Kureshima Takatora;...

"Attack the World Tree?"


Wu Daoguihu's eyelids jumped.

Just now I thought there was no conflict of interest between them, so they shouldn't be able to fight.

The title came up in the blink of an eye.

This was a hard slap in the face.

Kureshima Takatora suddenly became ill.

Can I still withdraw the invitation just now?


The world of the execution girl's way of survival.

The train wheels collided with the track, making a "click-click" sound.

After Meno finished dealing with the robbers in these carriages, he returned to the carriage where Lantern was.

Momo, who is a candidate for a priest, put together the scriptures, tied the hair ropes on both sides of the ponytail, climbed up on the roof of the car, and planned to go to the machine room to check the situation and deal with the robbers in the machine room.


Momo climbed on the roof of the car and saw someone.

The strong wind blew Momo's two ponytails and skirt.

There was a person standing on the roof of the car.

The man's back was turned to Momo.

Notice the noise.

The man turned his head.

"This is really a lovely guest."

"You are 'Knight Ji', Your Highness Yasuna...that's right."

The smile disappeared from Momo's face.

Even the eyes lost their smile.

Her long golden hair was flying and her face was stained with the bright red blood of others. Her Royal Highness, holding a big sword, smiled condescendingly and said, "Yes, I am Yasuna Grisaliga."

"The second identity of a princess and one of the knights..."

The corners of Her Royal Highness's mouth suddenly became wider.

"I am still the daughter of a king who was tried for heresy by your church."

The battle between the two is about to begin.

Yasuna had just dealt with the robbers and watched the last Kamen Rider Armor video.

At this time her blood was boiling.

She was also curious about the new video title.

But except for Kamen Rider Kaiwu, the rest can't understand.

There will still be some time before the video is played.

She just wanted to find someone to fight with.

Momo just appeared.

The battle between the two is about to break out.

The two people fighting had no idea what was happening in the car.

Meno wanted to go back to the carriage where Lantern was, but a certain gangster swallowed the red stone of the original color.

The red stone of the original color is a taboo weapon that can be used to sacrifice one's own body and refine weapons to kill people.

The original color of Red·Carapace Knight is born! !

The two struggled.

The train's braking device was damaged by the sword of the original red carapace knight.

"not good!"

"The train's braking device is damaged. Next, it will be impossible to stop the train. The worst thing is that it may collide with the train in front!"

Meno didn't expect the situation to get this bad.

There are many people in the car!

"We must deal with the Carapace Knight first and then stop the train!!"


The world of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.

Tanjiro repeats Nintaki Sakonji's instructions every day.

However, it was still impossible to cut through the huge stone.

He fell to the ground exhausted again.

Extremely discouraged.

"I, can't I?"

"Will Nezuko stay in that state and die?"

Nezuko has been in a coma for more than half a year.

Didn't wake up even once.


"I can't admit defeat!"

"Come on!! I have to come on!"

At this time, the video light curtain suddenly popped up.

He looked at the title with a confused look on his face.

world Tree?

He knows what it means to ride a horse like a thousand.

But what is the World Tree?

"Could it be that Kamen Rider Kaiwu wants to attack a place called 'World Tree' alone? One person against a thousand people?"

"So powerful!"

Tanjiro was very envious.

"If I can become as powerful as Kaiwu, then I can avenge my mother and the others! I can pass the teacher's test, cut this huge stone, and participate in the 'final selection'!"

"No! I have to come on, I have to come on!!"

Tanjiro stood up again.

Hit your head against a rock.

Shouted loudly.

Give yourself some encouragement.

"It's so noisy!"

A roar came.

Tanjiro's eyes widened.

He looked up and saw a person sitting on the stone, wearing a fox mask and a yellow and green rhombus checkered feather fabric.

Chapter 320: The first appearance of the winning form! Under fire siege!

"If you're a man, don't yell. It's really embarrassing." Qiang Tu said.

Tanjiro looked confused.

When did it appear?

no taste.

"If you are a man, if you are a man, no matter how hard it is, how painful it is, just hold on to me."

Qiantu slowly floated down from the stone.

Tanjiro was shocked!

Can fly? !

Usagi fights Tanjiro with a wooden stick.

However, in a few moments, Qio Usagi kicked Tanjiro to the ground.

"Sluggish, weak, unfamiliar."

"You are not a man at all."

Qiantu said without mercy.

"What do you want to do suddenly?"

Tanjiro shouted.

The voice was angry.

Called suddenly.

"I also wanted to ask what you are doing and how long do you plan to sit on the ground?"

Tanjiro realized that he was still sitting on the ground at Souto's words, and he stood up.

"Okay, let the horses come over."

Qiantu said to him.

"But... you are holding a wooden sword, and mine is a real sword." Tanjiro hesitated.

If he accidentally cuts off the opponent's wooden sword, he may injure the opponent.

Qiang Tu couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

The smile made Tanjiro look confused.

He had no idea what he said to make the other person laugh so much.

Qiantu was the first to attack.

"Don't dare to take it, don't take it!! This is really thanks to your concern! So you thought you could let me get hurt?"

"Don't worry."

"I'm stronger than you, because I can split rocks!"

Usagi began to attack Tanjiro violently.

"In the days that follow, I will let you use your flesh and blood to firmly remember all, all, all the secrets taught to you by Teacher Lintaki, and let them be rooted in your bone marrow!"

Qiangtu’s teaching routine begins...


The video light curtain continues to play!

The title fades away.

Kamen Rider Kaiwu transforms into the orange armor form and rides the Dandelion Voyager.

The Dandelion Voyager is a suspended flying motorcycle whose body is mainly made of silver, dark yellow and black.

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