"Unexpectedly, he is actually a robot. But if he is a robot, you can understand why he is so smart."


"You shouldn't be thinking about this, you should be thinking about why the two of us turned against each other..."

Wu Daoguihu thought hard and couldn't figure it out.


In the laboratory.

Zhanji Lingma looked calm.

He held his chin with his hand and said to himself, "The me inside is a robot... Could it be that my future self made a robot using myself as a template?"

"But why should my robot deal with Guihu?".

Chapter 325 The final battle! Kamen Rider Kaibu VS Kamen Rider Baron!

Zhanji Lingma couldn't figure out the cause and effect.

He simply stopped thinking about the problem.

Continue to design new drives.

The drive of the robot Lingma just brought him great inspiration.

"It turns out it can be designed like this..."

"This design is indeed a lot more convenient... it may be able to greatly increase the strength of the armor..."

He began immersing himself in the design of the Genesis Drive.


The world of Kamen Rider Den-O.

Inside the time train DenLiner.

"This Kamen Rider Duke doesn't look like much. If I were here, I could kill him with one sword."

Taotaros looks like the best in the world of labor and management.

"If you say so, you might be shot right through by the opponent's arrow." Putaros glanced at him and exposed his bragging without mercy.

"Do you want to fight, huh!?"

"If you want to fight, I will accompany you!"

Quintalus crossed his arms.

A sense of déjà vu that is as stable as a mountain.

"The one called Kamen Rider Zangetsu, I want to compete with him."

"Stupid bear, they are not from the same world as us. Even if you want to fight with others, you can't."

While Purtalus and Taotaros were arguing, they did not forget to reply to Kintalus.

Quintaros was silent for a moment.

Then he said, "Since I can't compete with the strong people in that world, then I will find the strong people in this world."

He walked towards Ryotaro Nogami.


Ryotaro Nogami was about to say something, but before he could finish speaking, he was possessed by Kintalus. His hair seemed to be dyed blonde, and the color of his eyes also turned golden.

He walked straight out of the train.

"Oops! That stupid bear is really looking for a fight!"

Purtalus immediately realized that he had gotten into trouble.

"Stupid bear! Stop! I'm coming too!"

Taotaros gave chase.

"It's really lively."

The tram conductor watched this scene silently.

At this time, the flight attendant Naomi brought over the fried rice with a flag in the center.

"Trammaster, this is your fried rice."

The conductor tied a napkin around his collar, picked up a spoon, and started the game of "Eat the fried rice before the flag falls."


Kamen Rider Kuuga Minecraft.

"Knights killing each other...why do they do this?"

Godai Yusuke didn't understand.

It is clear that the eroding species in the underworld forest of Mingmingheim continue to invade reality, and the real world is threatened. They can invent drives and transform into knights. However, instead of using the drives to deal with the corrosive species, they used the drives to transform into knights and kill each other. He really didn't understand why these people did this.

"Sure enough, people have different ideas." Godai Yusuke muttered.

"Yusuke, help me, that customer ordered a cup of coffee!"

shouted the shop owner.


Yusuke Godai got busy.


In a world where tutors are reborn.

last night.

Sawada Tsunayoshi and others encountered Balian led by XANXUS. The ninth generation brought pardon and decided to hold a battle for the ring. The guardians of both sides will compete, and the winner will be able to obtain the ring.

However, Sawada Tsunayoshi didn't want those rings at all, let alone become the Judaiime.

He suffered.

"Why does Dad have to have a ring? If they want a ring, can't we just give it to them?"

"Do you think Iemitsu asked you to participate in the ring competition to resist XANXUS?"

"Iemitsu insists on the ring competition because he believes that you are the best candidate for the tenth generation."

Reborn wakes up Sawada Tsunayoshi.


Sawada Tsunayoshi was not in the mood to listen to the lecture at all.

His mind was entirely on the ring match that was to take place that evening.

The video light curtain plays the video.

He diverted his attention forcefully.

Finally, at the end of the video, the robot battler Reima lost.

The end is death.

"Am I going to die?"

XANXUS is a group of people who are not easy to mess with at first glance.

He originally wanted to divert his attention, but the more he watched the video, the more panicked he became...

Night falls.

They meet at school.

XANXUS and others are already waiting for them on the rooftop.

Two women who claimed to be members of the Nine-Generation Chief Index Chevero Organization appeared and they were the referees of the game.

And the first contestant.

They are two guardians of the sun.


[Check out the shocking and famous scenes: the final battle! Kamen Rider Kaibu VS Kamen Rider Baron! 】


The new video title appears on the video light screen.

Everyone in the world has seen this video title.

"The final battle?"

"Kaiwu and Baron? Didn't Kaiwu save Baron earlier? How could the two of them turn against each other? Are they still fighting?"

"Baron was beaten to a pulp by Bai Ya before, and Kaiwu can transform into a general. How could he be Kaiwu's opponent?"

"I think baron will definitely be tortured by Kaiwu!"


"I think so!"

"Just stop fighting and let Baron admit defeat."

"What if, what if Baron's strength increases and he can be on par with Kaiwu?"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. If it is possible, I, Taotaros, will accept Baron as my father!"

"Purtalus! You guy, don't use my name in vain!"

"I'm Taotaros. I'm not talking about one person. I'm talking about everyone here. We are all Lese."

"Damn it! Purtalus, you guy! I told you not to use my name indiscriminately!"


Barrage messages kept popping up on the video light screen, and these dense barrage messages almost covered up the light screen.

Inside the "team.Baron" dance group base.

Looking at these barrage, Qi Wen Jiedou couldn't help but tighten the lock seed in his hand.

His fingers made a clicking sound.

When the other members of the dance troupe heard this voice, they couldn't help but look in his direction.

They all saw the remarks on the video light screen.

In fact, they also believed that the Kamen Rider Kaito was no match for Kamen Rider Kaiwu.

"Let's go... let's go out."

"I'm going out too."

The members of the dance troupe left the base one after another.

They were afraid of being affected by Xul Wen Jie Dou's anger.

Qi Wen Jie Dou doesn't understand.

Why is that guy Sagara able to give Kuzuha Kota the key, but not the key to him?

If he can obtain the Ultimate Key, his strength will definitely not be inferior to Jiawu!

"Isn't there a way to become stronger?"


The scene continues!

The title on the video light screen gradually fades away.

Kuzu Ye Hongtai appears.

He was wearing a black shirt jacket with gray short-sleeves underneath. He raised his hand upwards, and the sky opened several cracks leading to the underworld of Helm. Countless aliens fell from these dense cracks.

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