He turned to glance at the pirate.

【The old man is very troublesome. 】

The fighting elsewhere was brutal.

The navy kills every pirate.

The pirate fell.

【Not yet...not even close...yet...】

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

There was no breath.

The raised hand fell to the ground.

His head also fell down.

The navy looked at the pirate and were silent for a moment.

Then, the leader raised his fist and shouted.

【Destroy them in one go! 】

He just finished speaking.

A gunshot sounded.

The shouting navy fell down.

The navy next to him looked shocked.

【That is...】

[The pirates under those flags at the head of the bay! 】

Dozens of pirates, holding long knives in their hands, rushed towards them fiercely.

The pirates who blocked the road were hacked to death one by one.

【I’ve kept you waiting for a long time! 】

shouted the pirates who came to support.

【Um! 】

【I’ve been waiting for you for a long time! 】

The pirate who was fighting with the marines responded.

[Damn it, you let so many pirates enter the battlefield! 】

[The old man is really going to be angry! 】

Kizaru's subordinates, Zhan Momomaru, looked angry.

The old man he calls is Kizaru.

Zhan Taowan has a watermelon head, and there is a slit on his face from the corners of his eyes. Wearing something like a bellyband and holding a giant axe.

Behind him are several "pacifists."

These "pacifists" are the World Government's humanoid weapons, transformed into bears.

[Now it’s a melee. 】

[There is nothing you can do if you accidentally hurt your brother. 】

[Be careful not to aim at your companions. 】

【pacifist. 】

Zhan Momomaru loudly ordered the pacifist behind him who was as tall as a bear.

The pacifist opens his mouth.

The golden light energy in the mouth lights up.

Golden light balls were emitted one after another.


The place where the golden ball of light was hit exploded, forming a hemispherical explosion, thick smoke billowing, and a heat wave swept around. Explosions continued.


In Marine Vendone, the battle between the navy and the pirates continues.

The battle between Akainu and Whitebeard has changed.

Under the punch.

There is no difference between the two.

But, the next moment.

The onset of white beard.

Akainu took the opportunity to attack Whitebeard head-on, and punched Whitebeard's chest with a giant fist of magma.

Whitebeard's legs weakened and he fell to his knees. The "Cong Yunqie" in the hand is leaning on the ground.

【puff! ! 】

A mouthful of blood spat out.

【damn it...】


The surrounding pirates saw this scene.

They were all shocked.

【Dad! ? 】

[Are you no match for the passage of time...]

【White beard! ! 】

Akainu sneered.

Luffy appears.

Akainu wants to kill Luffy. Because Luffy is a bigger threat than Whitebeard who will die sooner or later. Marco stepped forward to restrain Akainu and shouted to Jinbei, "Go take Ace's brother away!" ! Jinbei! ! 】

【knew! 】

[That life... is the "will" of the living Ace! 】

【We have to protect Ace for him! ! 】

[If he dies, it will be a disgrace to our "Whitebeard Pirates"! ! 】

Jinbe grabbed Luffy and tried to take him away from the battlefield.

Marco's shouts and the echoes of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates came from behind.

[Two brothers, no one can escape! 】

【I told you before...】

Akainu's face turned dark.

Looking at Marco, who was standing in front of him with green flames all over his body, he showed murderous intent.

at this time.

The navy shouted.

【Mr. Akainu! ! 】

【Danger! ! 】

【Um? 】

Akainu sensed the danger, but Whitebeard's fist had already fallen hard. That punch hit Akainu hard on the back of the head.


Akainu plunged into the floor tiles so hard that they shattered and exploded. He quickly struck back. The attack, mixed with thick smoke and flames, hit Whitebeard's head. Whitebeard turned sideways to dodge, but it was still too late. Half of his head was knocked off.

Whitebeard, who was seriously injured and covered in blood, immediately fought back against Akainu.

Akainu was beaten so hard that he couldn't move for a while.

Blood flowed from the head and nostrils.

At this time, one of them had no strength to move, and the other was stunned.

【Ahem! ! 】


【White beard! ! ! 】

Akainu finally fell down.

But White Beard, who was missing half of his head and covered in blood, still stood tall!

[General Sakaski! ! 】

The video ended with the fall of Akainu, who was wearing the "Justice" navy robe.

The word "End" slowly appeared on the screen.


"Is this the end?"

"Whitebeard won, right?"

"No, I think Akainu should have won. Half of Whitebeard's head was lost by Akainu. I'm afraid Whitebeard will not live long."

"Since the One Piece world has such miraculous power fruits, there must be a way to cure them. I think Whitebeard will win this battle."

"I think it's a tie."

"It's a tie! If Whitebeard hadn't been ill and allowed Akainu to sneak attack, how could that despicable Akainu win?"

"It's a pity that there is no ship carrying Whitebeard in the new era..."


In the Wanjie Forum.

Everyone was arguing.

They debated whether Akainu or Whitebeard would win.

At the same time, I think Whitebeard is too sad.

His godson Ace died, and he and the Whitebeard Pirates also fell into it.

Some people think that Karp is even more miserable.

As a Vice Admiral, he is known as the "Navy Hero". However, he has to watch his grandson Ace being killed by Akainu and watching Luffy being chased by Akainu.

There was nothing he could do.

No one refutes the latter statement.

The tragedy of Captuo.

Chapter 258 The ultimate power! Luffy VS Doflamingo! This era is called Luffy! (Please customize)

One Piece World.

On an endless sea, a huge ship is sailing on the sea. Its name was the Red Foss.

On board was a group of red-haired pirates.

Shanks looked at the darkened light curtain in front of him.

"I didn't expect that guy with white beard to die so tragically."

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