Darkness, who was about to be swallowed by the giant frog monster, was extremely excited and her face flushed.

"I'm going to be swallowed up..."

"It's so painful, so uncomfortable, my body is sticky..."


He almost forgot that this guy was a pervert! !

"Kazuma...Kazuma, it's not good!! Look there!!"

Aqua suddenly pointed in the direction of the horizon and saw two more giant frog monsters appearing.

"You are responsible for dealing with them!"

"Eh? Me?"

Aqua's momentum suddenly weakened, "It's too much for Kazuma to let a girl deal with such a huge monster."


Kazuma suddenly stopped attacking the giant frog monster in front of him that was devouring Darkness, and gave Aqua a thumbs up, "Don't forget, you are the goddess of water."

"Yes, I am the goddess of water. These two frogs are easy for me to deal with!"

Aqua rushed towards the two giant frogs.


There's no after that.

"Why were you swallowed too!!!"

When Kazuma looked at it, veins suddenly popped out on his forehead.

"Kazuma~~Help!! I'm going to be swallowed, it's slimy, so disgusting... ugh..." the good-for-nothing goddess asked him for help.

"Megumin! How are you preparing the explosion magic..."

Kazuma looked at the only hope.

This sight made his blood pressure surge.

Megumin was also swallowed.

Being slowly swallowed by the frog.

Kazuma could only carry the sword in his hand to rescue these three people.

He was very fortunate that the giant frog monster could not move while it was devouring its prey.

Chapter 327 Knight Showdown! The showdown between aliens!

After the mission was completed, they handed over the task and went to the tavern.

In the video light curtain, Kuzuye Hongtai waved his hand to summon the aliens and fell into Kazuma's eyes.

Kazuma took another look at the good-for-nothing goddess who was drinking like crazy.

"Kudzu Ye Hongtai, who has even a hint of divine power, is so powerful."

"Why is the goddess Aqua so useless?"

"Sure enough, I shouldn't have chosen this good-for-nothing goddess in the first place..."

He Zhen regretted, "It was the goddess Eris who was responsible for guiding me at the beginning, and I would not choose to fall into hard mode at the beginning..."


Video continues!

Ge Yehongtai walked forward.

He closed his eyes.

Gao Siwu appeared before his eyes.

Gao Siwu had long golden hair scattered on his shoulders and was wearing a white dress. She seemed to be waiting for him in front.

【I will pick you up. A dance. 】

【I won’t keep you waiting long. 】

Ge Yehongtai opened his eyes.

His eyes were firm.

In front of him was Qi Wen Jie Dou.

Behind Qi Wen Jiedou there is an army of aliens of the same size as Kuzuye Hongtai. You can see the enhanced body of the blue dragon alien flying in the sky, and the huge enhanced body of the deer alien.

[Sure enough, you will get in my way in the end. 】

【Kudzu Ye Hongtai! 】

[Jie Dou...What exactly do you want to do? 】

[I want to use my own hands to create a world that is absolutely impossible for today’s humans! 】

【what are you saying? 】Ge Ye Hongtai didn't understand the meaning of Quwen Jiedou at all.

[It is a world where the weak will not be trampled on. 】

【No one desires the power to abuse others. 】

[Let this brand new life spread throughout the planet. 】

[Together with Ah Wu, use the golden fruit. 】

[Are you saying that this is not possible in today’s world? 】Ge Ye Hongtai’s brows furrowed.

[In this era, the stronger people are, they will bully the weak. 】

When Qi Wen Jiedou said these words, he couldn't help but recall things from his childhood. The family's company was acquired by the World Tree Foundation. Such a world is a world of "the weak and the strong". What he wants to create is a world of equality without "persecution".

[There are still powerful beings in this world that protect the weak...] Kuzuye Hongtai argued.

[All these people are dead! There is no difference between you and those who are still alive today. 】

[Then I can only defeat you to prove that I am right! 】

Ge Yehongtai took out the lock seed.

Qi Wen Jiedou also took out the lock seed.

He opened the lock seed and it lit up.

