Lu Qi arched his body back!

The huge momentum caused the hat on his head to fall to the ground!

Luffy kicked with his right foot.

This time Lu Qi was already prepared.

Lift your legs.

Legs kicking each other.


Luffy was stunned for a moment.

I didn’t expect Lu Qi to be able to block it.

Lu Qi moved faster.

His right fist hit Luffy's face hard!

Luffy's face turned purple visibly.

Lucci's attacks continued.

He raised his foot and kicked Luffy again.

This time Luffy was prepared.

He ducked down.

Lu Qi's legs brushed through his hair, and the huge force brought up a gust of wind, causing the short hair on his head to fly.

There seems to be a tacit understanding.

The next moment, both of them raised their fists.

Accumulate strength.

Double fist fight!


The shock wave spread in all directions.

The air vibrates!

The wooden boxes placed around the house were all broken, crushed and tattered by this invisible impact.

Dust is everywhere.

Cover up the two people's figures.


Naruto world.

"The physical skills of these two are pretty good."

Kakashi touched his chin and gave a fair comment.

He arrived at Metkai first.

"I don't know who is stronger and who is weaker than Kai's physical skills compared to theirs."


In a forest in Konoha Village.

"Hahaha! Youth is passion!!"

Metkai is training Xiao Li.

Xiao Li was sweating profusely and bruised all over his body.

I can barely lift my eyelids, arms, and legs.

"My body is so heavy!"

Xiao Li's body is stooped.

The body swayed.

Almost lying down.

He recalled the content of the previous video.

Naruto, Sasuke and others fight against Kaguya Okitsutsu.

How powerful that is!

Beyond his knowledge.

"I must become stronger!"

"I want to prove that hard work will lead to success. My hard work is no less than that of a genius. I want to prove that physical skills are no weaker than ninjutsu and genjutsu!!"

"Take a break."

A towel was thrown over.

He caught it quickly.

He looked up in shock.

I saw Metkai looking at the video with a serious face.

Xiao Li looked at the video and saw that Luffy and Lucci were fighting inside, and the fight between the two sides was extremely fierce.

And they use physical skills!

"Very strong!"

"They are strong!"

The shock wave alone was able to smash the surrounding wooden boxes. He dared to ask if he could not do this now.

Saw so many fights.

He always feels that this battle is the most down-to-earth and the most valuable for learning.

At this moment, he also understood why Metkai asked him to stop and rest.

If a strong man can learn a thing or two about fighting, it will be of great help to his future growth!

Xiao Li stared at the video intently.


Hinata's family.

On the training ground.

Neji stood up straight.

Not far from him were several dart boards.


next moment.

His eyes opened.

"Roll your eyes!"

The veins around his eyes are bulging.

The darts in his hand flew out.

"Dong, dong, dong..."

Several sounds fell.

In the center of the dart board, darts were shot one after another.

"Not enough! Not enough. I am not strong enough now!"

Neji looked down at his hands.

Think back to the previous video.

Naruto and others fight against Kaguya Okitsutsu.

Apollo vs. Saitama and more.

He is much weaker than those people.


Hinata in the future has become very strong.

He was a little unwilling.

Naruto is just a weakling, so why can even the eldest daughter of the Hyuga family, who is weak and has low self-esteem, become so strong?

He is deeply unwilling!

Neji raised his hand and touched his forehead.

There is the cursed seal of the caged bird.

"The fate is determined, but why can they become so strong? Miss Hinata, and the crane tail Uzumaki Naruto!"

At this time, he saw a new video appear.

He couldn't help but squint his eyes.

"Physical skills?"

He scoffed slightly.

"Compared to the previous battles, this was like a child's fight."


One punch the world.

In an ordinary room.

"Saitama, what happened in that battle last time!"

Longjuan has emerald green curly hair, the figure of a young girl, and wears a black cheongsam.

She was flying in the air now.

On par with Saitama.

He questioned Saitama with his hands on his hips.

What she was asking about was the battle between Saitama and Apollo in the Bankai live video broadcast.

Chapter 232 A one-sided battle! Luffy loses to Lucci? (Please customize)

Saitama has dead eyes.


He scratched his face and wondered, "What?"

The tornado moved automatically without wind, and she flew in front of Saitama, staring at him.

Loli's face, Loli's body.

It doesn't bring any sense of oppression.

"I must compete with you today!"

A tornado is like an angry kitten.

"Well, can you not fight me?"

Saitama scratched his bald head, making a smooth sound like rubbing glass.

He is not interested in fighting. Instead of fighting, he might as well go find the kelp monster. After all, the kelp monster is a free source of self-service kelp. Eating kelp can also make your hair grow.

"Tatsumaki, if you want to fight, I will fight with you!"

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