Kamen Rider Baron chases after him.

Photo bombs are continuously fired from the front of Kamen Rider Baron's Dandelion Voyager.

Kamen Rider Kaiwu dodged.

When the two were fighting fiercely in the air, you could see flames burning and the ground shattering. The aliens belonging to both sides fought with each other.

The two of them flew into the building.

The light of photobombs appeared from time to time.

The enhanced body of Qinglong Foreigner appears.

Its huge body was flying in the air. Breathing dark blue flames from his mouth, he attacks the Kamen Rider's armor flying in the air.

In the chaotic situation, dark blue flames hit Kamen Rider Kaiwu's back, and Kamen Rider Kaiwu fell off the Dandelion Voyager.

He rolled down on the ground several times before getting up.

Chapter 328 Lord Baron appears!

The enhanced version of the Azure Dragon Foreigner stared covetously at Kamen Rider Kaiwu, while Kamen Rider Baron was driving the Dandelion Voyager, firing light bombs and crashing into him.

Whoosh! !

The light ejected.

The armor that hit Kamen Rider Kaibu.

Sparks burst out.

But Kamen Rider Kaiwu didn't suffer any damage.

Kamen Rider Kaibu raised the big orange pill in his hand in front of Dandelion Navigator and Kamen Rider Baron who were charging towards him. Made a gesture of swinging a knife.

Arms back.


The Dandelion Navigator is about to hit him.

He waved the big orange pill in his hand violently.

"Zi la!!"

The big orange pill in his hand hit the front of the car, and the front of the car collided with the big orange pill, causing sparks to explode. The huge force was transmitted to the front of the car through the big orange pill, causing the Dandelion Navigator to tilt and lose control. And Kamen Rider Baron rushed over from the car.

Kamen Rider Baron fell to the ground and rolled several times before the impact was lost.

The Dandelion Navigator fell behind Baron, in front of the Deer Alien Enhanced Body and the several outsiders from the Brawler, and then, the car exploded!

Boom and explosion!

The ground was shaking.

Huge flames rose up.

All the junior aliens were blown up.

Exciting background music sounded in the video light curtain.

[Confused and uncertain, the future is unclear. 】

[The green and astringent fruits will recede without breaking out. 】

【Every time I exceed my limit, uneasiness arises in my heart. 】

[Where will I go and what will I lose? 】

[I can’t go back to the past, I can’t stop. 】

【I can only win until the end. 】

[The strongest power in the world, after being released from its confinement. 】

[Ambition keeps burning, long-cherished wish that cannot be realized. 】

【Power EscalationWOW. 】

The enhanced body of the Azure Dragon Foreigner opened its bloody mouth and spit out blue flames. The flames hit Kamen Rider's armor! Kamen Rider Kaiwu held his hands above his head, and the hot flames burned the armor and his body. He let out a scream.

The blazing blue flames covered his figure.

next moment.

The strong power tore through the blue flames, and the power emitted bursts of golden light. The figure of Kamen Rider Kaiwu appears.

【JimberLemon! 】

Kamen Rider Armor appears wearing jet black lemon armor!

The enhanced body of the Azure Dragon Foreigner opened its huge mouth, and the blue flames in its mouth were brewing again.

Kamen Rider Kaibu raised the sonic bow in his hand.

Pull the bowstring.

The bowstring was pulled into a crescent shape, and the orange-yellow energy gathered into an arrow.

The orange energy continues to gather and compress.

He loosened the string.

The arrow turned into an orange-yellow meteor and shot towards the enhanced body of the Azure Dragon Foreigner, and the blue flames from the mouth of the enhanced body of the Azure Dragon Foreigner also happened to be shot out.

The blue flames collided with the arrows.

The arrow instantly shot through the blue flames and hit the enhanced body of the Azure Dragon Foreigner. The terrifying power on the arrow exploded directly, and orange-red flames rose up, wave after wave.

When Kamen Rider Baron saw this, he took out the Mango Lock Seed. Press the lock seed, put the lock seed into the Zhanji driver, and push down the gate knife.

