Genos leaned against the wall with his arms folded, his body smelling awe-inspiring. The S-class aura is clearly revealed. The mecha on his exposed arm showed great power.

"Teacher, don't worry, I will never let you down!"

Genos made a solemn promise.

Tatsumaki glanced at Genos coldly.

Genos is an S-class hero just like her! And he claims to be Saitama's apprentice.

"I just want to compete with you!"

The tornado flew from the window.

"Teacher, please wait for me for a moment. I will be back soon."

Genos walked to the window, said something, and then opened the window with one hand.

The room suddenly became quiet.

"So, what's next? Playing a game?"

"I remember buying a few new games last week..."

Saitama took out his inventory from the cardboard box nonchalantly, with a serious look on his fish-eyed face.

"Huh? There's a new video?"

"It seems like it's just a battle between ordinary people?"

The video suspended in front of him was showing the battle between Luffy and Lucci. He put down the stock game in his hand and stared at the video.


The smoke from the video gradually dissipated.

A figure rushed out of the smoke!

Luffy rushes out!

Grabbing Lucci's shoulders.

An over-the-shoulder throw!

Lu Qi was thrown out hard.

Smashed into a large wooden box in the distance.


Pieces of wood flew everywhere!

Dust flew up.

Covering Lu Qi's figure.

The next moment.

Lucci appeared in front of Luffy.

Luffy's pupils dilated!

【So fast! ! 】

Lu Qi gave him a flying kick.

A huge force hit Luffy's face!

Luffy flew out upside down.

Smash into the wooden boxes and wooden box ruins not far away.

Dust enveloped Luffy.

Lu Qi slowly landed.

He has an upright posture.

Standing in a dusty place.

The dark suit was stained with a little dust.

A huge wooden box, almost one meter high, flew out of the dust, and the dust around it was torn apart by the wind brought by the huge wooden box.

Lu Qi looked at the flying wooden box calmly.

He was about to smash the wooden box with a punch, but the wooden box exploded.

【Rubber machine gun! ! 】

Luffy growled!

Countless fist afterimages appeared.

Lu Qi was indifferent.

Close your eyes slightly, and in an instant, open them!

There was a flash of sharpness in his eyes.

【Six Styles·Paper! 】

He was not afraid of the countless fists at all and went forward.

The upper body turned slightly sideways, as if drawing on paper, controlling the body easily, relaxing the strength of the whole body, relying on the air flow generated when Luffy launched the attack, and evading Luffy's rubber machine gun in a critical way.

After getting close to Luffy, he punched Luffy.

Luffy jumped up, raising his right leg so that his thigh and calf were at a ninety-degree angle. Lucci's punch hit Luffy's calf.

Luffy was just in the air, punching out. Lucci blocks with his right hand. Then, Lucci raised his leg and kicked towards Luffy. Countless kicks formed afterimages and kicked towards Luffy. Luffy crossed his arms in front of his chest as a shield.

At this time, Luffy was covered in wounds.

Luffy wanted to counterattack Lucci, but he was not as fast as Lucci, so he only got beaten.

Lucci punched him in the chin, causing Luffy's head to tilt back. Then, he used a rubber machine gun, but Lucci easily dodged it with Six Style Paper Painting.

The fight between the two continued.

Lu Qi kicked him away again.

Luffy, who was kicked out, grabbed the two wooden boxes next to him with both hands.

Because of the rubber fruit's ability, his arm was pulled up. Luffy used this power to fly towards Lucci, and at the same time, he struck Lucci with his elongated hands!

Lu Qi easily resisted and kicked out.

Kicked Luffy in the abdomen.

Luffy flew backwards and hit a pile of wooden boxes not far away.

Smoke and dust were everywhere.

There was a constant roar.

【Rubber machine gun! ! 】

Luffy rushed towards Lucci again.

Lucci easily dodges with Six Styles·Paper Painting.

[This trick doesn’t work for me. 】

Lu Qi put his hands in his trouser pockets and quickly dodged.

He grabbed Luffy's elongated hand and exerted force. Luffy flew uncontrollably in the air, his whole arm stretched like plasticine, and Lucci smashed him away again.

【Rubber·Pistol! ! 】

Luffy's arm suddenly stretched out and swung at Lucci.

【Six Styles·Shaving! 】

Lu Qi disappeared in an instant.

A cold voice appeared behind Luffy.

Luffy quickly retracted his arm and crossed his hands to block it. If Lu Qi can't do one move, he will use another move.

[Six-style finger gun! ! 】

Lucci curled his index finger and stabbed Luffy's body at super high speed. Luffy's body was dented by the stabbing.

【Six Styles·Coptis Coptidis! ! ! 】

Lucci's attacks continued.

The super-speed finger attack landed on Luffy's chest, causing a bulge on Luffy's back. The whole person is like plasticine, at the mercy of Lu Qi.

【seal! ! 】

【whip! ! ! 】

[Spear gun! ! ! ! ! 】

Luffy launched a series of attacks.

The legs are lengthened into the shape of leg whips and spikes.

However, all his attacks were dodged by Lucci.

Instead, Luffy hit him in the chest so hard that his chest was dented.

None of Luffy's attacks would be effective against Lucci.

At this time, he was injured all over his body.

However, although Lucci had some scratches on his body, he had the upper hand and faced Luffy's attack calmly.


Dragon Ball World.

Inside the spaceship.

Vegeta crossed his arms and stood in front of the window with an expressionless expression. Outside the window was the vast universe, and through the reflection of the light, he could see his cold reflection on the window.

"This guy named Luffy is such a loser."

"Weak people have no need to live!"

There was a coldness in his brows.

"Haha, this guy is really weak. If it were me, I could crush this guy to death with one hand."

An arrogant and arrogant voice came from Vegeta's side.

Vegeta knew it was Nappa even without looking.

Naba was wearing a combat uniform. He was tall and had sharp muscles on the parts exposed to the air. Bald, mustache. His eyes were fierce and cunning.

Vegeta glanced at Nappa coldly.

In his opinion, Luffy in Nababy is not much better. The only thing that concerned him was that Luffy's body could be elongated like plasticine.

Chapter 233 Luffy turns on second gear! Animal Devil Fruit users transform! (Please customize)

Naruto world.

Xiao Li watched the video nervously.

"come on!!"

"Come on!!!"

He silently cheered Luffy on.

At this time, he had already replaced himself as Luffy.


Metkai, who was sitting next to Xiao Li, frowned slightly.

"It's actually not an ordinary physical skill..."

Lu Qi's display of the Sixth Marine Style shocked him.

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