It's also "The King's Seven Martial Arts"!

This time, he is here to help the navy!

The three pirates staggered up from the ground. They were covered with wounds, and there were cracks in the armor on their chests. The body is shaky.

【We need to clear the way for daddy! 】

The blond pirate held the knife in his hand firmly.

Standing in front of Mihawk.

Even knowing that Mihawk is known as "the strongest swordsman in the world", even knowing that he may die! They have to move on too!

Mihawk narrowed his eyes slightly.

The golden pupils reflected their figures.

[These people are also swordsmen. 】


[They are all miserable weaklings! 】


Mihawk's figure flashed past.

The figure of the pirate empress Boya Hancock appears.

【Get away! 】

She wore jet black high heels.

Put some pressure on your feet.

Jump into the air and spread your body.

The long skirt with skull patterns on the purple bottom was flying. She stood on the ground and launched a spinning kick. The pirates around her were kicked away one after another, and gusts of wind and smoke were set off all around because of her attack. Smoke shrouded Hancock's figure.

Wait until the smoke clears.

Hancock's figure appears.

She bent her legs, put one hand on the ground, and lowered her head. Her dark, silk-like hair fluttered in the wind.

And behind her were the marines who were petrified by Hancock.

[Aren’t you going to give way? 】

She looked up.

Revealing her delicate face and skin as white as snow.

[I must go to Luffy! 】

【Don't block the road! 】

The pirates and navy who were fighting suddenly panicked when they saw Bokuk's actions.

【Oh no! 】

[Boya Hancock starts attacking indiscriminately again! 】

They were so frightened that cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

Then Bokuk put his slender onion finger on his red lips, pulled the onion finger outward, and a huge pink heart appeared. Her other hand moved her pink heart like she was trying to move a bowstring.

Salome, a giant python with pink spots on a white background, used its body to lift Hancock up.

[Captive’s Arrow! 】

Countless pink arrows of love were shot down overwhelmingly.

The navy and pirates below were all attacked. Their bodies, along with the arrows of their captives, were turned into stone statues.


A bat with a round, dark body flapped its wings and fell from the sky.

They rushed towards the pirates in dense numbers.

The pirate dropped the weapon in his hand and ran around with his head wrapped around his head.

More jet-black bats flew toward the other pirates.

【Hee hee hee hee hee hee...】

【There are more and more corpses! 】

Moonlight Moria spread her hands.

Commands the jet black bats.

Countless bats flew over his head and pounced on the pirate.

He is also one of the seven martial arts under the king.

At the invitation of the Navy, come to help!


The camera turned.

The video shows handcuffed hands.

The camera then shows a man biting his lower lip. Dark red blood remained on the corners of his lips.

The wavy black hair on his forehead is particularly familiar.


Garp's figure appears.

He was wearing a navy jacket, a white suit, a black shirt and a sky blue tie. His head is all white, even his eyebrows and short beard are white.

Beads of sweat continued to break out from his forehead.

He stood up straight.

Beside him, there was a person kneeling.

It's Ace!

Ace's naked upper body was covered in bruises!

His hands were handcuffed behind his back by Hailou Shi.


The appearance of Ace in the video shocked those who knew him well.

And in all the worlds, everyone who has been watching the video also vaguely understood something.

Combined with the previous video of Ace and Blackbeard fighting.

And now Ace is caught.

If the two are related.

Then, Ace must have been defeated, and Blackbeard captured Ace and gave it to the Navy!

In order to save Ace, Whitebeard summoned his subordinates to rescue people!


One Piece World.

Navy Headquarters.

In the conference room.

“These pirates are really bold and reckless!!”

Sengoku's face showed anger.

Whitebeard and others are so blatantly opposing their navy and their world government. This is against the world!

Lieutenant General He still had a calm look on his face.

"Boa Hancock is one of the Seven Sea Warriors, yet she helped pirates. This is an unforgivable crime."

"This is really scary."

Kizaru shrugged.

Akainu, who had been silent, finally spoke.

"In the final analysis, the Shichibukai are just a group of pirates. They are different from us after all. They should not exist."

The justice he believes in is the navy, and the evil is pirates.

No room for flaw.

"I disagree. There are also kind people among pirates. We cannot generalize."

Aokiji and Akainu disagreed.

Their eyes met across the distance.

There seemed to be lightning flashes.

"Garp, tell me what you think?"

Lieutenant General He interrupted the argument between the two and asked Garp who was silent next to him, with his hands folded across his chest and cold sweat breaking out on his forehead. There was a thoughtful look in her eyes.

Garp's eyebrows sank.

"I don't have any opinion."

Warring States couldn't help but take a second look at Garp.

Ace is Garp's "grandson".

The Luffy mentioned by Boya Hancock is also Garp's grandson.

"If my guess is correct, I'm afraid that in the future war on top, Garp's other grandson, Luffy, will also be involved."

"Whitebeard actually started a war for Ace."

"Luffy from the Straw Hats is also involved."

"As their relative, Garp cannot escape his crime!"

"But now is not the time to dwell on this."

"The future has not happened yet, so it is impossible to convict Garp based on this..."

Sengoku pondered.

Karp has known him for many years.

They joined the Navy at the same time.

There is some affection anyway.

It is impossible to convict Karp based on this video.

Glancing at Garp, he looked away.

"Although the Shichibukai are a group of pirates with undying intentions, they have value. In the video, this war proved their value. Hawkeye Mihawk and Moonlight Moria, they all played their part Huge effect.”

"As for Boya Hancock, since she wants to help the pirates, then remove her from the list!"


In the Amazon Lily Kingdom.

Boya Hancock didn't know yet that an unthinkable disaster had befallen him.

Chapter 256: The Empress who denied it three times in a row! (Please customize)

She was wearing a red top, revealing that her mouth was nearly open. Revealing a thrilling arc. The lower body is wearing a long slit skirt with a red background pattern. The skirt has a thigh-high slit.

Lean sideways on the couch.

Her dark, soft long hair slid down the edge of the couch.

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