"Well, Gates, that person didn't mean to humiliate you." Zhuangwu put his hand on Gates' shoulder and comforted him. Gates shook off the hand on his shoulder, snorted, crossed his arms and said nothing. He believed that the guy was deliberately humiliating him.

Zhuang Wu was extremely helpless when he saw this.

He turned his attention to the moves retrieved on the laptop screen, "Koraga actually knows so many fighting moves. It's really amazing. If King Kabuto hadn't said it, I wouldn't have known it at all."

When they fight, they basically rely on their body's fighting consciousness, or they rely on big moves to quickly deal with difficult enemies. There are very few knights like Kuuga who know so many fighting moves from different martial arts schools. .

Although the leather holster adds strength to Kuuga, it can be seen from this that Kuuga relied on his own human strength to fight Gurungi without powerful combat weapons and moves.

Chapter 303 The power of nuclear explosion kick! ! (Please customize)

Shougo couldn't help but show respect for Kuuga in the video.

Most ordinary people would definitely be terrified when facing a monster like Gurungi. However, Kuuga dared to attack Gurungi without powerful weapons and moves. It must be said that his heart is very strong.

"We should learn from this senior."

"Study what?"

Junichiro Tokiwa suddenly appeared, interrupting the dull atmosphere.

Everyone was shocked, and they all said, it’s nothing.

They don't want Junichiro Tokiwa, an ordinary person, to get involved.

Junichiro Tokiwa was holding a hair dryer in his hand, with a distressed look on his face, "It seems that the hair dryer is not so easy to repair..."

He returned to the counter in distress and continued to repair the broken old hair dryer. Everyone was relieved.


The barrage dialogue between Kato King Tiandao Souji and Gates further fermented the world.

The world of King of Time in 2068.

In the middle of a desolate world filled with loess and smoke, a huge throne stands in it. The King of Time in the form of the Demon King of Time, his body is armored with gold and black intertwined, reflecting dazzling light under the scorching sun hanging high above his head. He was sitting on the throne, as if he was looking down at the world.

And behind him is a statue of all the knights from the Heisei, Showa, and Reiwa periods! He is the King of Knights! The king who gathers the power of all knights!

When the demon king looked at the barrage comments of the Armored King Tiandao Souji and Gates on the screen, a dull and old voice came out from the armor, "Interesting! Using mortal martial arts to fight against weirdos. People like this are really interesting. What a pity. . Although I have gathered the power of all the knights, including the power of Kuuga, the power obtained is not all. Their power as humans cannot be fully exerted. "

"However, with the combined power of all the knights, I can easily suppress Kuuga."

As the king of all knights, he has enough confidence!


The world of One Punch Man.

Inside Banggu’s dojo.

His hair was gray, and his face was covered with wrinkles like the texture of trees. The back is also somewhat arched. He put his hands behind his back and looked at the video of Kuuga fighting Kameguroki with his life, feeling extremely moved in his heart. In this world, there are too few people like Kuuga who sacrifice themselves to protect others. More of them are selfish people.

However, thankfully, there are people like Kuuga who are self-sacrificing and protecting others. Saitama counts as one. There is also the undocumented knight who has emerged recently.

There are too many self-interested people in the League of Legends. The world and the league need more responsible and silently dedicated heroes like Saitama, the Undocumented Knight, and Kuuga.

"Cha Lanzi, you must learn from Kuuga inside." He warned the apprentice behind him who was cleaning the gym without looking back. He is also his only apprentice now.

Chalanzi was stunned for a moment, then immediately stood up straight and replied respectfully: "Yes, Master! I will definitely not let you down!"


The world of Kamen Rider Kabuto-oh.

Inside the van that Jett monitors, there are various dial instruments and screens.

Kagami looked at Kuuga in the video screen with admiration. Kuuga was undoubtedly very charming. Knowing that the Gurungi was dangerous, and without any systematic or official training, Kuuga resolutely chose to fight the Gurungi, something that most people couldn't do.

And what he wants to be is someone like Kuuga, a powerful person with a strong sense of justice and selfless devotion to himself.

"What a shame. Kuuga is not from our world."

