[Introduction: This is a story of great navigation. Everyone in it has his or her own dream. There was once a sea overlord who said something before his death, which kicked off the age of great navigation! 】

[Check out the shocking scenes: The battle between the pirate kings! ! ! Roger VS Whitebeard! ! ! 】

Pirates? ? ?

King? ? ?

What is this stuff? ? ?

Across the world, many people who saw this news were filled with doubts.

After all, the existence of pirates represents ominousness in many worlds and is disgusting.

But they never expected that there would be such a world with sailing as the main theme! Pirates... are actually the most common existence in the world! !

One Piece World

On board the Straw Hat Crew's Golden Meili, Luffy and others, who were still having a heated discussion about whether the demon King created the world before was true or false, were now dumbfounded and silent...

After a long time, Sanji, who was holding a cigarette in his mouth, slowly said: "The Roger in this title could not be the Roger we know, right?"

Robin, the intellectual eldest sister, swallowed, with an uncertain look on her face: "I'm not sure, but... it's very likely that he is the Roger we know. After all... the other one is called White beard……"

"Huh?! The battle between Whitebeard and Lord Roger? Oh my God, have these two ever fought before!?" Nami looked at her companions in shock, she was greatly shocked.

Zoro frowned, thought for a while and then said: "I see, it seems that this inventory list can not only take stock of what will happen in the future, but also allow everyone to see what happened in the past...

After all, unless you see what happened in the past with your own eyes, many things can only be heard from other people's rumors. There are always untruths, right? . "

"Ah?! No, doesn't this mean that the full story of the battle between Whitebeard and Roger will be completely revealed in front of everyone's eyes like this!?"

"Let's get the point straight. Since this battle is on the inventory list, does this mean that... the next inventory video will be the inventory video of our world? Look at that list..." Usopp swallowed. Drooling, he pointed at the list in the upper right corner of the virtual screen with a shocked face!

This video of Roger VS Whitebeard is actually at the bottom of the list! ! !

"Yo ho ho ho, this is really amazing!! Do you think we will have a chance to be on the list? After all, who knows what the future will be like?" Brooke said with a strange smile.

Sauron smiled calmly: "Haha, I will definitely become a world-famous swordsman in the future."

"Ah ah ah, I don't want it!! If I am on the list, I will never watch it!!!" Luffy's face changed when he heard Brook's words, and he rolled on the ground immediately.

"What are you doing, idiot!" Nami pulled her back and said with a helpless expression: "It's not like I'm broadcasting your video now, and how do you know you will definitely be on the list! There are so many strong people. ! Where will it be the turn of newcomers like us!"

Luffy, on the other hand, looked dissatisfied: "Nami, you look down on me!! I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King!!"

"Then it's a good thing for you to be on the list. At least you know how powerful you can be in the future." Nami was confused for a moment. What is Luffy's brain circuit like? ? ?

After Luffy heard this, he said seriously: "What I want is adventure. If you know what's going to happen in advance now, what else do you call adventure?!"

Nami looked helplessly at her captain who was acting like a child, and sighed, this guy has this kind of character!

Navy Headquarters

"This is...Whitebeard and Roger??? Could it be said that it was that battle!?" Warring States was full of astonishment, with a look of reminiscence on his face, as if he was recalling some scene that made him sigh.

He looked at Garp next to him and found that Garp was also stunned. He suddenly became angry: "Garp! Don't tell me that you forgot that battle!!!"

"Hahahahahaha, how is that possible!! That guy Roger...how could I forget that!!" Garp burst out laughing so hard that he burst into tears.

"However, this is a good thing for us. It shows that this UP master has paid attention to our world. Look at the empty seats on the inventory. This means that next, among those of us, we will be able to be on the list. The chances will be much greater.”

He's priority was different from others. She saw at first glance that there were many inventory lists in the empty space. Many thoughts suddenly flashed in her mind, and then she quickly spoke to remind Warring States where their focus should be. .

When Warring States and others heard what He said, they were also stunned, and their expressions suddenly changed!

They have seen the battle between Saitama and Boros, and they also know very well how outrageous the rewards given by Wanjie Video Network are! !

It is absolutely impossible not to want the rewards for being on the list. It can be said that Sengoku and the other navy are more concerned about whether you can be on the list than anyone else! !

As long as they can obtain rewards, the strength of their navy will surely be further improved again! ! !

The next moment, many people from all over the world clicked on the video and started playing it if they were interested.

After all, they are also very curious about this pirate...

