Under her earlobes, golden snake-shaped earrings sparkled.

Salome, a giant python with pink spots on a white background wearing a minotaur skull, coiled around Hancock, spitting out snake messages.

Bokuk frowned slightly when he saw himself in the video.


She didn't know this person.

However, she hates men the most!

"How could I betray the world government for a man..."

Although her attitude towards the World Government is very perfunctory, it does not mean that she wants to betray the World Government. After all, the Amazon Lily Kingdom and the pirate group still need the protection of the navy.

"Sister, I see that there is something wrong with the content of this video light curtain. We cannot simply believe this video light curtain."

The third sister, Boya Marigold, spat out snake letters.

She has wavy brown hair, with the hair on both sides curled into spiral angles and raised high. Wearing a white wreath-like decoration on her forehead. There is also a wreath-like decoration around her neck, but it is pink. Her figure was bloated, her cheeks and body seemed to be connected, and her neck was almost invisible. Wearing a violet bikini on her spherical body. He stretched out his hand wearing a white cloak and holding a Guandao. It looks particularly mighty and domineering.

The middle sister, Poya Sandasonia, disagreed with Marigold.

"This video light screen appears very strange, and people from other worlds have not raised any doubts. I am afraid... the content of the video light screen is true."

Sandasonia has emerald green wavy hair that hangs straight down her back, exposing her forehead. The pupils are also green. The red snake letter was revealed. She is wearing a green bikini. On her left leg, she wore stockings with a green bottom and a sunflower pattern. A pure white cloak is draped behind him.

She crossed her arms.

His face was serious.

"Did you say that my eldest sister would fall in love with such a creature as a man!?"

Marigold was a little angry.

Sandasonia was silent.

She also didn't believe that Hancock, one of the three beauties in the world, would fall in love with a man easily. Even for a man, he is willing to make an enemy of the navy.

Hancock stood up.

Pushing the long black hair behind him.

"The charm of my concubine is invincible. Only if others like me, how can I fall in love with others."

"This is nonsense!"

"That's nonsense!"

"It is impossible for me to betray the navy and put the people of our country at risk for the sake of a man."

"Although the person in the video is as beautiful as I am, I am definitely not my concubine!"


On some island.

Ace, who was tracking the whereabouts of Blackbeard, watched the video.

Hold the hat on your head.

He looked up at the blazing sun.

"Really... I actually lost to that guy Blackbeard?"

"Is he really that strong?"

Through these videos, he vaguely guessed that he might have lost to Blackbeard and was then captured and sent to the navy. The Navy used itself as a threat to lure out the Whitebeard Pirates, hoping to destroy the Whitebeard Pirates in one fell swoop.

"My future self is really useless."

"I won't be as stupid as my future self. Deliver it to your door."

"If I am not Blackbeard's opponent, I will retreat directly."

Where there is life, there is hope.

He pressed his hat and continued to look for traces of Blackbeard.


Aboard Moby Dick.

Whitebeard stood on the bow of the ship holding the "Cong Yunqi", one of the "Twelve Skills of the Supreme Quick Sword".

His tall figure casts a large shadow.

Behind him were densely packed pirates.

These pirates looked up to him with admiration.

"If one day I were to go to war with the navy, whose side would you be on?"

Whitebeard turned his back to them, looking out to sea.

"We are daddy's sons! Of course we are with daddy!"

"Dad, we will go up to the mountain of swords and into the sea of ​​fire together!"

"My life was saved by dad. Whatever dad wants to do, just do it! I will definitely follow!!"

"Me too!"

"I also!!!"


There was a dense chorus of echoes.


Whitebeard grinned wildly, turned around, and raised his hand "Cong Yunqie".

Wherever the sword points, move forward indomitably!

"As expected of my good son!"

"Then in the future, we will make a big fuss!!"

Through some of the contents of the video light screen, he could guess that he would be in trouble if he faced a war.

But he has no fear!


The future of the One Piece world is revealed in the video light curtain, but not just a little bit.

Boya Hancock betrayed the Navy and fell in love with Luffy of the Straw Hats.

Ace was captured by Blackbeard and dedicated to the Navy.

The Navy wants to execute Ace.

The Whitebeard Pirates and their formations launched a large-scale attack on Marine Fando, the naval headquarters, in an attempt to save Ace.

The King's Shichibukai was asked to support Marine Fando and participate in the battle.


Exorcist Boy World.

Within the Black Order.

Komuyi Lee wears the chief's white robe and white hat. He has a gentle appearance and glasses hanging on his nose. Slender figure.

He is sitting on a chair.

Place your elbows on the table and clasp your hands.

"Judging from the video, the situation of the Whitebeard Pirates is not good. The navy is the righteous party in that world, and the pirates, as rebels, dare to break into the naval base without permission. What awaits them will be death. One piece."

"In the video, Whitebeard was seriously injured. I'm afraid he won't be able to walk out of Malinfando alive."

Komuyi's calm analysis.

Reba Wenham has brown hair standing on end and wears a white coat. There is a pen in the breast pocket. Sleeves rolled up to the elbow. The open white coat revealed a dark blue mandarin jacket and a white shirt underneath. One side of the collar of the shirt is turned up. The inner shirt is paired with a dark blue tie. The tie knot looks a little rude.

He put a hand in his pocket and stared at Komuyi.

"Chief, is it time for you to start working?"

He showed one percent murderous intent and ninety-nine percent respect.

Eyes narrowed slightly.

Komuyi put his fist to his lips and coughed, "Don't rush it for a while. Let's talk after watching this video."

Reba Wenham couldn't do anything to him.

We can only let it happen.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something on the table.

"This is?"

Komuyi followed his gaze. I saw an opened letter on the table.

"It's a letter from Marshal Kuros."

Kuros is the marshal of the Black Order and the master of Arianne Walker. He wrote this letter to inform Komuyi that Alain was about to report to the headquarters of the Black Order.

Chapter 257: There is no ship that can carry me in the new era! (Please customize)

Reba Wenham didn't ask any more questions.

Kuros's whereabouts have always been mysterious.

Even members of the Black Order had difficulty finding Kuros.

Although I don’t know why Kuros contacted the room director.

But it shouldn't have any impact on their Black Order headquarters.

His eyes quickly returned to the video light curtain.

"What will happen in the next battle?"

Akainu and Whitebeard fight.

Admiral VS Whitebeard, one of the four emperors.

Who can win?

What is the direction of the war on the top?

Will the Marine Headquarters Marinevando sink due to the impact of this battle?


Within the video light curtain, Kizaru's figure appeared.

Kizaru is condescending.

Raise your index finger.

His index finger bloomed with a dazzling golden cross.

A golden light flew out from his index finger.

The pirate holding the meteor hammer swung the iron chain connected to the meteor hammer, and the meteor hammer broke through the golden light.

[Don’t even think about getting in the way of Dad! 】

Kizaru's whole body lit up with countless golden lights.

Golden light enveloped his body.

It's hard to see where he is.

There was a flash of golden light.

Kizaru appeared in front of this pirate.

His back was turned to the pirate.

Revealing the word "justice" on the back of the navy coat.

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