He controlled the Dandelion Navigator and flew above the World Tree Group, intending to attack the World Tree Group.

The weapons outside the World Tree fired red lasers, shooting at Kamen Rider Armor and Dandelion Voyager. The lasers are densely packed and overwhelming.

Kamen Rider Kaiwu controlled Dandelion Voyager and dodged in the air.



The Dandelion Navigator was shot in the rear, sparks erupted, and the hoverbike instantly lost control and fell down amid blazing fireworks. And Kamen Rider Kaiwu also fell down.

Kamen Rider Kaiwu took out the victory lock and placed it in the Zhanji drive.


Press the lock, push the blade of the Zhanji driver, and the Zhanji lock will open.


A circular zipper appeared in the air. The zipper pulled and made a zipper sound. Along with the passage to the underworld of Helm opened, the Shengxu Armor emerged from the passage and flew to Kamen Rider Kaiwu's head, bursting out like bursts of golden particles. With the light, the Katsuko Armor was equipped on Kamen Rider Kaiwu's body.

His whole body shone with golden light, and he descended vertically towards the headquarters of the World Tree at high speed. Then he fell, his feet colliding with the rooftop of the World Tree and making a loud noise. He landed firmly.

【KachidokiArms! 】

The winning form appears for the first time!

The overall strength of the armor in the form of Katsuko is increased, and the defensive properties of the heavy armor are reached to the extreme. The "Katsuko flag" on his shoulders can be used as a staff weapon.

Countless shadow guards riding Dandelion Voyager appeared.

The Black Shadow Guards are the defenders of the World Tree and are also responsible for eradicating the encroaching species in the underworld forest of Helm.

The purpose of their appearance this time is to repel the intruders!

Or arrest the culprit!

The cannon installed on the front of the Dandelion Voyager was fired, and the gunfire attacked Kamen Rider Kaiwu. However, Kamen Rider Kaiwu did not dodge and allowed the gunfire to attack him.

Artillery fire bombarded Kamen Rider Kaiwu and around him.

The cement on the surrounding ground was splashed.

The intensive artillery fire brought huge impact and made Kamen Rider Kaiwu take a few steps back.

The smoke and dust from the artillery fire just rose up, covering the Kamen Rider's armor.


Countless barrages appeared on the video light screen.

"I think I've seen the winning form before."

"Before fighting Demxiu and transforming into a general for the first time, Kaiwu transformed once."

"I just seemed to be able to see a corner of the World Tree Group. Are there so many weapons outside the World Tree Group? It's really scary."

"Besieged by so many shadow guards, will Kaiwu be okay?"

"When attacked by such powerful firepower, why didn't Kaiwu hide?"

"Isn't this flying motorcycle called the Dandelion Navigator too advanced? It can actually fly in the air."

"Surrounded by so much firepower, is Kaiwu going to cool down?"


The world of Kamen Rider Armor.

World Tree Group.

Inside the office.

Kurejima Takatora looked at Kamen Rider Kaiwu in the video, his face looked like he had eaten shit.

He also wanted to recruit Kamen Rider Kaiwu, but the next second Kamen Rider Kaiwu stabbed him in the back.

"Kamen Rider Armor..."

He backhandedly blacklisted Kamen Rider Kaiwu and Kuzuye Kota.

The guy who attacks Yggdrasil, no matter how powerful.

Neither can be forgiven.

It’s even more unavailable!


Inside the school.

Mitsuomi Kureshima is in class.

The teacher above was giving a lecture, but Kureshima Mitsumi’s attention was entirely focused on the video at the moment.

"Brother Hongtai is so awesome!"

"But attacking the World Tree Group..."

His brother Kureshima Takatora is a member of the World Tree Group...

Although he doesn't have very good feelings towards Kureto Takatora, and he doesn't like Kureshima Takatora to control his life, the strength of the World Tree Group cannot be denied.

The power of the World Tree is beyond the ability of others to resist. However, Kuzu Ye Hongtai wants to declare war on Yggdrasil.