If Kuuga and he were in the same world, he would definitely join Kuuga's camp and fight side by side with Kuuga, just like the queen bee Yachari Soho he admired before. For this reason, he would not hesitate to leave Jet and join Yasha Soho's "Cinematism". Unfortunately, it was discovered midway that although Kaname Yachari seemed to be righteous and for the sake of righteousness, he himself was a person who had a strong desire to win and would sacrifice his teammates for personal victory.

But Sora is different. Sora is not a member of any organization. He is fighting against Gulungi in his personal capacity and with flesh and blood!


Inside the Western restaurant Bistrola Salle.

Souji Tendou was enjoying the battle of Kuuga while eating the delicious food prepared by Hiyori.

Although he was somewhat unwilling to admit it, Kuuga, as a mortal, only relied on the power of the knight's belt that had not fully explored its functions. He dared to be hostile to Gurungi. This was extremely dangerous and very likely to lead to death. , most people simply don’t dare to do it. Ordinary people's choice may be to escape. However, Kuuga chose to fight Gurungi without flinching or escaping.

He couldn't help but have a little admiration for Kuuga, but the Tendo Souji, who thought he was the strongest, was unwilling to admit that Kuuga was the strongest in his heart, so he reluctantly gave Kuuga the title of the second strongest.

"Although the brilliance of fireflies cannot be compared with me as the sun, they can also illuminate the dark night and lead people to the light."


The video continues. In the video, Kuuga gets up from the ground and begins to accumulate strength. Kame Gurungi roared and rushed towards Kuuga. Kuuga punched Kame Gurungi hard on the chest, and then hit him with a knee. After knocking Kame Gurungi away, he raised his fist fiercely and punched Seeing the turtle Gurungi flew out.

Turtle Gurungi fell heavily to the ground, but stood up unscathed. His defense is extremely high, and attacks like Kuuga's cannot hurt it at all.

Seeing this, Sora took a few steps back. He began to gather the power of the belt at his feet. Thunder and lightning emerged from the belt. Under the stimulation of thunder and lightning, the color of the belt changed. The thunder and lightning began to fill the entire armor. There was a sizzling sound. Thunder and lightning spread to Kuuga's feet. On Kuuga's right ankle, there was a golden thing similar to a wristband, with super ancient characters engraved on it.

Accumulation is complete.

Kuuga rushed towards Kame Gurungi. When he lifted his steps, the sole of his right foot contained a terrifying and violent force as strong as fire. The power of thunder and lightning also jumped up from the soles of his feet from time to time.

Turtle Gurungi showed no fear. It is very confident in its defense capabilities. It did not dodge, but opened its arms as if to welcome Kuuga's attack. When Kuuga was still some distance away from it, he jumped up suddenly and spun around in the air. With the power of this rotation, his right foot, which contained terrifying power, kicked hard at Kame Gurungi's chest. go.

Turtle Gurungi was kicked out and fell to the ground. It struggled to get up, but it couldn't.

Then, Turtle Gurungi exploded!

The roar of the explosion continued, and the orange-red hot flames continued to spread around. All the glass in the factory was shattered by the explosion.

The ripples of this explosion continued to spread from the abandoned factory, just like an atomic bomb explosion! Nearly a hundred miles in radius were enveloped in the explosion! Within a hundred miles, it looks like a huge semicircular sun! Constantly emitting terrifying temperatures and heat! .

Chapter 304: The stimulated Kato King! (Please customize)

People from all over the world seem to be able to feel the horror of Kuuga's nuclear explosion kick from the video, and the blazing temperature seems to burst out from the video light curtain!

Some spectators who were on guard stayed away, for fear of being burned by the flames coming out of the video screen. Their pupils reflected the huge flames generated by the explosion of the core of the video light curtain. The flames were like the sun with its blazing flames, slowly rising from the ground.


"No wonder it's called the 'Nuclear Explosion Kick'. Such power is equivalent to an atomic bomb explosion."

"I thought that Kuuga was not very strong, but now it seems that the battle between Kuuga and Kame Gurungi just now was just playing house."


Everyone in the world was amazed.

On the video light screen, the word [End] appeared, and the video light screen gradually dimmed. Everyone was immersed in the terrifying power of the nuclear explosion kick, and could not extricate themselves for a while.


The world of Kamen Rider Kabuto-oh.

