The "Six Styles and Shave" ninjutsu is similar to the teleportation technique, which can produce a high-speed movement effect that disappears instantly.

In addition, Luffy's body is like plasticine.

The arms and legs can be lengthened as desired!

This is no longer the body of an ordinary person!

His eyes were much more serious.


Inside the bookstore.

Kakashi held a copy of Makeout Paradise in his hand.

His dead fish eyes did not focus on the book at this time, but on the video.

"This taijutsu is not an ordinary taijutsu!"

I don’t know when.

His forehead protector has been pulled up to his forehead.

Revealing the red Sharingan.

"Rubber machine guns, rubber pistols, Six-Style Shave...if I were to take a few of these physical techniques, I would probably not be comfortable..."

Kakashi's eyes became serious.

Originally it was just a small fight.

But from the increasingly heated battle between Luffy and Lucci in the video, as well as the increasingly powerful attack moves, he couldn't help but pay attention to it.

Especially Luffy's body can stretch like rubber.

It's like a ninja whose body has been transformed.


The world of "Visible Girls".

Inside the classroom.

Lunch break.

Yurikawa Hana sat in the seat in front of Yotsugamiko, sitting face to face with her.

There are lunch boxes on the table.

Yuri Kawaka has short brown hair, with a pink clip on the right side of her hair.

Her little face is delicate and cute.

She looks innocent, but her body is extremely sexy.

Lily Chuanhua's face was full of excitement at this time.

"Mianzi, look, these two are so powerful!"

Her eyes seemed to sparkle.

In the video of the battle between Lucci and Luffy, the speed has left an afterimage.

This is simply not something that ordinary people can match!

Yotsuya Miko has long, straight black hair.

Glass-like pupils.

Fair skin.

However, at this moment, her face was pale.

His eyes were filled with mist.

She reluctantly focused on the video in front of her.

The fight between the two was really great.

However, even as an ordinary person who can see "ghosts", she knew very well that the battle between Luffy and Lucci was one-sided, and Luffy was no match for Lucci.

There is a big difference in strength between the two.

If this continues.

Luffy might die.

A chilly air suddenly came from in front of me.

Her Liuli pupils suddenly shrank.

The whole body was as black as coal, like the ghost in the famous painting "The Scream", close to her face, only a finger's distance away from her face.

She was shaking with fear.

There is a faint bulge under the abdomen.

She couldn't help but clench her legs.

"So scary, so scary..."

"Don't look at it, don't look at it."

"Don't keep coming closer, don't come over!"

"Watch the video!"

“Watch the video!!”

Miko reluctantly focused on the video.

She was thinking how to get rid of ghosts in the video.

In this way, she will have a way to deal with these ghosts.

"Meet your son?"

"See you!"

Xiaohua called her several times, but when she didn't respond, he couldn't help but put his hand in front of her and shook it. He stood up slightly and moved closer to her.

Pure, lovely and exquisite appearance.

The little face is blushing.

The lips are pink and rosy.

And the ghost lingering on Xiaohua's body is also close to Mianzi.

The eyes and mouth are like black holes.

A dark body.

Seeing the child's whole body feeling cold.

"UP!!! Please edit a video on how to slay ghosts!!!"

She shouted silently in her heart!

I can only see ghosts, but I don’t know how to kill them. It’s terrible!

"Sorry! Xiaohua, I need to go to the toilet!"

Miko stood up hurriedly and walked towards the toilet.

Xiaohua looked at her disappearing back, tilted his head, and held up the side of his face with his index finger, "That's weird, didn't you just go to the toilet when you saw your son?"


Demons destroy the world.

"So strong!!"

Kamado Tanjiro's face was full of excitement.

His eyes seemed to glow.

"These two are so strong!"

"Nezuko, what do you think?"

Tanjiro was wearing a blue and black checkered haori, and his face remained childish.

He has dark red hair, a scar like a flame burn on his left forehead, and red eyes. On the earlobes are sun disk earrings passed down from generation to generation.

Nezuko, who was kneeling beside him, tilted her head.

Can't seem to understand what he is saying.

Nezuko had jet black slightly curly hair and pink eyes, biting a bamboo joint. Wearing a pink kimono with a black haori outer layer.

Nezuko has a small figure.

The clothes on my body are much wider.

Tanjiro looked at his sister like this with sadness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Nezuko..."

Brother didn't protect you well.

That’s why you, your mother, your brother and the others encountered a ghost...

I want to become stronger, protect my sister, and avenge my mother and the others!

Tanjiro's eyes were extremely determined.

He watched the fight between the two in the video closely, hoping to learn some fighting skills from it.


Death world.

Aizen watched the video calmly.

"That kid is too weak, there is no way he can be a match for that man."

He felt that Luffy would definitely die.

In the face of absolute strength, Luffy cannot win.


Tiga world.

"For ordinary people, these two people are so strong!"

Dagu was amazed inwardly.

If he didn't transform into Tiga, his combat effectiveness would not be strong.

They are much weaker than those in the Naruto world, the Bleach world, and the Dragon Ball world.

"I didn't expect ordinary people to be so strong..."

Dagu muttered.

Then it felt wrong.

"The one named Luffy doesn't seem to be a human, right? Why can his arms and legs be stretched so long like plasticine?"


【Jet·Pistol! ! 】

within the video.

Luffy punched Lucci in the jaw.

His whole body was steaming at this time, and his body turned red and looked very shiny because of the heat.

Veins appearing on arms.

He lowered his head.

Shortness of breath.

Chest heaving up and down.

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