Gates looked at King Shi, but his eyes became extremely dim.



【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! ! ! ! ].

Chapter 225: Celebrate! ! The King of Demonic Time appears! ! ! (Please customize)

All over the world, everyone watching the video watched the scene in front of them silently.

In order to protect him, his friend died in his arms...

The boy, holding his friend's body, roared in pain.

"Wait!! This is it!!?"

Suddenly! !

An extremely despairing power spread from that boy's body!

Everyone who watched the video couldn't help but feel heart palpitations! !

What kind of power is this! ?

At this moment, the miserable young man seemed to wake up.

He stood up slowly, his eyes full of indifference, looking at the culprit who killed his friend.

this moment……

He fell into despair!

He was in rage!

He fell into hatred!

this moment……

He understands what he needs to bear as a king! !

this moment……

He is the devil! ! !

Buzz! ! !

A low cry! !

A golden light flashed from the boy's belt! ! !

A dark golden belt appeared around his waist.




The young man walked slowly through the smoke and dust with a cold face.

Each step……

They are all extremely heavy!

Each step……

It's all endless hatred!

The figure of the young man moving forward unswervingly appeared gradually in the smoke and dust! !


He walked out of the smoke!

【oh? 】

Swaruz looked at the boy in front of him. He seemed to be different, which surprised Swaruz.

【drink! ! ! ! ! 】

The boy roared like a wild beast! !

Buzz! ! !

The ground is starting to collapse! !

Magma gushes out of the ground! ! !

Buzz! ! !

A huge dark golden dial mark suddenly emerged from the ground! ! !

The terrifying and dangerous power burst out from the boy's body at this moment! ! !

boom! ! ! !

The ground is collapsing! ! !

Facing all this, the young man remained calm, as if nothing in this world could shake his heart.

【Transformation! 】

An extremely cold voice came out of his throat.

As soon as he finished speaking, the boy closed his belt!

boom! ! ! !

this moment! ! !

The devil has arrived! ! !

this moment! ! !

Heaven and earth will all be subdued by the coming of the devil! ! !

boom! ! ! !

An unprecedented powerful momentum erupted from the young man at this moment! ! !

Coercion! !

The supreme pressure of the Demon King! ! !

Come down! ! !

Encounter the Demonic King of Time! ! ! !

"Hey, hey, what is this!!! This pressure!! It can't really be the Demon King coming!" In the landing hero world, Kurogane Ikki felt that his legs were weak, and there was a moment of terrible pressure. It fell on him so that he didn't even dare to raise his head! !

It's like...

The devil is watching him!

He was not a weak person, but under such power, his biological instinct made him tremble and unable to generate any strength.

"What an aura this is! This guy named Tokiwa Shogo, in just a few minutes, actually had such an astonishing transformation! It's so breathtaking that it makes people unable to resist at all!"

Yuzhuan Tianyuan was filled with admiration for the ghosts destroying the world. If there was a demon king in their world, then Gui Pei would probably not even dare to risk his life. Even... the demon king would have killed Gui Pei long before he took action. !

"I can feel it. If it weren't for the screen, just this kind of courage would be fatal!" In the world of Assassin Wu Liuqi, Ji Dabao collapsed on the ground, sweating profusely.

He looked down on King Shi at first, but in the end...

Good guy! ! The devil has arrived! ! !

"Interesting, this power... Demon King?? Interesting... This pressure... seems to be released by relying on one's own hard power... He was obviously just an ordinary guy a few minutes ago, no... This one seems to be more Tend to...the spirit of a king?"

Sitting on the throne, Aizen Sosuke became very interested in Tokiwa Shougo, because it was also the first time for him to see the so-called "Demon King Arrival". Judging from the pressure, he was indeed worthy of being called the "Demon King". '! !

"Is this Kamen Rider? Just his momentum can change the color of the world. It's so terrifying! It really makes me feel as if there is a real demon king in front of me!"

The Sandaime Hokage's old face trembled slightly, and his heart felt like it was overwhelming. Especially the terrible pressure, which almost made him stumble, and he was like a dog eating cake on the way.

"The sky... the sky cracked!!!" In the world of Conan, Toyama Kazuki screamed with fear on his face, and subconsciously threw himself into Hattori Heiji's arms.

"Hey!! Kazuha!! Get up!! You're so heavy!!!" Hattori Heiji was so suppressed that he couldn't breathe and shouted with an unhappy face.

"Is this... is this the Demon King!?" Seeking to encounter the world in the dungeon, Little Bell wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with a towel.

"I long for...a worthy opponent!" Sword Girl Fiona looked calm. She was just a demon king. She was not too shocked, but the desire and fighting spirit in her eyes could not be concealed.

"Haha, interesting, the aura of a pure king... But... is he worthy of the Demon King??" Mr. Woban stroked the wolf cub's head, and there seemed to be some excitement in his eyes.

All the worlds are watching the arrival of this demon king! !

The astonishing momentum made many people unable to help but get excited.

after all……

That's the devil! !

According to legend, there is a being powerful enough to destroy the world! !

Although the demon king in front of me is wearing knight armor...

But to be able to become a demon king, one must also be a strong person! ! ! .

Chapter 226: The devil is coming! ! Restart the world! ! (Please customize)

All the worlds are waiting for the arrival of this demon king.

And there is no lag at all in the video!

The terrifying momentum and pressure are getting more and more terrifying!

And in the center of the dark golden clock pattern, endless molten lava gushes out from the center of the earth! ! !

The lava swallowed the boy instantly! ! !


The pressure that is like destroying the world is erupting in this magma without any reservation at this moment! ! !

Buzz! ! !

The surrounding buildings collapsed instantly under the terrible pressure! ! !

boom! ! ! !

next moment!

The magma spreads out in all directions! ! !

A dark golden figure appeared in front of all the audience! !

Kamen Rider: King of Demon Time! ! !

The King of Demons lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking about.

Sudden! ! !

【Woz! Celebrate! 】

An extremely deep voice came from the armor of the knight of the Demon King with his head lowered.

【Eh? 】

Not far away, Eunuch Wo was stunned, with an incredible expression on his face, as if he had just heard something wrong.

[I said, celebrate! 】

Hearing the words of King Feng Mo Shi again, Eunuch Wo's face changed, and there was a hint of blush on his fair and tender face! !

Uh-huh! ! !

Eunuch Wo's scarf suddenly wrapped it around him, and then appeared next to King Shi.

He held his history book and proudly celebrated to the world!

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