【LockOn! 】

【ComeOn! 】

【MangoArms! ! 】

【Fight of Hammer! ! ! 】

Kamen Rider Baron, who transformed into Mango Armor, rushed towards Kamen Rider Armor with a mace-shaped weapon called "Mango Punisher".

【drink! ah! 】

Kamen Rider Kaiwu shouted, holding a sonic bow and arrow in his right hand, and rushed towards Kamen Rider Baron.

The two men exchanged weapons.

Sparks flew.

The exciting background music sounded again.

[Now we have the strongest power. 】

【What kind of world will be reflected in front of my eyes. 】

[Every time I break through my eyes, I control my power every time. 】

【Extreme Escalation. 】

During the music, Kamen Rider Baron was fighting with Kamen Rider Kaiwu. After fighting for several times, Kamen Rider Kaiwu kicked him away and rolled to the ground. Even the "Mango Punisher" in his hand was thrown aside.

At this moment.

A wild boar alien covered in red appears behind Kamen Rider Baron. It has sharp red fangs and a pair of huge blue-white horns on its head.

This is the alien summoned by Kamen Rider Baron.

It rushes in the direction of Kamen Rider Baron, coming to support Kamen Rider Baron.

Kamen Rider Kaiwu took out the victory lock, pressed the lock seed, and put it into the battle pole drive. Then push the knife. The opened victory lock exploded layer by layer, with power fluctuations like water ripples.

【Kachidoki! 】

【KachidokiArms! 】

The armor on Kamen Rider's armor turned into light particles and disappeared, and the passage to the underworld of Heim opened above. The Katsuko armor quickly landed and was armed on his body. Golden light enveloped him, and then the light exploded like liquid.

He raised the big orange DJ gun with a matchlock in his hand and aimed it at the boar alien.

The huge body of the wild boar alien rushed towards him. Its four feet stepped on the ground, making a loud noise. The ground shook faintly, and the dust all around was splashed up.

It roared and jumped up.

The huge body was crushing towards the Kamen Rider Armor.

Kamen Rider Kaiwu half-knelt on the ground, leaned back, and then raised the big orange DJ gun with a matchlock.


A huge fireball was fired from the big orange DJ gun with a match rope and impacted on the body of the wild boar alien. The wild boar alien was knocked away by the powerful fireball and fell to the ground.

Raging flames enveloped it.

Then, it exploded.

No bones remain.

Kamen Rider Baron roared and rushed towards Kamen Rider Kaiwu. He opened his hands and let out a low roar. Countless vines wrapped around his body, and his body erupted with a dazzling golden light.

The vines spread and Lord Balon appears!

Lord Baron held a long sword named "Guro Barisa" and rushed towards the Kamen Rider Armor.

Kamen Rider Kaibu pulled out the victory flag behind him.

Be prepared to fight.

【Kudzu leaves! ! 】

【Quit fighting! ! 】

Kamen Rider's armor holds the victory flag and faces the battle pattern.


Two victory flags resisted "Guro Barissa".

He exerted force on his hands.

Knocking Lord Balon to the ground.

Lord Baron rolled to the ground, knocking over the chairs and tables next to him.

[Jie Dou, have you gained nothing but sadness and despair? 】

[Is your anger all you have? 】

Lord Baron asked as he battled Kamen Rider Gaimuben in his Katsu form.

【Yes! 】

[A world where the weak suffer. 】

【I hate a world where there is no other way but to become stronger! 】

【Now I will get the power to destroy all this! 】

【As long as I surpass you! 】

Lord Baron kicked Kamen Rider Kaiwu. Kamen Rider Kaiwu was kicked away, hit the wall behind him hard, and then fell down.

Lord Balon took advantage of this and rushed over.

Kamen Rider Kaiwu instantly got up and took out the Ji Key.


【LockOpen! 】

Several armors appeared.

Rotating around the Kamen Rider Armor.

Form a defensive barrier.

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