In the Western restaurant Bistrola Salle, Souji Tendo stopped cutting fish with a knife and fork. He stared closely at the darkened screen.

What was that just now?

He thought that his ultimate move, Knight Kick, could kill the powerful Zerg in one blow, but compared to Kuuga's Nuclear Explosion Kick, Knight Kick was like fireflies and the sun. He suddenly choked and panicked. No matter how delicious the food in front of him was, he still couldn't eat it. It is as if there is a foreign object in the food and it is difficult to swallow.

There is such a powerful existence, it seems that my practice is not enough...

Chief Tiandao ate the food on the plate in a hurry, then stood up suddenly and left the foreign restaurant.

Hiyori, who was wearing an apron and serving food to the guests, noticed something unusual about Tendo Souji and couldn't help but look in his direction, only to see his leaving back.

The proprietress poked her head out from the kitchen window and said with surprise, "It's really strange. In the past, he always enjoyed the food slowly. Why is it so fast today?"


Inside Jet's surveillance van.

Seeing the terrifying power of the nuclear explosion kick in the video, Kagami's mouth opened wide with shock on her face. My heart is extremely surging.


"Koraga is really awesome!!!!"

He stood up excitedly.


But his head suddenly hit the roof of the car. He covered his head, his face scrunched up in pain, and he gasped.

It hurts...

Shuichi Tadokoro and Yuzuki Misaki were attracted by the loud sound and looked in the direction of Kagami Arata.

Kagami Xin couldn't help but apologize, bowing her head and apologizing. When the two of them looked away, he recalled the terrifying power of the core explosion kick of the video light screen, and he still couldn't help but feel excited.

Such an attack would be comparable to the power of a nuclear bomb explosion. It's absolutely terrifying. If you can have such a powerful move, you can easily deal with it no matter how many and powerful insects you face!

After he got off the car, he ran to the side and called General Tiandao. Chief Tiandao quickly answered the phone.


The voice of Chief Tendo came from the other side of the phone, accompanied by rapid breathing.

Kagami Mixin didn't pay attention. He was excitedly sharing the heart-pounding battle and nuclear explosion kick with Souji Kagami at this time.


Chief Tiandao's reaction was very calm.

At the same time, he also heard a "bang bang bang" sound coming from the other side, as if it was the sound of heavy objects being kicked.

"What are you doing now? There seems to be noise over there?"

Kagami Mikata regretted that Souji Tendou was not as amazed by the nuclear explosion kick as he was and was slightly disappointed. Only then did he notice the strange noise on the other side. So I asked.

"I'm training to improve my strength."

Chief Tiandao replied.

"Training? Improving strength? What, it turns out you were also stimulated by Kuuga's nuclear blast kick. I thought you didn't react at all when you saw such a powerful force."

Kagami Shin's words were spoken directly without thinking about it.

In the training room.

Tendo Souji, who was wearing a sleeveless top, wearing fists and sweating profusely, hung up Kagami Shin's call with an expressionless face when he heard this. Then, he hit the sandbag in front of him harder.

Kagami wanted to say something else, but there was no sound from the other side. He took the phone away from his ear in confusion, only to find that the call had been hung up.

"What? That guy from Chief Tiandao hung up the phone without notifying me. It's really rude."

"However, it seems that Kuuga's nuclear explosion kick really stimulated the arrogant guy so much that he even went to train."

Kagami Shin said with a smile.

He was proud of his idol Kuang-ga and the power of Ku-ga.


The world of Doraemon.

Doraemon, Nobita, Fat Tiger, Xiaofu, Shizuka and a bunch of children gathered around the cement steel pipe in the open space.

They watched the video light curtain explode with my nuclear blast kick. The blazing flames reflected in their eyes, and the terrifying explosions seemed to resound in their minds.

Every one of their faces was filled with fear and shock.

"What a powerful move."

"Sora I'm so handsome!"

"It would be great if I could become as strong as Kuuga."

"Kuaga is too powerful! I have decided that I will dress up as Kuuga. Which of you will be the Kame Gurungi?"

Fat Tiger looked around at everyone.

Everyone was afraid and did not dare to look at Fat Tiger. If they looked at Fat Tiger now, Fat Tiger would definitely think that Fat Tiger was Turtle Gurungi and give Fat Tiger a good beating.

"It seems a little scary."

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