked knight wearing armor, which immediately aroused discussions in the world.

Luffy: "Is this Kamen Rider?? He doesn't look very strong either!!"

Natsume: "Although he doesn't look strong, he's quite handsome!! That guy named Kadoya is so handsome!! He's my male idol!!!"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Huh? Didn't you say Ultraman Zero was your male god before?"

Natsume: "Sero is Ultraman, my Ultraman hero! Kadoya Shi is my Kamen Rider hero!!"

Ultraman Zero: "..."

Looking at these discussions, Zero wanted to speak at first to tell everyone not to underestimate these Kamen Riders, because he could clearly sense what kind of terrifying power was contained under the Kamen Riders' armor.

As a result, just as he was about to speak, he was stopped by Xia Dou's speech.

Ultraman Zero calmed down, sighed and said: "Ahem, everyone, don't underestimate this Kamen Rider. I can feel that this Kamen Rider's body contains very terrifying energy!"

Seeing what Ultraman Zero said, it immediately aroused the interest of many strong men.

"Terrible energy!? How scary is it??"

"Hey hey hey... No way? That Kamen Rider doesn't look very strong!"

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