"Yeah, not bad."

"It would be better if there were more spares."

Lista looked happy.

"So, can we go to Ge'a Brandy?"

"Not yet."

Ryuguin Seiya's words made Lista's face fall down.

"We have weapons and armor, what else is missing?"

"Holy lord, you are too cautious!"

"We're just going to Novice Village!"

Longgongyuan Shengzai didn’t answer.

He looked at the video screen in front of him.

Listede followed his line of sight and saw countless black shadow guards surrounding Kamen Rider Armor.

Ryuuguin Seiya put his hand on his chin and looked thoughtful, "If I am besieged by countless demon king's army subordinates, my strength may not be enough, so I have to become stronger. At least I can escape alone."

Lista:! !

"Holy, what about me?"

Ryuguin Seiya glanced at this useless goddess.

"If we use it as bait, we might be able to delay it for a while."

“That’s too much!!”

Lista was greatly shocked.

"You are a goddess, you won't die."

Ryuguin Seiya seems to be really planning to use Lista as bait when he encounters danger.


The scene continues!

The dust and smoke gradually dispersed.

The figure of Kamen Rider Kaiwu was revealed again.

He is intact!

The heavy fire attack just now did not cause any damage to his armor!


When people from all over the world saw this scene, they sent barrages one after another.

"It's amazing! The armor in Shengxu's form has too strong defense, yet it can survive such terrifying firepower without getting hurt!"

"Blast the winning form!"

"No wonder Kaiwu doesn't dodge. There's no need to dodge such a stupid attack."

"Just now I thought Kaiwu was scared to death and laughed to death, but it turned out he wasn't scared at all."

"The attacks of these little cannon fodders are simply giving Kaiwu an itch."


Kamen Rider Kaiwu took out the big orange DJ gun with a match rope and turned the turntable on the big orange DJ gun with a match rope. The turntable lit up with green fluorescence.

He raised his gun and shot at the shadow guards on the Dandelion Voyager.


The Dandelion Navigator on the far left exploded directly, and the shadow guard above was also affected!

The orange-red flame was burning brightly.

Kamen Rider Kaiwu kept shooting.

Dandelion Voyagers exploded.

Then, with black smoke rising, he fell vertically.

The black shadow guard controlled the Dandelion Voyager to dodge Kamen Rider Kaiwu's big orange DJ gun with a match rope, and at the same time, shot Kamen Rider Kaiwu with the gun on the car.

The bullet landed on Kamen Rider Kaibu's armor and exploded with sparks.

However, this did not cause any damage to the Kamen Rider Armor at all.

Kamen Rider Kaiwu continued to turn the turntable on the big orange DJ gun. The turntable lit up with green and yellow fluorescence, and then he adjusted the button threshold for firepower output to a higher level.

Take your time and do this.

He raised his gun and shot at the dandelion sailors flying around.

Dandelion Voyager is like a fly, constantly flying around the Kamen Rider Armor.


Dandelion Voyager keeps getting shot and exploded.

The firepower continuously fired by the Dandelion Voyager hit the Kamen Rider Armor, causing sparks to fly and the surrounding concrete floor to be shattered into rubble.

Both sides exchanged firepower.


Kamen Rider Kaiwu didn't receive any damage.

Instead, the Dandelion Voyager kept exploding.

The shadow guards fell down from above the Dandelion Navigator.

At some unknown moment, a fire broke out on the rooftop.

A small orange-red flame burned.

Kamen Rider Armor Match Rope Big Orange DJ Gun is on full fire.

Shoot down all those shadow guards.

Chapter 322: One ride is worth a thousand! Zhanji Lingma said it was impossible!

In the laboratory.

Zhanji Lingma, who was staring at the monitor, made a sound of horror. He suddenly approached the screen monitor, trying to see clearly what was happening on the screen.

【What form is this! ? 】

Senji Reima stared at Kamen Rider Kaiwu who transformed into the form of Katsuko.

His face was full of shock!

This is an armor form he has never seen before!

The surveillance screen is showing the battle between Kamen Rider Kaiwu and the Black Shadow Guards on the rooftop of the World Tree.

The Kamen Rider Kaiwu in the winning form holds a big orange DJ gun with a match rope and shoots continuously.

The bullets shot quickly towards the Dandelion Navigator flying in the air.

Boom! ! !

Dandelion Voyager keeps getting hit.

broke out one after another.

Make a loud explosion sound.

The Shadow Guard falls off the exploding Dandelion Voyager!


【Locked species that I don’t know about! 】

[Unknown changing form! 】

[Impossible, this is impossible! 】

Zhanji Lingma didn't want to believe that this was the truth.

He invented the Zhan Ji Drive.

Most of the bell-locking fruits are in the hands of the World Tree Consortium.

Why are there locked species and changing forms that they don't recognize!


[Why don’t you just listen to me? 】

Kureshima Mitsumi, who was standing next to Zhan Ji Reima, had a slightly gloomy expression.


Kamen Rider Kaiwu once again moved the turntable sprinkled with the big orange DJ gun of match rope, and the horn of the Warring States Period sounded. He turned the fire mode, then raised the gun and fired.

A huge ball of fire shoots out of the big orange DJ gun!

The blazing flames hit the Dandelion Voyager.


The flames are raging!


The flames almost cover the entire video light curtain!

All the shadow guards riding Dandelion Navigators in the sky were shot down.

The shadow guards holding "Shadow Pine", a spear-shaped weapon, came from the stairs to the rooftop.

They aimed "Shadow Pine" at Kamen Rider Kaiwu.


Kamen Rider Kaiwu pulled out the two victory flags on his back shoulders.

Easily resist their "shadow pine".

He slammed the Shengxu flag into the belly of one of the shadow guards.

With great force.

The opponent was knocked away directly!

Two more shadow guards attacked.

They held up "Shadow Pine."

Attack left and right!

The Kamen Rider Armor used the victory flag to resist. Under the huge force, the black shadow guard leaned back.

He took the opportunity to squat down.

Sweep the victory flag heavily on their legs.

The two shadow guards jumped into the air and flew up.

The Kamen Rider Armor hit the abdomen of the two shadow guards with the bottom of the victory flag.

The huge force caused the two shadow guards to scream and hit the ground heavily.

Passed out!

He stood up.

He picked up the victory flag and launched an attack on the shadow guards.

The victory flag hit the opponent's head hard.

There was a loud banging noise.

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