Ge Yehongtai walked forward.

The aliens followed.


"There's something wrong with this Kuzu Ye Hongtai!"

"Why can he open a passage to the underworld of Helm and summon aliens?"

"Those foreigners did not attack him and seemed to obey his orders.".

Chapter 326: The good-for-nothing goddess joins pig teammates!

"Sure enough, Kuzuye Hongtai has mastered the power of the golden fruit?"

"In other words, he became an overlord?"

"Becoming a god? This is the first time I have seen a human become a god. However, it seems that I was also a human in my last life?"

"Having the power to summon and control people from foreign lands, such power can indeed be called a god."

"Too weak. These foreigners plus Kuzuye Hongtai, I can destroy them with one finger."

"Who was in the previous barrage? His tone was so arrogant."

"That is the God of Destruction in the Dragon Ball world."

"The God of Destruction? The one who destroyed a planet with a snap of his fingers? Boss, I can't afford to offend him, I don't dare to offend him..."


The world of Shen Yong.

"It's been another week and the buzzer hasn't gone off."

Listeda sat on the chair, her whole body seemed to be wilted.

Her cheeks grew thinner.



The buzzer of the goddess figurine placed on the table sounded.

Alya on the side reminded, "Lista, it's ringing."

Listede ran towards Ryuguin Seiya’s room.


She looks like a zombie.

The moment he saw Ryuguin Seiya, he immediately regained his energy.

Ryuguin Seiya is already fully equipped.

He looked at the goddess.

Can't help but be silent.

He took another look at Kuzu Ye Hongtai inside the video screen.

It was obvious that Ge Ye Hongtai could only control part of the divine power, but the other party seemed so powerful.

And this is the real goddess, why...

As expected, we cannot rely on this good-for-nothing goddess...

Lista looked at Ryuguin Seiya's personal data panel and was shocked when she saw it.

Level changed from level 1 to 15.

HP from 385 to 2485.

MP from 197 to 1114.

Attack power ranges from 124 to 533.


Lista was dazzled by the astonishing data.

Her eyes widened.

Just exercising your muscles can actually improve you by so many levels!

"The equipment is sufficient."

Ryuguin Seiya said.

"That's enough, then let's set off for Gea Brandy!"

Listeda said impatiently.

She opens the door to another world.

A dazzling light rose up.

A golden ornate door appeared in front of them.

They step into it.

Went to Gea Brandy.

After staying in the town for some time, they left the town and killed the monsters.

The first thing I encountered was slime!


The huge sword energy slashed out and struck hard at the low-level monster slime. The slime dissipated, leaving scorched black marks on the ground and sending out bursts of white smoke.


"It's just a slime!! You've gone too far!!!"

Listadette shouted in shock.

"not enough!"

"Maybe he's still alive!"

Ryuguin Seiya continues to use his ultimate move.

Hell’s Fire! !

The blazing flames crushed where the slime was just now. then...


Seeing that Ryuguin Seiya was about to use his ultimate move to whip the zombie slime again, she quickly stopped him.

"I told you that the slime is gone!!!!"


After stopping Ryuguin Seiya from whipping the corpse, Lista said, "Let's go to the new town quickly!"

"Information from the Great Goddess tells me that your companions are waiting for you there..."

She didn't finish her sentence.

The terrifying evil aura is coming!

"Really shocking swordsmanship."

"First time we meet, I am one of the four kings of the Demon King's Army - Kaios Makina."


Dragon Ball World.

Beerus, the God of Destruction, lay on his side on the stone bed, supporting his head with one hand and eating an apple with the other hand.

"With such strength, I dare to call him a god."


Beerus sneered at the power of Kuzuha Kota within the video light screen.

"Lord Beerus, as a human being, Kota Kuzuba can be considered very powerful to have such power. After all, the power of their knight world is different from the power system of our world. By the way, Sir Beerus, during this time, you Have you gained some weight?"

Whis stood next to Beerus with his staff in hand.

Beerus was shocked when he heard this.

He glanced down at his belly and pinched his face.

"Then, let's go exercise."

Beerus disappeared instantly.

"Lord Beerus is really anxious."

Weiss leaned his staff on the ground, and he disappeared.

When they appear again, they appear in the universe.

There were five or six planets in front of them.

"So, which planet will Lord Beerus destroy this time?" Weiss asked.

Beerus raised a finger indifferently.

"Just wipe them all out."

A large amount of power began to gather in his hands. This power continued to gather and compress, turning into a golden ball of light the size of a fingertip.

"call out!!"

The golden ball of light flew out, turned into a stream of light, and then dispersed into several beams of light, shooting towards all the planets in front of it.


All these planets exploded.

In the dark universe, they are like extremely brilliant fireworks.


A world that offers blessings to a better world.


Fighting monsters.

Their mission today is to defeat the giant frog monster.

"Darkness, go lure that frog monster away, Megumin, prepare to explode with magic!"

Sato Kazuma ordered.

"Kazuma, what about me?"

Aqua came up and asked.

Kazuma glanced at this good-for-nothing goddess and said, "Just stay there."

"It's too much! Kazuma is too much!"

Darkness went to lure away the giant frog monster.


An accident happened.

Darkness is going to be swallowed! !

"I asked you to lure it away, why did you get swallowed!!!"

Kazuma carried his sword and went to rescue Darkness.


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