【Celebrate! The ultimate King of Time who transcends time and space and knows the past and future is the King of Demonic Time. At this moment, history has finally turned to the last chapter! ! ! 】

As he said this, Eunuch Wo's face became flushed, and he actually made himself extremely high during the celebration! !

That's right! ! He finally witnessed this scene! !

Tokiwa Shogo! !

This scene of becoming the King of Demonic Time! ! !

He has been waiting for this moment for a long, long time! !

And this day finally came true before his eyes! !

Die without regrets! !

On the other side of the camera, Swaruz looked at Eunuch Wo with a cold face, like a clown, raised his hand and waved lightly at the Demon King! !

Groups of monsters rushed over from afar! !

【Encounter with the Demon King of Time! ! ! Your power is mine! ! ! 】

Swaruz looked at the Demon King in front of him with greedy eyes. He couldn't help but absorb the opponent's power! !

And he did the same! !

The powerful dark power instantly rushed into the body of the Demon King! ! !


【Poof! ! ! this! ! ! What power is this! ? Why, so terrible! ! ! 】

Swaruz's eyes widened. He just wanted to try to absorb the opponent's power, but he was immediately hit by this power's ruthless backlash! !

At this time, his original plan to seize the power of the King of Demons for his own use failed.


He really couldn't control the amazing power of the Demon King! !

The power of the Demon King is too powerful, it is the power of gathering all the knights! !

【In this case...】

Swaruz waved his hand coldly!

Behind him, Ka Tou Shun rushed forward immediately!


boom! ! !

When the Demon King hits the devil, he just punches this Kaitou Shun into ashes with an extremely easy punch! !

Then, when the demon king turned around, the fireproof rock burned all the weirdos!

All those watching were stunned.

The invincible King of Demons is like a dimension-reducing strike, killing all the monsters in three strikes, five strikes, and two strikes!

Seeing that his men were dealt with so easily by the King of Demons.

At this moment, Swaruz finally realized that something was wrong with the situation, and quickly ran back to his own world to become the strongest king.

at this time! ! !

boom! ! !

A long sword pierced Swaruz's abdomen directly! !

【you! ! ! ? 】

Swaruz was really angry at this moment. He never thought that his sister would betray him and stab him in the back at the critical moment! !

Swaruz turned his head and released his ultimate move, punching Tsukuyomi who stabbed him in the back into nothingness! !

【No! ! ! Tsukuyomi! ! ! 】

Tokiwa Shogo is truly crazy this time! !

Tokiwa Shogo! ! !

This time Tokiwa Shogo once again saw his best friend disappear in front of him! !

This made Zhuang Wu lose his mind! !

Directly activated the ultimate move! !

[King's special move when encountering demons! ! 】

When the demon king leaps high, the knight kick is ready! ! !

Seeing the movement of the King of Demons, Swaruz's expression changed and he quickly gathered energy to parry! ! !


He chose the wrong opponent! !

He should be the worst! ! The last thing you should do is provoke the Demon King's two friends! ! !

boom! ! ! !

The terrifying energy spread around at this moment! ! !

【Die ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! ! 】

The Demon King lost his mind at this moment, and he was unwilling to forgive Swaruz! ! !

In his eyes! !

Swaruz has only one word! ! !

die! ! ! !

boom! ! ! !

this moment! !

Time seems to freeze here! !

【drink! ! ! ! 】

Then, on the screen, along with Tokiwa Shogo's roar, an astonishing electric current flashed across Swaruz's body! ! !

at last! ! !

Falling to the ground! ! !

boom! ! ! !

Turn into a brilliant fireworks! ! !

Swaruz! ! !

die! ! ! !

Death of Swaruz...

Let the earth that he divided with the power of Imperial Cavalry and Tsukuyomi reunite into one!

At this moment, all the weirdos raging in the world disappeared in an instant! !

This time, he is not a terrible devil...

The Demon King becomes the savior of mankind! ! !

In the last scene where the weirdo disappeared, the picture gradually dimmed, leaving only one sentence.

【I want to... rewrite history! Create a whole new world! ! 】

【end! ! 】

Look at the final word! !

Many powerful people in the world couldn't come back to their senses for a long time. They looked at the black screen in front of them in shock.

They couldn't believe what they just heard! !

That devil! !

what did he say! ?

Does he want to change history?

Create a whole new world! ?


Can this really be done? ! ! ?

For a time, many scientific research madmen in the world were all excited. This was a very good research material for them! !

If we can really do that, then humans don't need to go out of their way to compete for resources! !

Because the research results represent countless resources! ! !


It’s a crazy day for researchers! !

They have a new goal!

They have a new theme!

Only the universe of Kamen Rider Tokio...

Gates and Tsukuyomi were silent.

They couldn't believe what they saw...

The evil Tokio who brought despair to the world...

In the end, he actually saved the world and became the most benevolent Demon King! ?

This history...

Is it really possible? ?

Gates lamented this...

Chapter 227: An overview of the pirate world! !

"This is the Demon King!! So awesome. Is that creation of a new world real or fake!?"

"Who knows! I won't finish this video!! I'm so anxious!!"

"Ahhhhh!! I really want to know if the Demon King really created a new world in the end. If it is true, then his strength is really terrifying!!!"

"Stop talking, stop talking. If it is true, I will kneel to him on the spot!!"

People from all over the world who watched the video quickly expressed their opinions on the Wanjie Video Network forum.

This Kamen Rider really opened their eyes.

Traveling through time, creating worlds, and the arrival of the devil, all brought enough shock, which satisfied the curiosity of many people.

"Ahhhhh!!! I'm so looking forward to what the next video will be!!"

"Will the next video take stock of the strong people in our world? There are many strong people in our world!"

"Tch!! Maybe it's from our world??"

"Hehehe, do you think you can take stock of the beauties from all over the world?"

"I support you upstairs, your idea is very good and unique!!"

In all the worlds, everyone is discussing about Kamen Rider Encountering Demon Tokio. Some people are regretful, some are excited, some are inspired to fight, and some are sluggish.

Just when everyone was chatting enthusiastically...

A new message has popped up!

[Inventory of world-shaking famous scenes: One Piece World]

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