"Ultraman Zero, could your perception be wrong?? He doesn't look very powerful..."

Comments such as this are constantly posted in the forum of Wanjie Video Network.

Zero glanced at it and ignored it, but started watching the video seriously.


He felt a very terrifying dark energy! ! ,.

Chapter 221: Traveling through time! ! Shock the world! ! (Please customize)

In the video, the alien King of Time exuded an unsettling dark aura, and he rushed towards Kamen Rider Emperor the moment he saw it.

The Imperial Cavalry was not afraid, tilted his head and faced him directly! !


He was beaten violently in full view of everyone watching the video!

There is no other way. Kadoyaji, who has regained the ability to transform, only has half the strength of the Imperial Cavalry. He is no match for the alien King of Time in front of him. Let alone defeat the opponent, Kadoyaji can parry in front of him because of his rich combat experience. Got it!

[This cannot continue like this...]

boom! ! !

The alien king punched the emperor's chest again, causing a cloud of sparks to explode! !

The imperial knight flew out upside down and fell hard in front of Zhuang Wu and Tsukuyomi, leaving them in a state of embarrassment.

【Leave here first! 】

Kado Yashi knew that he could not fight against the alien King of Time now, so he turned his head to look at Shogo and Tsukuyomi and said.

Then he stretched out his hand to summon a screen of light!

The three people disappeared in the light curtain instantly...

The camera turns!

Everyone who watched the video saw the year 2019 appearing in the upper right corner of the video screen.


What does it mean? ?

The powerful people from all over the world who watched the video were stunned.

Suddenly, an immature guess arises in the hearts of some people.

Will this...

meaning is……

This imperial knight...

Traveled through time? ? ?

I don’t want to know!

It scares me to think about it!

Some strong men who had such speculations were stunned, and subconsciously wanted to deny this speculation.

But for some reason, the more they deny it, the more they feel in their hearts that this is the truth!


Some strong men couldn't help but swallowed.

Traveling through time...

What ability is this? ? ?

If time could travel, wouldn't that mean...

He can tamper with history at will! ?

Thinking of this, these people felt cold all over.

terrible! !

This ability is so terrifying! ! !

boom! ! !

A huge explosion interrupted their thoughts and woke them up.

In the video screen, a pink figure suddenly flew out and fell hard to the ground.


This scene seems familiar? ? ?

Many strong men took a closer look!

The person who defeated the Imperial Cavalry...

Isn't he still the strange knight King of Time from before?

Huh? ?


Have you missed any details? ?

For a moment, everyone looked heavy.


This imperial knight traveled through time...

Then why...this alien King of Time also followed? ?

There are only two possibilities! !

The first one is that what the Emperor Qi travels through is not time!

Second, the alien King of Time also has the ability to travel through time! !

Thinking of this, some strong men turned pale.

They would rather believe it is the first one!

In the video, the fierce battle seemed to tell them.

Regardless of your first or second choice, I will beat you to death today! ! !

Emperor Qi turned over to avoid the attack of the alien King of Time. He lightly touched the card bag on his waist, and a card appeared in his hand.

[To defeat the alien King of Time, you must use the ability of King of Time... You say so, King of Time. 】

The Imperial Cavalry took out a card with the King of Time's ability, surprising Shougo behind him.

WDNMD! ! !

When did my power get stolen by you, you little brat! ?

Zhuango's expression clearly fits the above sentence.

But before Zhuangwu could say anything, Diqi had already inserted the card of the King of Time's power into the card slot.

Countless phantoms flickered around the imperial knight, and finally transformed into the form of Kamen Rider King!

Imperial Cavalry·King of Time Form! !


The current strength of the Imperial Cavalry is indeed quite different from that of the Alien Knights. With only half the strength, he cannot compete with the Alien King of Time even if he transforms into King of Time mode.

Zhuangwu couldn't stand it anymore, so he quickly took out his belt!


White Shiwang dial insert!


Eat the deflated (Chonghuang) Shiwang dial insert!

【Transformation! ! 】

Under the spotlight, Chonghuang Shiwang, who possesses fancy voice-changing special effects, appears! ! !

It can be said that the king of Chonghuang became more and more skilled at being played by Zhuang Wu.

After he transformed, the expressions of everyone watching the video changed. The energy fluctuations on Chonghuang's body made them truly feel what it meant to be powerful!

For a moment, all the powerful men were confused.

This energy...

What's going on! ?

Before they could react, the King of Chonghuang in the video rushed towards the alien King of Time! !

boom! ! !

Two against one! !

boom! ! !

Terrible energy exploded in Chonghuang Shiwang's fist! !

【Moon Rider! 】

King Chonghuang touched the statue of Yueqi on his chest, and the Demon Emperor Sword appeared in his hand.

Bang bang! !

He struck the alien King of Time with several swords in succession, forcing him to retreat!

Then he touched the statue of the prostrate rider on his left arm, used the large sword, and struck twice in a row!

Finally, King Chonghuang touched the left foot of the riding statue, and the trailer gun appeared in his hand.

【Go! ! ! 】

Zhuanggo roared angrily and blasted the alien King of Time with a cannon!

boom! ! !

While the audience was stunned, the alien king turned into brilliant fireworks and exploded! ! !

At once……

That's it! ? ? ?

After a battle, many strong men in the world had only one word to comment on King Chonghuang Shiwang's fighting style.

All the bells and whistles!

The video screen dimmed, and then a voice sounded in the dark video screen!

[If you want to implement this plan... you may die. 】

[If it succeeds, I am willing to give my life! 】


An inexplicable conversation rang in everyone's ears, and everyone was extremely confused.

The darkness of the picture fades.

What catches the eye is a huge robot!

And underneath the robot was the Kamen Rider King they had just seen!

At that time, Wang leaped high and jumped directly into the robot. Just when no one knew what he was doing, the camera suddenly switched and came to the inside of the robot.

At this time, a voice also reached everyone's ears!

[Time Demon Machine, time coordinate, 2062! start up! ! 】

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