"I don't know what kind of magic she cast on the food."


Inside an ordinary-looking van, there are various instruments and monitoring equipment, as well as seven or eight huge screens.

There were three people inside, Kagami Mihin who was a Jet trainee, Yuzuki Misaki, a full member, and their leader Shuichi Tadokoro.

They are monitoring the entire city.

When the zerg appears, they will discover it immediately and arrange for the Jet team to encircle and destroy the zerg.

It was rare to be leisurely at this time, and no insects appeared.

The three of them were all looking at the video screen in front of them.

"New Kamen Rider!"

"Are there Kamen Riders in other worlds?"

Tadokoro Shuichi's expression was slightly solemn.

In their world, the knight system was developed by their Jet, so they believe that Kamen Rider can only be owned by their Jet. However, there were Kamen Riders in other worlds, and he was very surprised that this Rider did not seem to be owned by the organization.

Kagami Arata and Misaki Yuzuki were also very surprised.

"A new knight..."

Kagami showed her yearning.

He also wants to be a handsome knight.

But because he didn't want to be the enemy of King Kato, he gave up the King Bee Transformer.

"This knight seems a little weird. He can actually switch forms instantly." Yuzuki Misaki was the first to discover this.

At present, in their knight system, knights only have two forms, one is the form before the armor is exploded, and the other is the form after the armor is exploded. After the armor is exploded, the knight can "accelerate". As for the Kamen Rider inside the video light curtain, it seems that he can switch into more other forms.

This really shocked them!


"Knights from other worlds, knight systems from other worlds."

Police Director and Jet's senior leader Kagami Riku stared closely at the video screen.

"Perhaps, knights from other worlds can draw lessons from the knights in our world and develop more powerful knights..."


The world of the king in 18 years.

Inside the "9 to 5".

Tokiwa Shougo, Tsukuyomi, Gates and others sat together.

They watched the video light curtain.

They are very curious about Kamen Riders in other worlds.

"It's incredible that he can switch forms at will without relying on the power of other knights."

Gates held his chin, his eyebrows serious.

In the world of King of Time, if you want to switch forms, you need to use the dials of other knights to gain the power of other knights.

"However, his form does not change much. When you switch forms, the armor form will change greatly. As for the Kamen Rider named Kuuga in the video, his armor only changes in color."

Tsukuyomi discovered this carefully.

"I seem to have an empty dial, but it seems that I can't use the empty dial to switch forms freely." Zhuang Wu looked a little distressed.

"It seems that having the dials of other knights does not mean you can use all the knight's powers."


"Give way."

"Quickly give way!"

Shougo's uncle Junichiro Tokiwa held the casserole with thick gloves, and steam was rising from the casserole. It looks like something quite remarkable.

Shogo hurriedly stepped aside, and Junichiro Tokiwa placed the casserole on the table.

They all looked at the casserole on the table.

"Uncle, what is this?"

Zhuangwu asked, pointing to the food in the casserole.

Junichiro Tokiwa said proudly, "I recently want to develop some new dishes, and this is the new dish. A Chinese-style spicy hot pot. I call it a large hot pot."

The three of them, Zhuang Wu, looked at each other.

"Hello, is anyone here?"

The curtain at the door was opened, and a man walked in. He was holding a hair dryer in his hand, "I want to repair this hair dryer. I don't know where it is broken and it can't blow air. Please take a look."

Junichiro Tokiwa hurried over and took the hairdryer, "Okay, let me take a look."

He took off his thick gloves, took the hair dryer to the counter, took out the repair tool box from the cabinet behind him, opened the repair tool box, and found something was wrong.


This seems to be a watch repair shop.


"I repair clocks here..."

Junichiro Tokiwa hesitated to speak.

"I know."

The customer nodded.

Junichiro Tokiwa was immediately embarrassed, "So, here I am..."

Don’t repair anything other than clocks!

"Ah, I'm running out of time. I have to go to work."

"I'll spare you the trouble with the hair dryer. I'll come and get it when I get off work."

Customers left in a hurry.

Junichiro Tokiwa stretched out his hand to stop the customer, but the customer had already disappeared from the store. He looked at the hair dryer and said, "Anyway, the principle inside should be similar. It should be able to be repaired."

Zhuanggo and the other three continued to discuss the changes in Kuuga's form.


The video continues, and a dark green humanoid figure appears. His head looked like a turtle's, with a shell on his back. Wielding a chained bolas in his hand.

The meteor hammer was swung with great force.

He swung the bolas towards the red Kuuga in his almighty form, but Kuuga ducked down.

Chapter 302: Use human martial arts to fight against Gurungi! (Please customize)

The two of them circled around, and Sora stepped onto the steps to a higher level. He wanted to jump down from a higher place and attack Kameguroki, but Kameguroki used the chain of the meteor hammer to twist Kuuga's neck.

Kuuga's hand resisted the chain, but the chain continued to tighten. Kame Gurungi pulled the chain and brought Kuuga over little by little. He prepared to attack Kuuga.

Just when I was about to be pulled in front of him, there was a "bang". Turtle Gurungi's iron chain was broken, and the iron chain and bolas fell to the ground, turning into small iron balls and small chains as big as a thumb.

Turtle Gurungi turned his head suddenly and looked in the direction where the bullet came from!

