"Did we have this music there at that time?" Whitebeard looked at the familiar scene in front of him with a puzzled look, and asked, but his body unconsciously twisted to the music.

"Dad, I don't remember that." Jozi shook his head, but like Whitebeard, he couldn't help but twist his body slightly.

Fortunately for those of them who could control themselves, the deck of the ship was already filled with demons dancing wildly.

"It seems that it was the soundtrack added by the UP master when he made this video. Not to mention, it's quite touching." Whitebeard nodded, took a carefree sip of wine, and looked at the video screen with deep eyes.

If nothing else happens, it will be his turn to appear next, right?

As the soundtrack gradually reaches its climax! Most of the powerful people in the world couldn't help but feel nervous!

A terrible coercion suddenly rushed towards everyone's face from the video screen! !

In an instant, the expressions of countless strong men suddenly changed! ! !

Shocking! ! ! What a shocking figure that is! ?

Many strong men looked at the tall figure appearing in the picture.

He held the supreme sharp knife in his right hand and walked slowly towards the direction of the camera.

With every step they take, many strong men feel that the pressure on them becomes stronger!

Like the gatekeeper of hell!

Just like a towering mountain peak! !

Its name! !

White beard! ! !

The strongest man in the world! ! !

His appearance is full of dominance! ! !

Pirate world.

Inside the naval headquarters.

Warring States, Garp and others looked at the majestic figure in the video screen with extremely solemn expressions on their faces.

Just appearing on the scene already made them feel extremely terrible pressure.

"As expected of the white beard in his youth." Warring States breathed a long sigh of relief and said.

He meant what he said. After all, Whitebeard is a pirate, they are the navy, and the two sides must be mortal enemies.

As soon as Whitebeard in the video appeared, he scared the senior navy officials into serious expressions, which is not conducive to future combat plans against Whitebeard.

That's why Warring States said such words.

Garp understood it, Aoki pheasant understood it, and Crane and the others also understood it.

Inexplicably, when everyone looked at Whitebeard in the video, they didn't feel as much pressure as before.


The white beard in his youth was indeed very scary...

It can even be said to be the strongest in the world, unbeatable! !

but now…

Whitebeard is old! !

There is no ship in the new era that can carry him! !

Such a guy should drag his rotten body...

Fall into the deep sea! ! !

Warring States looked at Qing Pheasant and the others who quickly adjusted their condition with a look of relief.

Whitebeard is old...

Why isn't he?

Future Navy…

It depends on young people like them...

Many strong men in the world were frightened by Whitebeard's aura when he appeared on the stage. They had never seen anyone appear with such terrifying suppressive power.

Whitebeard looked at his young self in the video with a smile.

At that time, I was so heroic! ! Wherever you go, where can you not shake three times?

Although he is old now... his strength may not be as good as before, but not everyone can bully him... Whitebeard's eyes flashed with a cold light.

Right...the Warring States Marshal of the Navy...

He knew very well that he was seriously ill, and Sengoku and other navy would not miss this opportunity to defeat his Whitebeard Pirates in one fell swoop.

After all, white beard represents an era!

Whitebeard himself also knew very well what he meant and what the navy wanted to do.

If it were his former self, Whitebeard believed that he would be safe for the sake of his sons. He will definitely die generously.

But it’s different now…

Except for some members of the Whitebeard Pirates, no one else knows...

Whitebeard’s injury! ! It has been restored! ! !

If the navy still wants to take action against the Whitebeard Pirates.

The corners of Whitebeard's mouth raised slightly.

He doesn't mind giving those arrogant navy a big surprise! ! ! .

Chapter 229, Whitebeard VS Roger! The ultimate collision of top combat powers! (Please customize)

in the video screen.

Whitebeard appeared, and his eyes fell on the man standing casually in the distance.

And the other party also saw his figure.


Whitebeard shouted with a cold face.

【coming? 】

Roger raised his brows and looked at Whitebeard with the same cold face.

The next moment, Whitebeard and Roger grinned in unison.

But in the next second...

boom! ! !

The ground suddenly shattered! !

Roger's pupils turned extremely scarlet! !

Black domineering energy continued to emerge from all around his body! ! !

In an instant! Roger takes a step forward! Step forward towards Whitebeard! !


boom! ! !

The earth shatters! !

Roger's figure disappeared instantly! !

boom! ! ! !

Just when the people watching the video were still confused, a sound of interaction between cold weapons suddenly exploded! !

boom! ! ! ! !

Two supreme sharp knives collided together! !

At this time, many people reacted belatedly.

I don’t know when, but the white beard was no longer where he was, and the two of them instantly appeared hundreds of meters away from their previous location! !

The collision of the supreme sharp knives in the hands of the two people was even more surprising! ! !

Because the two supremely fast knives were indeed colliding, but they did not collide with each other! ! !

This is incredible! ! !

However, everyone can see that the muscles of Roger and Whitebeard are indeed wrestling! !

And... I tried my best! ! !

But between the two supreme sharp knives, it's as if there is a special invisible energy that separates them! !

Seeing this scene, countless famous strong men in the pirate world couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Others don’t know what’s going on, how could they not! ?

This is an overlord-colored armed entanglement! ! !

It is much more powerful than those so-called armed entanglements! ! !

Not only is it powerful, but the control of skills is also much more advanced! !

At this moment, I saw the heroic appearance displayed by the young white beard and the bohemian display of the former Pirate King!

Feeling the pressure of the two fighting, many strong men in the world did not even dare to take a breath! !

In the world of pirates.

In the Navy Headquarters, the faces of Aokiji, Kizaru and others who had just adjusted themselves became extremely ugly! ! !

They are people who have not experienced the era of young Whitebeard... and they only hear about Whitebeard's strength and deeds.

But now, they really feel it.

Why is Roger the Pirate King?

Why is Whitebeard called the strongest man in the world?

This video shows it vividly! !

Akainu used to be the person who disdained Whitebeard the most. He had always scorned Whitebeard. After all, in a sense, Whitebeard was also a loser in the previous era.

but now…

Akainu's face turned pale. He was shocked to find that he, who had always scorned Whitebeard, was actually watching a video of Whitebeard's youth, and his body couldn't help but tremble! ?

Such a shameful thing! ! ! How could it appear on my Akainu! ! !

Akainu roared in his heart, and he tried hard to stop his body from shaking! !

But...he can't...

He knew very well that even if he faced Whitebeard at his peak...

Within twenty rounds, you will be defeated...

Within thirty rounds, you will die! !

In the world of pirates, everyone of the older generation recalls the fear of being dominated by Roger or Whitebeard.


It’s an era! ! !

Back to video…

Roger and Whitebeard were still locked in a stalemate with their supreme sharp swords, and sweat was dripping from their foreheads! !

They are fighting each other's power with all their strength! ! !

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