"What will be the final result..."

Will you lose...or will you win?

Mitsumi Kureshima focuses almost all of his attention on the video light curtain.

Compared with Wu Dao Takatora's World Tree, he is more willing to stand on the side of Kuzuye Hongta.


"I declare war on Yggdrasil!?"

Ge Yehongtai stood up with shock on his face.

He didn't expect that he would declare war on World Tree.

"Such recklessness really looks like Hongtai's character."

Gao Siwu sat opposite Ge Yehongtai.

Drinking a drink.

"But why did Hongtai attack World Tree?"

Ge Ye Hongtai was also confused.

"Why should I attack World Tree..."

"That...I don't know why now..."

Gao Siwu frowned.

"There are so many shadow guards in World Tree and they have so many advanced weapons. Is Hongtai their opponent..."

Ge Yehongtai lacked confidence, "In the future, I can transform into a general and defeat Jade... I should be able to win, right? Probably?"

Chapter 321: Match Rope Big Orange DJ Gun with full firepower!

"Huntai, really, you in the future can't be as reckless as you are in the video."

Gao Siwu showed worry, "I don't want anything to happen to Hongtai..."

The power of the World Tree is obvious to all. The Zhan Ji Drive was developed by World Tree. She felt that there was no benefit in fighting against World Tree.

Ge Ye Hongtai listened to Gao Siwu's advice and smiled optimistically.

"Xiao Wu, don't worry, I won't do such stupid things."

He has nothing to do, attack the World Tree Group.

Kuzuye Hongtai glanced at himself transformed into Kamen Rider Kaiwu in the video, and thought to himself: My future self is really strange. Why attack World Tree? I should have nothing to do with such a big consortium.


The world of Kamen Rider Akita.

In the kitchen of Professor Misugi's home.

Shoichi Tsugami was wearing an apron and standing in front of the kitchen counter, pickling fresh vegetables just picked from the garden.

He looked at the pickled fresh green vegetables on the plate and felt particularly good.

"The pickled vegetables will be particularly crisp and delicious. Professor, Zhenyu, Taiyi and others will definitely like them very much."

"Compared to fighting, cooking is indeed more reassuring."

Tsugami Shoichi sighed.

He looked up at the video screen in front of him.

The Kamen Rider Kaiwu inside the video light curtain is being besieged by the shadow guards guarding the World Tree.

The black shadow guards controlled the Dandelion Voyager, and fierce firepower continued to fall on Kamen Rider Kaiwu.

The weird thing is.

Kamen Rider can't dodge.

It was as if he had been frightened out of his wits.

"It's really strange...Based on the previous battles, he should be able to dodge or use cover to resist these attacks. Why is he so motionless as a target?"

"It's really strange..."

Tsugami Shoichi couldn't understand the operation of Kamen Rider's armor.

"However, that Dandelion Voyager is really handsome. I think I want a Dandelion Voyager."

"And Kamen Rider Kaiwu, is he really okay?"


The world of Shen Yong.

"Holy~Holy!! Armor and weapons are all ready!"

Listede suddenly pushed open the door of Ryuguin Seiya's room.


The sword was unsheathed and pressed against Lista's neck.

The sharp sword blade was only a few centimeters away from Listeda's neck.


The pile of armor and weapons in Listede's hands all fell to the ground.


She looked at the sharp blade and her voice trembled.

Ryuguin Seiya had no expression on his face.

Take back the sword.

"Knock on the door next time you come in."

"Because I don't know if a monster broke in suddenly."

"Seiya is going too far! Saying that people are monsters or something, and this is the God Realm, how can there be monsters!"

Ryuguin Seiya ignored Listede, squatted down, and put away all the armor and weapons on the ground.

"Holy Lord, I specially prepared these for you. I'm afraid you won't have enough, so I specially prepared five or six sets of weapons and armor. How about it?"

Lista's grievance disappeared, and she looked at Ryuguin Seiya expectantly.

He looked like he was begging for praise.

Ryuguin Seiya glanced at her.

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