Sawada Tsunayoshi did not expect Sasakawa Ryohei to make such a gorgeous appearance.

"It's not over yet."

Reborn reminded from the side.

"I am 02, ready to capture the target and start attacking!"

Members of the Balian Levi Electric Shock Team jumped down from above, intending to attack Rambo and others below. However, the sword flashed and 02 screamed. Fly out upside down.

"I am 03, 02 was..."

03 Before the report was finished, he exploded.

There was a roar.

The screams were endless.

Yujijiren and Yamamoto Takeshi appeared.


Sawada Tsunayoshi ran towards them happily.

When Rambo saw Sawada Tsunayoshi, he rolled on the ground.

"I'm starving~A Gang, come and give me a hug..."

Lan Bo said coquettishly.

He looks like a three-year-old child, with a fluffy wavy head and two horns on top of his head. Wearing cow's clothes with white background and black spots, she looks like a little cow.

"Don't lie in such a dirty place!!"

Sawada Tsunayoshi looked towards Rambo, and suddenly, he discovered that Rambo actually put the Ring of Thunder in his wavy hair, and there were items such as paper wrapped candies in it.

"You actually hang your ring in a place like this..."

Sawada Tsunayoshi was greatly shocked.

"I really can't understand why you should give the ring to such an idiot!" The leader of the Prison Temple was angry.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, just be fine."

Takeshi Yamamoto said with a smile on his face.

Balian members following XANXUS appear.

They all focused on Sawada Tsunayoshi and others, or rather, their rings.

Battle for the Ring.

About to start!


The world of Doraemon.

In Nobita's room.

Nobita sat side by side, watching the video.

When they saw Kuzu Ye Hongtai repaired the lock bell, he successfully transformed into the general form. They breathed a sigh of relief.

"Very good."

"I was worried to death just now. I thought Kuzuye Hongtai would lose to this despicable Jadeite."

"Justice is indeed invincible!"

Nobita's cheeks turned red with excitement.

"Kudzu Ye Hongtai is so powerful, I'm afraid he has gained the power of God now."

Doraemon's focus is different from Nobita's.

"God's power?"

"Are you talking about the golden fruit?"

Nobita showed doubts.

"Didn't you see it just now, Nobita? Kuzuye Kuta can repair the locked seeds. After transforming into a general, he can also control the plants in the underworld of Heim like emeralds. Kuzuye Kuta must have controlled part of the golden fruit. The power. That is the power of God.”

Doraemon's explanation made Nobita dizzy.

"so complicated."

"But the general is the strongest, right?"

"The general is really awesome!"


The world of Kamen Rider Armor.

Inside the gathering place of the hip-hop group "Team.Baron".

Qi Wen Jiedou was wearing a Western-style vest and a red shirt underneath. She has half-length burgundy and black hair. Comb your hair to the left and let it fly.

He sat on the chair and played with the clock in his hand.

He looked so miserable in the video, and Kamen Rider Kaiwu, or Kuzuye Kota, was stealing the show, which made him very uncomfortable.

Win the lock, the key.

Why didn't he get it.

There are also golden fruits....

Almost all of this was occupied by Ge Ye Hongtai.

Even Kuzuye Hongtae obtained the divine power of the golden fruit.

Is the gap between him and Ge Ye Hongtai really that big?

The answer is no.

"The difference between me and Kuzu Ye Hongtai is the lock species and the ultimate key."

"If I can get these two things, I can become as powerful as Kuzuye Hongtae!"

He stood up suddenly.

The members of "Team. Baron" were all secretly discussing the video of Qi Wen Jie Dou being beaten by Bai Ya Pang, and Qi Wen Jie Dou suddenly stood up.

It startled them.

They thought they were found out about their joke about expelling Wen Jiedou.

Shut your mouth quickly.

But he saw Qi Wen Jiedou turning around and leaving.

Chapter 319: One ride is worth a thousand! Kamen Rider Kaimu Katsuki's form appears for the first time!

"As long as I have the Ji Key, I can obtain part of the power of God!"

"DJ Sagara!"

After Qu Wen Jiedou left, he went to find someone.

That is DJ Sagara.

Want to get the ultimate key from him.

inside the meal.

Xiangraku was sitting opposite Qiwen Jiedou. He was wearing a sports headband on his forehead and a pair of sunglasses hanging above the sports headband, looking carefree.

The eyes are small, the bridge of the nose is high and the corners of the mouth are highly curved. It looked like he was smiling.

There was a glass of ice water in front of each of them. The ice inside the cup was melting rapidly, and some water droplets had accumulated on the outer wall of the glass. When the ice cubes melt smaller, they fall down and hit other ice cubes on the water, making a crisp sound.

Sagara spoke.

"Do you think I'll give it to you?"

Sagara had a teasing smile on his face.

"If you don't give it, then I will have a way to make you hand over the key!"

Qi Wen Jie Dou took out the Zhan Ji Drive.

"I don't like to be forced. However, after watching the video, do you think I am an ordinary person? Are you so confident that you can defeat me?"

"Whether you are an alien or a human, you will know if you can beat him or not as long as you beat him once!"

Qi Wen Jie is arrogant and arrogant.


Qi Wen Jiedou wanted to fight him.

He was not interested in fighting with the Expelling Mark Ring.

What's more.

He also had no reason to fight with Qi Wen Jie Dou.

Originally, he wanted to come and listen to what Qi Wen Jiedou had to say.

However, the content is no different from others.

There was no reason for him to stay.

Sagara's body slowly became transparent and then disappeared.

Qi Wen Jiedou stood up suddenly.

Looking at this scene in shock.

Although he had seen Xiangle disappear like this in the video light curtain, the shock of seeing it with his own eyes was still great.


the other side.

World Tree Group.

After watching the video, Takatora Kureshima had a general understanding of Kuzuya Kota's character.

"Perhaps we can draw him into the World Tree Group."

His purpose is to eliminate the encroaching species in the underworld forest of Helm.

There is no conflict with Kuzu Ye Hongtai’s philosophy.

Maybe we can cooperate.

Takatora Kureshima thought so.

He contacted Ge Ye Hongtai directly.


got rejected.

Ge Yehongtai refused without hesitation.

At this time, Kuzu Ye Hongtai was in the limelight in the hip-hop group. How could he leave the hip-hop group "Team Kaiwu"?

Takatora Kureshima did not force him.

He just said, "If you change your mind, please contact me. This is my personal phone number."


[Check out the shocking and famous scenes: Attacking the World Tree! One ride is worth a thousand! Kamen Rider Kaimu Katsuki's form appears for the first time! 】


The world of Kamen Rider Armor.

World Tree Group.

Wu Dao Takatora had just finished a phone call with Kuzu Ye Hongtae, and in the blink of an eye, he saw this new title appearing on the video light screen.

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