I saw a police officer standing on the stairs not far away, holding a sniper rifle in his hand. Turtle Gurungi took off another small iron ball on his tail finger and wanted to turn it into a meteor. A police officer raised his gun again and fired.


The bullet hit the small iron ball in his hand and it fell to the ground.

Turtle Gurungi was angry.

He strode towards the direction of the police officer, and when the police officer saw this, he quickly ran towards the roof of the building. At this time, he was in a position where he could not shoot, and he had to go to the roof of the building to help Kuuga.

Kuuga hugged Kame Gurungi from behind and stopped him from attacking the police officer.

Police officer Ichijo Ichijo had already arrived at the top of the building. He raised his gun and wanted to aim at the small iron balls worn on Turtle Gurungi's ten fingers. As long as all the small iron balls on Turtle Gurungi's fingers are knocked down, then Turtle Gurungi will have no weapons to attack! Only when Kuuga is fighting can he not be threatened by its weapons!

Kame Gurungi struggled, trying to break away from Kuuga. Police officer Ichijo was unable to aim at the small iron ball on Turtle Gurungi's finger. He put down the gun, worry on his face. At this time, Kuuga hugged Kame Gurungi's elbows from behind, forcing it to raise its arms.

A police officer saw the opportunity, raised his gun, and aimed at the small iron ball on his fingers that could transform into a meteor hammer.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

With the sound of gunshots, the small iron balls on Turtle Gurungi's ten fingers were shot down one after another.

White mist emitted from the muzzle of a police officer's gun, and the huge recoil caused his body to bear a huge burden every time he fired.

One last shot.

The last small iron ball on Kame Gurungi's finger was shot down. Officer Ichijo finally couldn't bear it anymore, groaned in pain and fell to the ground. Kame Gurungi struggled to break away from Kuuga. He looked down at his ten fingers, and there was no weapon on them. Kuuga rushed up at this time and attacked Kameguroki. Kameguroki angrily fought with Kuuga in fist fights.

Kame Gurungi, who had no weapons, was severely beaten by Kuuga in his almighty form. Then, Kuuga punched Kame Gurungi away from the roof of the building.

Turtle Gurungi fell from the sky, slammed through the overpass below, and fell to the ground, making two dull loud noises, and the ground seemed to shake!

Kuuga jumped down from above, and Kuuga completed the form transformation, smoothly transforming from the red almighty form to the cyan-blue agile Azure Dragon form!

He glanced at Turtle Gurungi who was lying on the ground and couldn't get up for a while, and then got into his chariot. The moment he got on the chariot, he transformed into his red almighty form.

Golem flew towards him at this time, merged with the motorcycle, and turned into a heavily armored motorcycle. It looked a bit like a saber-toothed tiger, with two sharp "teeth" protruding from the front of the motorcycle.

Kame Gurungi stood up, and Kuuga immediately started the heavy armored motorcycle. The two protruding "teeth" of the locomotive pushed Kame Gurungi all the way and pushed it to the deserted abandoned factory.

Here, Kuuga can fight with all his strength without hurting others!

He stopped the car, and under the influence of inertia, Turtle Gurungi flew backwards, smashed through the iron fence in front of him, and fell into the factory building. Due to its fall, a lot of dust was kicked up on the ground.

Kuuga walked inside, but before he could, Kame Gurungi rushed out and hugged Kuuga.

Kuuga used continuous elbow strikes to attack the turtle shell on the back of Turtle Gurungi, trying to force it to let go.

However, Turtle Gurungi's turtle shell is too hard, so this attack is not painful or itchy at all.

So Kuuga raised his knees and attacked Kame Gurungi's abdomen, and Kame Gurungi was forced to let go of Kuuga. Kuuga wanted to continue hitting Kame Gurungi with his legs, but Kame Gurungi hugged Kuuga's legs and threw him away with force on his hands.


Countless comments appeared on the barrage.

[This knight can’t do it. too weak. ——Bill Gates]

[The weak one is not Sora, but you. ——Jiadou King Tiandao General Secretary]

【What! ——Bill Gates]

[Kuga's attack combines many martial arts styles, including Jeet Kune Do's elbow strikes on the collarbone, boxing's abdominal hooks, hook combos, superman punches, sweeping kicks that turn into side kicks, etc. Don't you know these at all? figure it out? ——Jiadou King Tiandao General Secretary]


In 18 years, he was king of the world.

Inside the "9 to 5".

Gates' face turned red from suppressing it. He had never heard a word of what Chief Kato King Tiandao said! However, what the other party said is reasonable and well-founded. If he refutes without verifying the correctness of these things, he will only become a clown.

Tsukuyomi took the notebook and searched it quickly. Soon, the answer came out.

"Jet Kune Do has an elbow strike to the collarbone."

She turned the screen interface to Gates and Shogo.

Gates' face turned redder.

He was very unconvinced.

"Tsukuyomi, check other attack moves!"

He didn't believe that the guy named Kato King Tiandao Souji really got everything right!

Tsukuyomi was searching, and then he looked complicated when he saw the answer. She did not speak, but forwarded all the test results to Gates for review. Some of the attack moves are indeed unpopular, but what that person said is correct. Kuuga's attacks are based on martial arts styles, rather than random punches.

Gates clenched his fists unconvinced.

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