【Second gear! ! ! 】

Luffy looked up.

His eyes were firm.

Gritting his teeth.

Lucci fell into a pile of wood chips. He had just been hit in the jaw by Luffy, and his head was buzzing. He pressed his head.

There was a trace of pain on his face.

The dust on the ground flew up everywhere because of the blow he just made. Cover his figure.

Lu Qi looked cold.

[Animal type·Cat fruit·Leopard form! ! ! ! ! 】

Among the dust.

A huge figure appeared.

This figure's eyes revealed two red and frightening lights.

Like a wild beast waking up!

The dust gradually dispersed.

Lu Qi's figure was revealed.

His body was very thin before, but now, his body has undergone changes.

The upper body of the suit is puffed up.

The strong muscles seem to be bursting!

Apart from that, the biggest change was his appearance.

He turned into a leopard!

Lucci is like a leopard in a suit.

The back is a leopard pattern with black spots on a cheetah yellow background, and the chest is white hair!

Everyone in the world was extremely shocked when they saw this scene.

"Turn...into a leopard!?".

Chapter 234 Luffy second gear VS Luffy in leopard form! Who wins and who loses? (Please customize)

Naruto world.

Sound Ninja Village

Orochimaru's golden vertical pupils stared at the scene of Lucci's transformation on the screen.

"You actually transformed?"

"It's not ninjutsu or the power of the curse seal, but a strange energy in his body that allows him to transform. It's really interesting."

"New power."

"New power system..."

Orochimaru's eyes showed interest.

He was able to transform into a snake because he transformed his body to make his body more and more like a snake. In the video, Lu Qi was able to transform into a leopard. It seems that he did not transform his body or use ninjutsu to transform. It is made of the body, let alone the power of the curse seal.



The lights are bright.

The aroma of food and wine are mixed together, and the complex taste slips out from the windows and doors of the izakaya.

Jiraiya was sitting upright, holding a glass of wine in his hand.

He looked at Lu Qi who suddenly transformed with a serious expression.

"Somewhat similar to Orochimaru..."

He couldn't help but think of Orochimaru who had undergone human body modification.

It has a body like a snake and can also transform into a snake.

Very similar to Lucci who turned into a leopard.

"Animal type·Cat fruit·Leopard form?"

"The power of the fruit?"

"What a magical world."

"And that kid named Luffy, his body can stretch as freely as plasticine. It's incredible."

"Tsunade, what do you think?"

He looked at the person sitting opposite.

Tsunade wore a navy blue long gown with black edges, and a loose sleeveless top similar to a white kimono. She was sitting now, and her figure was even more prominent. There are already many diners, secretly looking this way.

She held a wine glass in her hand and took one sip.

Cheeks are rosy.

Looks tipsy.

She glanced at Jiraiya with drunken eyes and looked away, "The world in the video has always been magical. It's like a magical world, with magical girls. It's like the world of Death, with Death and a kind of name. The existence of a monster called Hollow.”

"You can also predict the future."

Tsunade's voice was not loud, as if she was talking to herself. The noise in the izakaya suddenly covered up her voice, but Jiraiya, who was sitting opposite her, heard it clearly.

“Boss, some more wine!!”

“More beef stew with potatoes!!!”

The voices of diners sounded indirectly.

Jiraiya laughed, "That's right, this Bankai video is magical."

"In this 'pirate world' that has emerged now, it is not surprising that you can use the power of the fruit to transform!"

"But it's really magical!"


The world of cultivation chat groups.

Song Shuhang's face was filled with shock.

"Man, turned into a leopard!"

"Senior Bai, come and see!!"

Senior Bai came up to him and checked the video. His jet-black soft long hair fell down, and his faint fragrance drifted to the tip of Song Shuhang's nose.

At this time, Senior Bai was very close.

He could even see the fine down and delicate whiteness on Senior Bai's face, and the unchanging profile of men and women.

Senior Bai's eyebrows showed seriousness, "I have never seen a precedent of someone being able to transform into an animal. Only spirits can cultivate into humans..."

"It's amazing."

Song Shuhang was staring at Senior Bai's side face, quite fascinated. He couldn't help himself and blurted out, "Xiaobai, when your hair grows to your waist, I will marry you..."

Sweep the floor.

A passionate smile suddenly appeared on Senior Bai's face.

"I recently developed a new disposable flying sword, and I just wanted to find someone to give it a try. Shuhang, I'll leave it to you."

Senior Bai refused to argue, took out a "disposable flying sword" made of willow branches, and hung Song Shuhang on it.

The flying sword pierced the sky, and along with Song Shuhang's scream, it turned into stars and disappeared.

"There is still room for improvement..." Senior Bai looked at Song Shuhang who had disappeared and said to himself.

Lady Onion huddled in the corner, the two green onions above her head trembling constantly.


Senior Bai turned his attention to the video again. After the transformation, Lu Qi's aura was obviously much stronger. The aura surging from the video, if it were an ordinary person, his body would have been paralyzed by the pressure of this aura.

"It's really amazing. In that world, there is a fruit that can transform into an animal. His physical strength has also been significantly improved."

"That guy named Luffy also has an interesting body..."


Kamen Rider Yajita World.

Misugi family.

"The weather is really nice. These vegetables will grow well."

Shoichi Tsugami wrapped a towel around his head, wore a floral apron, and held a water gun in his hand. He looked up at the rising sun and said happily.

The vegetables in the garden have just been watered. There are still crystal clear water drops on the leaves, which reflect the light and shine brightly. Perhaps because of the watering, the vegetable leaves are extraordinarily green, and the vegetables also appear more upright and energetic.

"Xiang Yi, come and take a look at this!"

Feng Guzhenyu stood not far from the vegetable garden and waved to Tsugami Sho.

She was wearing a white T-shirt and pink denim suspenders on her lower body. Her face is slightly rounded and she looks innocent and cute, like the girl next door.


Shoichi Tsugami put down his water gun and walked towards Kazutani Makoto.

He casually wiped the water stains from his hands on his apron and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Come and take a look at this."

Fenggu Zhenyu pointed at the Wanjie video screen in the void.

In the video, Lu Qi is transforming.

"It's so amazing. You can actually transform into a leopard! I thought someone was able to transform into a magical girl before, so that's amazing!"

Tsugami Shoichi's tone was slightly exaggerated.

"Xiang Yi, do you feel that this person's transformation is somewhat similar to yours?" Shinyu asked cautiously.

Tsugami Shoichi can transform into Yajituo, and she feels that it is somewhat similar to Lucci's transformation in the movie.

"How can it be!"

Xiang Yi stopped laughing and laughed a few times. He felt something was wrong.

"Wait a minute, you don't think I'm going to look like the leopard inside, do you?"

"No, no, no, the two are not similar at all! The Yajituo I transformed into is a leopard. Mine is an unknown species, but the one he transformed into is a leopard. The two have nothing in common. place."

Xiang rejected it one after another.

"However, this leopard looks very strong."

He stared at the leopard in the video and could feel the powerful aura coming towards him. Obviously, the leopard transformed by Lu Qi is not easy to deal with.

But Luffy in second gear seems to be much stronger.

Who can win?

Although this battle cannot be compared with the battle in the previous video, it is enough to attract Naruto, Sasuke, Xiao Li and others. After all, this battle can make them feel a little bit of reality.


[Six-style finger gun! ! 】

Lucci is in leopard form and uses a finger gun.

However, Luffy disappeared.

【rubber! ! ! 】

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