【Banana! 】

He loaded the lock seed into the Zhanji drive, pushed the knife, and the lock clock burst out with a dazzling lemon-colored light.

【LockOn! 】

Ge Yehongtai also opened the locked seeds.

【Orange! 】

He loaded the lock seed into the Zhanji drive, pressed the lock seed, and pushed the blade of the Zhanji drive.

【LockOn! 】

Armor fell from the sky and was equipped on the two men.

【BananaArms! 】

【OrangeArms! 】

The armor on both of them erupted with juice-like liquid, and then, the armor was completed!

Kamen Rider Baron rushed forward with a banana spear in hand.

Kamen Rider's armor transformation is completed, wearing orange armor.

【Ikebana OnStage! 】

He rushed forward with a big orange pill in hand.

The spear and the big orange ball met, and sparks flew everywhere.

As the two of them staggered and rolled to the ground, after getting up, the battle between knights VS knights, aliens VS aliens, officially kicked off!

The two were fighting, and Kamen Rider Kaiwu was kicked away by Kamen Rider Baron with a banana spear. He rolled to the side and knocked away the table and chairs next to him.

Kamen Rider Kaiwu got up and faced Kamen Rider Baron's banana spear. There was a clanging sound and sparks flew everywhere.

Their battle is a collision between weapons and weapons, a collision between strength and strength.

Neither of them used their ultimate move.

After Kamen Rider Baron shot Kamen Rider Kaiwu in the abdomen, and Kamen Rider Kaiwu's armor sparks flew, Kamen Rider Kaiwu jumped on a motorcycle. And Kamen Rider Baron also jumped on a motorcycle.

They drove motorcycles, kept pace with each other, and slashed with weapons.

There is an obstacle ahead.

The two of them operated the locomotive.

Jump over obstacles.

Then he jumped up high.

Face to face collision.

Kamen Rider Kaibu's Ouchimaru struck Kamen Rider Baron's chest first, and sparks exploded. Kamen Rider Baron's weapon fell out of his hand, and he also broke away from the motorcycle.

Flying in the air, Kamen Rider Baron took out the "Dandel Voyager Lock Seed".

Press the lock bell.

Dandelion Voyager appears.

He sat on top of the Dandelion Voyager, drove the Dandelion Voyager, and chased Kamen Rider Kaiwu.

Whoosh, whoosh...

He fired the light bomb from the front of the car and attacked Kamen Rider Kaiwu. Kamen Rider Kaiwu dodges on his motorcycle. The attack failed, and the light hit the ground. A hole as big as a fist appeared on the ground, and bursts of white smoke came out.

As Kamen Rider Kaiwu drove along, the enhanced form of Deer Stranger appeared and stopped in front of him.

I saw the deer alien's enhanced body hit Kamen Rider Kaiwu fiercely. However, Kamen Rider Kaiwu suddenly turned the front of the car and avoided the blow. Hit the ground hard, an explosion sounded, and blazing flames burned!

Kamen Rider Kaiwu turned the car and drove in the other direction.

Kamen Rider Baron, who was sitting on the Dandelion Voyager, continued to fire light bombs at Kamen Rider Armor.

The light bombs failed one after another.

Shot down to the ground behind the locomotive.

White smoke billows from the ground.

After Kamen Rider Kaiwu drove for a certain distance, he turned the front of the car again and drove in the direction of Kamen Rider Baron.

I heard a loud roar and struggled to lift the front of the car.

The whole locomotive jumped up!

Crash towards the Dandelion Navigator flying in the sky.

However, the Dandelion Navigator crashed into the locomotive, causing huge sparks.

Kamen Rider Kaiwu flew backwards.

The motorcycle fell down.

The Kamen Rider Kaimu falling in the air pressed the Dandelion Navigator's locking seed and threw it out.

Dandelion Voyager appears!

He landed on top of the Dandelion Navigator.

Before he could start driving, Kamen Rider Baron controlled the Dandelion Navigator and fired a light bullet at him. The light bullet hit Kamen Rider's armored Dandelion Navigator and splashed sparks.

next moment.

Kamen Rider Kaiwu controlled the Dandelion Navigator under him and flew forward.

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