How powerful can they be to deserve the UP owner to give them so many blank rankings?

Just when everyone in the world was speculating, a clear picture finally appeared in the video.

In the picture...

A mess of ruins appeared in front of everyone.


boom! ! ! !

A strong wind...

Suddenly it started blowing wantonly among the ruins! ! .

Chapter 228, Overlord and domineering! ! ! The peak white beard appears! ! ! (Please customize)

The wind picked up suddenly, but the sky was still bright.

Everyone felt an inexplicable depression, and then they all felt nervous because of the atmosphere brought about by this video.

Pirate world.

On board the Whitebeard Pirates, in Whitebeard's room.

A towering figure sat on a chair, eyes half-closed, a mouthful of turbid wine poured into his mouth, silent.

Beside him, a huge supremely sharp knife was placed quietly, but everyone could feel the domineering evil aura stained on this supremely sharp knife just by taking a glance at it.

"Dad!! Can this place be!!!" Jozi's eyes widened. This very familiar scene in front of him made him recall the past unconsciously.

"Ah~ that's right there... It's such a nostalgic time."

Whitebeard's half-closed eyes slowly opened, and he looked quietly at the ruins in front of him, and a smile couldn't help appearing on his face.

At this moment, even as an old man, he couldn't help but recall those years.

He still remembered that figure, it was an existence that he recognized extremely, and it was also an existence that he felt sorry for.


Looking back...

That battle was indeed interesting!

With a smile brimming over his face, Whitebeard's thoughts returned to the screen in front of him, and he took another bold gulp of wine into his throat.

On the screen, he saw the figure that he missed so much.

The lost Pirate King...


In the picture, Roger stood casually, with an extremely relaxed expression and a smile in his eyes, looking at the warrior in front of him.

On the other side of the camera, the warrior calmly looked at Roger, who seemed to be full of flaws, and silently adjusted his breathing.

Everyone in the world could see that he was preparing for battle.


In an instant! ! !

The warrior suddenly moved! ! !

As fast as lightning! !

Holding two swords in his hands, he was like a wild beast out of its cage! !

His eyes revealed a strong murderous intent!

The breath of a beast! !

At this moment, the warrior's speed actually improved qualitatively! !

There were even phantoms appearing along his path! !

This is a visual illusion caused by extreme speed! !

A beast-like aura instantly clung to Roger's body! !

"So fast!! What speed is this!?"

Among the Straw Hats, Zoro, who was practicing sword practice, opened his eyes wide with shock!

Judging from the opponent's posture of holding the knife and the explosive momentum!

This warrior must be a being with extremely powerful sword skills! !

Great swordsman! ? Zoro suddenly broke out in cold sweat. Only someone who also wielded a samurai sword could truly feel that terrible sense of oppression.

This reminded him of the person they met before!

The greatest swordsman in the world!

Hawkeye Mihawk! !

This person's strength seems to be no less than that man! !

However, Sauron didn't know that even though this warrior's strength was already so terrifying, the equally terrifying beast...

He hasn't shown his fangs yet! ! !

The warrior will be in front of Roger soon! Those two swords were about to hit Roger! !

In an instant! !

Roger moved! !

Roger, who looked full of flaws at first, suddenly changed his demeanor at this moment! !

【God avoids! ! 】

Everyone watching the video only heard Roger whisper this sentence!

Immediately afterwards...

Roger took action at this moment!

It was so fast that most people didn’t see clearly how Roger used the knife! !

However, they saw a black aura! !

No one in the other world knows what this is.

Even most people in this world don't know what this breath is! !

However, for those who know Roger very well and know the corresponding knowledge, the moment Roger makes a move and the black aura comes out, they understand! !

Overlord color and domineering! ! !

Moreover, it is one of the more difficult skills to master in Bawang Color Baqi! !

Overlord color and domineering entanglement! !

You know, in the entire pirate world, people with overlord-colored domineering are already rare! !

Not to mention mastering the Haki winding technique, which is the most difficult to master in Haki.

When Roger took action, the gap between him and the warrior was instantly apparent! !

boom! ! !

A groan! The samurai was ejected! !

Roger looked at the direction where the warrior was knocked away. His posture once again returned to the previous one, with flaws all over his body.

Thumb thump! ! Thumb thump! !

Sudden! ! !

In the video screen, unknown music sounded!

Everyone who watched the video was stunned at first, and then their blood boiled with excitement to the music! !

Their emotions were actually aroused by this mysterious music! ?

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